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Capítulo 31: Treacherous Force

As soon as Melissa said go, Izuku felt every fiber of his body tighten up and launch itself forward as he took the first step. The wind hit Izuku's face as he now ran across the water, his green lightning striking the water as he zoomed past.

Hatsume was in front of the USJ looking at the tablet she got from the Hut. It was actually a tracker, "How are you tracking them when they are moving so fast?" Asked Momo.

"Midoriya gives off a specific energy signature when he runs. All I have to do is find that signature and I can track him from anywhere." Explained Hatsume. "They are coming around now."

The class looked up to see a flash of green and red lightning past them. "That was just 2 minutes! How fast are they moving!?" asked Mineta.

Momo thought about it, "If it's taking them 2 minutes to go around the earth then that means they are traveling about 750,000 mph."

"That's amazing!" Said Uraraka. "And look, it seems Midoriya is able to keep up."

That's when Hatsume got worried, 'He's keeping up for now. But Melissa is much faster, she's just toying with him.'

Making their second lap around the earth Izuku still was right behind Melissa. "So how does it feel Izuku? To have the wind blow past your face? To be able to cut loose and really run." Said Melissa.

Izuku couldn't help but smile, "Honestly, it feels amazing. But that doesn't matter right now, I'm going to win this race and get my dad out of prison."

Melissa then turned around and began to run backwards, while not losing speed. "Well it's good to know that you're actually trying. Unfortunately, I can't say the same thing for myself. This is just a light jog for me."

Izuku raised an eyebrow, "You're bluffing."

Melissa smirked, "Wait and see." turning the two went back to running around the earth. After a while it was now down to 10 laps and with each passing lap Izuku was getting faster. Even Hatsume couldn't believe how fast he was going, but at the 5th lap things started to change. For one thing Melissa stopped. Izuku saw this and looked back as she left his sight.

As he ran Izuku began to wonder what she was doing, 'What is she planning?'

Hatsume too was confused, the tablet showed that Melissa had stopped, "What does this mean?"

But Izuku kept going, he needed to win, he looped around and with 4 laps left he now came around to see Melissa still standing there. This went on for another two laps, and with the final two laps coming up Izuku began to think he had won. "This is it! I'm going to get my dad out of prison!"

Melissa smirked as she saw Izuku's lightning spark past her, "Alright, I think I've given him enough hope. Time to shatter it."

However as he ran a loud boom was heard behind him, looking back Izuku could see the red glow of lightning coming over the horizon. Speeding up beside him was Melissa, "It's over Melissa, I've won." said Izuku.

Melissa smiled, "Is that what you think Izuku? Let me ask you something, did you really believe you have a chance?" Asked Melissa in a condescending voice.

"I'm clearly ahead of you so yes." Said Izuku.

"That's where you are wrong Izuku. Do you know what is the one emotion that really hurts us? It isn't fear, that you can overcome. It's not sadness, that you can get over. What really hurts is despair, once you are in its hands there is little you can do but fall deeper into that hole of emptiness. That is what I'm going to do to you Izuku. Now watch as your hope and dreams shatter right before your eyes." With a loud KRAKOM! Melissa took off at speeds that even Izuku had a hard time following.

Within a matter of seconds Melissa went around the earth twice and tied the laps. Izuku was shocked, "N-No…"

"Don't you see Izuku, this whole race, it was nothing but a trap. I made you believe that you had a chance." Mocked Melissa.

"B-But the other me, they had to be as fast as you." Said Izuku.

Melissa smirked, "True they were, but that Izuku had years of experience behind him. While you, you are just beginning to understand your speed."

Izuku hung his head, "No, I won't give up! I have to keep moving forward!"

But as they both circled the earth, and with one lap left Melissa was done with this. "It's been fun Izuku, but I think it's about time we finish this. I'll see you at the USJ, I'll tell your friends goodbye for you." With a loud boom! Melissa took off, leaving Izuku behind.

Izuku tried to reach out for Melissa but it was far too late. In a matter of seconds Melissa will finish the race and all of Izuku's friends and family would be dead. And there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

Back at the USJ Hatsume's grip on the tablet began to tighten as she saw Melissa's beacon pull away, "It's over. Izuku's going to lose…."

Bakugo, who had crutches gritted his teeth, "It can't end like this. Everyone get ready! We got another villain coming!"

The students quickly got into a fighting stance, "Will we even be able to touch her?" Asked Uraraka.

"I-I don't know...but we have to try." Said Jiro.

Hatsume then looked down at the tablet and noticed Melissa had done it, she had completed the 50 laps. "She won." Melissa then changed directions and made a b-line toward the USJ. "Incoming! North side!"

The class turned toward the north to find the sky lit up with red lightning. Fear now struck into the hearts of the students as with each passing moment the lights would get brighter. "Come on Midoriya, we still need you."

With Izuku, knowing that it was all over he closed his eyes. "Bakugo, Uraraka, Hatsume….I'm so sorry. I just wasn't fast enough…"

However as Izuku sulked someone's voice echoed into his mind and uttered a single word in an echoey distorted voice. "RUN!"

Suddenly Izuku could feel his heart rate shoot up as power coursed through his body. "I have to run faster!" Turning, he made his way halfway around the world and towards the USJ faster than he had ever gone before.

At the USJ, the class didn't even have time to react when Melissa ran in between them and stopped in front of Hatsume. Her glowing red eyes scared the support course student that she fell over, "Sorry about this Mei, you were a good person to everyone in the class, even me. In the future I never had any friends so I never knew what that felt like. In many ways however, you've shown me what it's like to have a friend." With a horrified look on her face Hatsume watched as Melissa raised her hand and began to vibrate it at supersonic speeds. "Forgive me...but you're already dead to me."

Melissa then thrusted her hand down towards Hatsume's chest as the class all ran at her in slow motion. But just as she was about to kill Hatsume, Melissa heard a loud boom. She turned to look at what made the sound but only managed to see Izuku with his fist pulled back for a split second. Running by her, Izuku managed to hit Melissa across the face. The hit knocked her back meters but she still was up right, "What the hell was that!?" she yelled as Izuku disappeared.

The class was surprised as well they didn't see Izuku, but they saw his green lightning trailing behind him. Still regaining her composure after the hit Melissa once again heard a loud boom, coming from the same direction as the first time. But this time she wouldn't let Izuku catch her off guard, this time she got ready. With a loud BOOM, Izuku appeared in Melissa's vision, "There you are!"

She then ran at him but as she took five steps Izuku's fist appeared in front of her. Melissa's eyes widened as Izuku got another hit in, and once again disappeared. This time the hit was enough to force Melissa to one knee, looking up she had blood running down her nose. "No, it's not possible! How does he have access to it!? He shouldn't have it for another couple of years!" groaned Melissa as she stood up. Only to be knocked back once again by a green streak of lightning.

The class watched as a green light slammed into Melissa over and over again, "Is that Midoriya?" asked Uraraka.

Bakugo was stunned, "I think? Hatsume?"

Looking at her tablet Hatsume watched as the tracker showed Izuku running around the earth in a split second and increasing in speed. "It's him, but he's running so fast the tracker isn't working right." She then looked up to see Melissa with her costume ripped in various places. "Does he plan on killing her!?"

With one final punch Izuku sent Melissa flying, causing her to slide to a stop on her back and slamming against the USJ itself. Going around the world once more Izuku stopped in front of Melissa, his eyes burning green, lightning jumping off of him, and his entire body vibrating.

Melissa tried to get up but was stopped when Izuku kicked her back down, he then began to fire a barrage of punches. Each hit sparked lightning as they crashed into Melissa's body, "THIS IS FOR MY MOM!" yelled Izuku as he punched Melissa in the face.

Now with blood dripping down her face and lips Melissa smiled, which only pissed off Izuku. Raising his hand Izuku began to vibrate it, the class was stunned, he was going to kill her. "Yes that's it, kill me! It's what you want, isn't it? After all, I am the one who killed your mom. Come on let the hatred take over, kill me!" said Melissa, daring Izuku to do it.

That's when Izuku lowered his hand and pointed it directly in front of Melissa's heart. Hatsume's eyes widened, she knew if Izuku killed her then it wouldn't end well for him. But on the other hand she could never understand the rage and hate in his mind right now. He finally had the person who killed his mom, put his dad in prison right in front of him. If Hatsume was in his place would she let the person go?

She was about to take a step forward when All Might appeared along with the other teachers, "Midoriya! Stop, don't kill her!"

Izuku looked at the number one hero, his eyes still burning green with power, "Why should I?"

A cold shiver ran down the spines of everyone present, it wasn't what he said that scared them, it was how he said it that did. In all his years of fighting crime All Might had only heard that tone of speaking from one person… "We can put her in jail, make her testify about what happened that night with your father. I can make sure it never happens again, just calm down."

Hearing that made Izuku lower his hand, but as he did Melissa began to laugh. "Even if your father gets out of prison I won't let you have any semblance of happiness. I would get out, and I would kill him, just like I did to your mother."

That infuriated Izuku, once again vibrating his hand Izuku threw it forward but stopped when he touched her chest. Hatsume was about to say something when Bakugo stopped her, "No, he has to choose for himself."

Hatsume turned to Izuku, "You're right."

"Come on Izuku, do it. Kill me." taunted Melissa.

Gritting his teeth Izuku stopped his hand and grabbed Melissa by the costume, "I want to kill you so badly right now. I want to tear you limb from limb. I want to make you pay for what you've done to me." But much to Melissa's surprise, Izuku let her go. "But that would just make me a killer, like you. Mom wouldn't want that."

All Might breathed a sigh of relief hearing that, "You should already know what she wants." said Melissa.

Izuku was confused at that question, "What?"

Melissa laughed, "Come now Izuku, don't tell me you haven't figured it out yet. The other person, the one in the green lightning, it was you."

Izuku's eyes widened, "Y-You're lying…."

"Am I?" asked Melissa. Izuku was surprised, could Melissa be telling the truth? Seeing a chance Melissa got up and ran at Hatsume. Snapping out of his trance Izuku quickly caught up and caught her fist as she was about to kill Hatsume. "It's like I said Izuku, I won't stop. Even if you put me in jail, I will never stop trying to make your life miserable. I killed your mother, and if given the chance I will kill your father and everyone you hold dear."

That was the final straw, "All Might, you heard that, right?" asked Izuku, as he looked at the floor.

All Might nodded, "I did."

Looking up, Izuku's eyes burned green with power, "Good," Grabbing Melissa by the collar, Izuku began to run.

Hatsume looked down and noticed the speed at which Izuku was going at, "What is he planning?"

With Melissa in front of him Izuku ran with everything he had. "What's the use Izuku! You won't kill me, and I won't stop until you're dead! So what's the plan?" asked Melissa as ashe was now face to face with Izuku.

"I don't know, but all I can do is run!" with that a loud boom echoed throughout the earth as Izuku increased his speed.

That's when Melissa noticed their speed and began to panic, "NO! Don't do it, if you go this fast…"

But Melissa's words didn't reach him, all Izuku could think about was running. Izuku was now moving so fast that it seemed as his body began to stretch as he zoomed by. Melissa tried to break his focus by rapidly punching at his face and even managed to break his nose, but not even that would slow Izuku down.

"Izuku stop!" Yelled Melissa, but in the end Izuku let out a powerful scream as his surroundings began to change, with a loud KRAKOOM!

With Hatsume, she was tracking Izuku when all of a sudden her tablet exploded in her hands. "What happened?" asked Bakugo.

"I-I don't know, there was a sudden energy surge and then nothing…" explained Hatsume.

That's when Izuku appeared in front of everyone, his body pulsating with lightning and power, and Melissa nowhere to be seen. Only her red costume remained in his hands, Izuku looked at the costume and then his class. "G-Guys, I feel kind of...weird…."

The class then watched as Izuku's body began to fade and then disappear leaving nothing behind. "Midoriya!" yelled Hatsume as she reached out to him.

The class stood in silence as they watched their classmate disappear without a trace, "Where is he?" asked Bakugo. No one answered, "Where is he!" Bakugo looked around frantically for his friend but to no avail.

"He-He's gone." Said Mina.

"Then find him!" Yelled Bakugo. "Hey Hatsume, didn't you put a tracker on his suit?"

"I-I did but without the tablet I can't find him…" that's when Hatsume thought of something. "Give me your phone."

Bakugo was confused, "Huh?"

"Just give me your phone!" Ordered Hatsume. Bakugo nodded and reached into his belt where he had his phone and tossed it.

Catching the phone Hatsume began to work, "I can download the schematics from the server at the hut. I may be able to use the maps function on the phone to find him." After messing with the phone Hatsume now had a working tracker.

"Got it! It says Midoriya is…. here?" Hatsume was confused. "The signal is weak and getting weaker but it says he's here...This doesn't make any sense."

The class fanned out to find Izuku, some thought he went invisible or something like that. Hatsume felt around the air hoping that he was there when all of a sudden a portal opened up in front of her with a loud boom.

The class turned to see a light blue portal that seemed to be sucking in Hatsume. "Midoriya! Midoriya!"

From a portal the echoey voice of Izuku was heard. "Hatsume? Wow, you need to see this Hatsume, it's so beautiful here. It's luring me in like some sort of force, a speed force. I have to go now Hatsume, I can see mom on the other side."

"No Midoriya, you can't! Come back!" Reaching deeper into the portal Hatsume felt herself grab something. She then began to pull with all her might, "Come on!"

For a second it seemed as if Hatsume too was going to be pulled in, when all of a sudden Bakugo grabbed Hatsume by her other arm. "Where the hell do you think you're going you damn nerd! I'm not letting you leave so soon! Now get your ass back here!" Said Bakugo as he pulled as well.

Seeing this the entire class joined in and even the teachers. Mineta used his quirk to link each other together, Todoroki used his ice to create a stopper, Momo created mountain climbing hooks and dug them into the ground, and at the end was All Might to make sure everyone was safe.

But even with their combined efforts it took everything to pull Izuku out. First his arm came out, followed by half of his face that was stretched out thanks to the portal but quickly reformed. "Izuku!" Yelled Hatsume, with one final push and fighting against the speed force they managed to pull Izuku free.

Falling Hatsume quickly caught Izuku, "I got you."

With an injured face Izuku spoke in a weak tone, "I-I went too fast. Next time, I won't be able to come back…" With that Izuku fell unconscious in Hatsume's arms.

Hatsume dug her face into Izuku's chest as tears welled up in her eyes. "Izuku. Izuku. Izuku…"

After the incident with the USJ the class was allowed to leave early, thanks to All Might and Izuku there were no injuries. Except for Izuku who had to be hospitalized, but he too quickly healed thanks to Recovery Girl and a bit of accelerated healing.

However Izuku would spend a whole day asleep, it was only until Saturday morning that he woke up. "W-Where am I?" He asked himself.

Izuku tried to get up but found that his hand was locked in place, by Hatsume who was grabbing his hand while asleep.

Smiling, Izuku sighed, "Sorry I made you worry, Hatsume."

"You better be sorry." Said Hatsume awake.

"Hey Hatsume, I'm back." Said Izuku.

Seeing his smile made Hatsume think back to what happened. She had almost lost her best friend, the person she liked to Melissa and that speed force. With tears in her eyes Hatsume hugged Izuku, "You idiot!"

Surprised at first, Izuku let Hatsume let it out for a second before hugging her back. "Hey, it's alright. I'm here."

It took a few minutes for Hatsume to calm down but once she did the doors to the room opened up and in walked Nezu and All Might. "Good to see you awake Midoriya." said Nezu sitting on All Might's shoulders.

Izuku nodded, "Good to be awake, I think I've rested enough."

"Then would you mind if we ask you a few things about what happened?" asked Nezu. Izuku didn't mind, "Good, you can come in now."

The door to the room once again opened up to reveal Naomasa, "Midoriya, it's been too long."

Izuku scoffed, "Not long enough. Whatever, get on with the questions."

Naomasa then asked Izuku about Melissa, his fight, and if everything she said was true. Izuku answered his questions, after several more questions Naomasa only had one more thing to ask, "What happened to Melissa?"

Izuku sighed, "Truthfully, I don't know. When I grabbed her I ran, I was so mad, sad, and scared at the same time. I ran, and just kept running but that's when it happened, as I had Melissa in my grasp my vision changed, it seemed as if I entered a new world. The sky around me turned into space, I could see stars, planets, and whole galaxies. Then I felt it pull me in, Melissa screamed something before she turned into light particles in my hands. Whatever it was I knew it was dangerous so I stopped running, but in that moment of lapse in concentration it pulled me. Before I knew it I was back inside that new place, for some reason I started to run. As I ran I could see a glimpse of my memories, the time I spent with dad, mom, and Kachan. At least that's what I thought I was seeing, but then…." Izuku stopped and clenched his hands.

"What did you see Midoriya?" asked Naomasa.

"I saw my mom, alive. She was sending me off to UA and dad was out of prison going to work." explained Izuku.

Naomasa's eyes widened, "What?"

"I know it sounds crazy but it wasn't just dreams, I could feel it, it was so real." said Izuku. "I was running towards her when someone grabbed me." he then looked at Hatsume. "I don't know what would've happened if she didn't pull me out. But it couldn't have been good."

Nezu looked at Naomasa, "It seems to me like he's gone through alot Naomasa, I think it's best to end the questioning now."

Naomasa agreed, "Right, I got everything I need. Thank you Midoriya." Izuku nodded, "I'll take my leave." Nezu and All Might also followed but as they were about to leave Naomasa stopped, "Oh right, I almost forgot. Your father, we might be able to get him a new trial."

Izuku's eyes widened, "Really!?"

"Yes, and it's thanks to All Might. He said he would personally take the stand as a witness to what Melissa said." Naomasa turned to Izuku and smiled, "Sorry it took so long but it seems like your dad has a real chance of getting out."

Those words made Izuku happy, with tears welling up in his eyes he spoke, "T-Thank you, thank you so much." With that the three of them left the room and left Izuku to be comforted by Hatsume, "Mom, it's finally coming true…"

As Nezu, All Might, and Naomasa walked out the principal turned to the detective. "So, were you able to tell?"

Naomasa shook his head, "No, my quirk didn't work on him either. Something seems to be blocking my quirk. It was the same with his father too. Just what is going on?"

Izuku was soon released from the hospital and allowed to go home. Mitsuki kept doting over him and making sure he was alright. Izuku smiled and assured them he was fine, but Bakugo could see otherwise. Izuku was thinking about something. But every time he would ask Izuku about it, he would dodge the question and say that he was fine.

It was now evening so Izuku decided to meet up with Hatsume in the hut. There he found her working away on another baby, "Hey Hatsume."

Pulling back the welder's mask Hatsume smiled, "Midoriya! What are you doing here? You should be at home resting."

"I know but I just couldn't stop thinking about what happened." Said Izuku.

"Want to talk about it?" Asked Hatsume.

Izuku sighed, "I-I…."

Seeing Izuku like this made Hatsume worried, she then took off her gear and walked towards him. "Come with me." With nothing else said Hatsume grabbed Izuku by the hand and began to drag him along.

Izuku was then taken down the beach and near a bunch of rocks. The two then climbed over them and in the middle they found a lagoon. They then sat down on the sand around the water, "It's been a while since we've been here." Said Izuku.

Hatsume nodded, "It has, we used to come here a lot when we were little. Our little secret from everyone else. So, what's on your mind?"

Izuku took a second to collect his thoughts, "It's just, I've been thinking about what happened with Melissa. When she told me that mom died because of her I was angry. At that moment I wanted to kill her so badly. It would have been so easy."

"But you didn't, why?" Asked Hatsume.

"I don't know." Said Izuku, hanging his head. "I guess it's because of you Hatsume."

"Me?" Asked Hatsume confused.

Izuku nodded, "I saw you looking at me as I was about to kill Melissa. And I saw fear in your eyes, you weren't afraid of Melissa, you were afraid of me. That's when I knew I couldn't go through with it even though I wanted to. I didn't want to become someone you feared. Just the thought of that happening…"

The two of them sat in silence until Hatsume broke it, "You were kind of scary. It was the first time I've seen you so angry."

Izuku laughed, "Yeah…"

"But honestly if you did kill her, I don't think I would have blamed you. To finally have the person you've been looking for after so long, to have the person who took away the things you loved the most. I don't know if I would have done the same. You had every right to do what you did, but I also didn't want to see you like that. So angry, so filled with rage." Explained Hatsume. "And when you disappeared, I thought I'd lost you. I felt that a part of me disappeared as well. I don't want to feel that way ever again."

"And I won't let it happen again. I promise you that. Besides, I liked the way you called me Izuku." Said Izuku in a teasing manner.

Hatsume blushed, "Y-You heard that?"

"It was the last thing I heard before I passed out completely." Said Izuku with a smirk on his face.

Hatsume covered her face with her hands, "If only I could go back in time, that was so embarrassing."

Izuku's smile slipped when she said time, "Yeah, too bad you can't. Hey, so…" Now it was Izuku's turn to blush. " can keep calling me Izuku if you want."

Hatsume removed her hands, "Really?"

"Y-Yeah, I don't see why not." Said Izuku. "I think we're close enough."

"Y-Yeah, sooo, anything else you want to get off your chest, Izuku?" Asked Hatsume.

Izuku thought about it, "Just one more thing, it's more of a question. If you could travel back in time to stop this from happening, would you?"

Hatsume thought about it, "Time travel huh, that would be difficult to answer. On one hand it can go how I want to, but on the other the consequences of messing with time could be catastrophic."

"I see. Anyway we should head back. We start school again tomorrow. You did remember to do your homework right Mei?" Asked Izuku.

Mei looked away and faked whistled, "O-Of course I did…" Izuku looked at Mei with a blank expression on his face. "Okay maybe I didn't, think you can help me?"

Izuku sighed, "Fine, but you should really start doing it by yourself."

After helping Mei with her homework Izuku went home to eat dinner, but as he was leaving Mei stopped him, "Do you think…" Instead of finishing the question, Mei shook her head and just said goodnight to Izuku.

After going home and enjoying dinner Izuku went to find Mitsuki, to which he found in her office, "Hey auntie, you got a minute?" Asked Izuku appearing from the door.

Mitsuki looked up to see Izuku, "Ah Izuku, yeah sure come on in. I was just finishing up some paperwork." Walking in Izuku took a seat in front of her desk. "So what do you need advice on?"

Izuku blinked a couple of times, "How did you know I needed advice?"

Mitsuki smiled, "You only come to me or Mashiro when you need advice. So what's up?"

"Hypothetically, if you could go back in time to prevent something from happening. Would you?" Asked Izuku.

"Hmmm, that's a strange thing to ask but if I had to say...Yes, yes I would." Answered Mitsuki.

"Even if that means things would change drastically?" Asked Izuku.

Mitsuki nodded, "We all have something in our past we'd like to change. Take me for example, I was supposed to meet Inko that day for coffee. But I was running late from work and decided to postpone it. If I'd just went with Inko maybe there could have been something I could have done. Maybe I could have saved her, saved you from years of pain and sadness...but I didn't. I think about that decision almost everyday…."

Izuku has heard that story before, "Mitsuki, it's okay, I know you still blame yourself but don't. If you went that day, you could have died too. And then who would have taken me in? I wouldn't be here to say thank you for letting me into your home. For treating me like I was one of your own kid. I couldn't have asked for a better second mother. And I know for a fact mom is thankful for you too."

That made Mitsuki tear up, "Thank you Izuku, that means a lot coming from you." She then wiped the tears from her face, "Damn, you and Inko always seem to be the only ones able to make me cry."

"Family quirk I guess. I should head to bed, I have school tomorrow." Said Izuku getting up from his seat. "Thank you for this."

Mitsuki nodded, "Of course! I'm always here if you need me."

Izuku went to his room and threw himself onto the bed to lay there staring up at the ceiling. "Could have Melissa been telling the truth? Was the person in the green lightning really me? If that's true, then, then that means time travel is possible. And if it's possible, I can save mom."

He then thought back to the moment just as Melissa was disappearing from his grasp. "Thus isn't the end Izuku! We'll meet each other again, and when I find you, I won't hold back!"

Turning on his side, Izuku thought about the possibilities. "I need to prepare, get faster. But first I should go visit dad after school tomorrow. He'll be thrilled to find out there's a chance of getting him out. Still, never thought All Might would actually testify. Maybe I treated him too harshly, I didn't even thank him."

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