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Capítulo 9: Chapter 9: People like that exist, always asking to be trampled on!

After Virgil finished washing up, he left the bathroom.

He sincerely wished he hadn't spent a night in such an inn.

The reason is simple, he is broke…

Yesterday, after he mentioned that he didn't have any money with him, Lulu magnanimously said that she would cover the fee. The judgmental expression on the innkeeper's face at that moment, how he wished he could find a hole to hide.

Soon after leaving, he saw Lulu and the company all dressed and ready to leave.

Lulu approached him while complaining to him unhappily.

"So slow... why did you have to sleep so much, completely like a pig?"

He just rolled his eyes at her, which by her standards as a former home security guard, is already exceptional. He can sleep until noon before, unlike now where he has to wake up so early.

"Mister Virgil, what do you plan to do after this? I heard from Lulu that you seem to have nowhere to stay…"

What actually happened was that she told Fei Fei that he was a mountain dweller who went out looking for food and got lost. Fei Fei just romanticized it because of him.

"Yes, where do you plan to go after this? Why don't you follow me to my house!

His face changed drastically after hearing that. The hell? Taking me to your house like this, are you a thug trying to get a waifu (A/N: husband in this case)?

Fei Fei, on the other hand, is shocked by her request, this would be the first time she invited someone to her house, wouldn't it?...

He thought deeply. Honestly, he hadn't considered where he would go. He is just a former hikikomori who came to this world for just a month. Even back in his world, he hadn't left much, much less this world where he had no one and nothing to trust.

"I'll check out the mercenary guild, I guess."

He discovered this after thinking for a while. Going along with her is a good alternative, but not to mention how it would be a sponge for someone else (A/N: I'm not sure how to translate it according to the original meaning, the original meaning carries quite a sexist notion, depending on a woman for sustenance, among other things, it is considered "eating soft rice" or being "white face"), the main problem is that he would lose the chance to level up. Leveling up is not just about killing the enemy, but training with someone, unless it's a real battle, he won't gain even a little bit of experience because the system is quite cunning at that...

Furthermore, he would definitely summon some 2d shoujos later, if he remained by her side, a sudden increase in people would probably escape Lulu's radar, but definitely not Fei Fei's.

So, being a mercenary is the best alternative, he can get prizes, level up and also accumulate some points, and it is also very unrestricted.

"Are you planning to be a mercenary?"

Understandably she nodded, given his position with nowhere to go, being a mercenary would be a good choice.

"Wh… why is that, ne, aren't you really going home with me?"

Okay, there's still a protester against this.

She still can't get enough of how mysterious he is. For her, he is a very useful companion to kill time, now that the 'thing' is about to leave, she is somewhat reluctant.

He doesn't know what she's thinking, but he had a feeling that if he followed her, nothing good would come of it!

"Young miss!"

A band of around 100 knights appeared, the leader appears to be a man around the same age as Virgil. Although he is not dressed like Gilgamesh, but his armor is quite sophisticated, the knight's sword on his waist tells him that the sword has more of an aesthetic purpose than a practical one.

Gil: (lv25)

Besides him, the other knights were around level 10+/-, sure their numbers are greater than Lulu's group, but their overall quality is orders of magnitude lower.

He doesn't know why, but when he saw this guy named Gil, he felt trouble brewing.

After the sound of metal and footsteps came Gil. He walked towards Lulu.

"Young miss, the airship preparation is ready, you can leave at any time!"

"Why did you appear here?"

Not satisfied with the material that got in the way of her plans to keep Virgil tied up. His 'beautifully thought out plans' painfully intertwined in his mind were destroyed because of Gil's interruption.

Girl, please, you should save your thoughts to think about what to eat for lunch, it would be more realistic that way….

"Rylu, they are the guards sent by your father to escort you home, I just received this news yesterday…"

Of course Fei Fei has been by her side for a long time, but regarding this particularly hard-headed girl, even she doesn't know what she is thinking sometimes. She doesn't know why Lulu is not happy, so she can only laugh bitterly.

"My father is so… I'm not a child anymore…"

{If I were your father, I would also be worried that a clumsy daughter like you would get lost….}

A certain otaku who had been lost for a month thought in his heart.

Now, Gil is busy sliding his eyes all over Lulu, showing a hint of lust and ecstatic expression every now and then.

Coincidentally, this was noticed by Virgil, who was busy analyzing people using the system's identification.

Curling his lips, even using his knees he could guess what the disgusting man was thinking. Maybe Lulu didn't realize it, but Fei Fei knew it would be like this, she's not showing it, but her eyes looked at him with complete disdain.

{Well, it's none of my business, as long as Fei Fei is with her, nothing could happen. Because she's a level 7 super, not to mention she's a rare magic!}

He only found out about this after hanging out with them for a day.

"Lulu, Sister Fei Fei, I think we split up here."

And so he planned to begin his leveling journey.

"A… wait a second…"

"Who the hell are you! Who gave you the right to call young miss that!"

Gil didn't see Lulu's reaction, but he looked very smug with her frown as she called out to him.

Sighing in his heart, he says that women had better intuition, but men's intuition is no less accurate either, see? He really is here to cause trouble.

Disdaining Gil, he just waved at her before turning and preparing to leave.

Gil was angry, as he was a leading knight of one of the Lori family's knight corps, even level 4 and 5 people didn't dare to harm him. But now a brat without dou qi or magical aura dares to ignore him!


He drew his sword and slashed at his back without using any dou qi.

This unfolded so quickly that even the group, including Fei Fei, didn't have a chance to respond since she didn't expect it. By the time she responded, it was already a little too late.

Virgil, however, had a cold gleam in his eyes.

Who would have thought that just because he called Lulu and ignored him, he would draw his sword. Judging by the wind behind him, it appears the blow was delivered with the intent to kill.

This guy, even if he used his dou qi, it would only be that of a level 25. Being a level 18, the difference is one level. However, that doesn't mean he's at his mercy, he challenged a level 2 at level 15. So what if it's level 7, who's afraid of who?

Right now, the opponent is not using dou qi and against the one who possesses 'Kendo Master', this is simply digging his own grave!

Just in the nick of time before Gil's sword reached him, he grabbed his sword and with a flash of light, blood flowed.


A pitiful scream caught the attention of many, once they looked, they all held their breath.

What they saw was a screaming Gil who had his hands cut off at the wrist. The arm holding the sword disappeared, blood flowed incessantly, crying non-stop, he held his hands and rolled on the ground.

"Virgil, are you okay?"

Lulu rushed to his side, worried and with feelings of guilt inside her. His own people drew his sword and almost killed him. How could this not have made a kind little girl like her feel guilty?

Despite only knowing her for a few days, he can already guess with great certainty what she is thinking. He just gently tapped his head with a lightly tapped sensation inside him.

More or less, it's just a few days, although it's not her fault that she still cares more about him than her own people, it proves that this little girl is really a friend.

"How can I get hurt, but I think Lulu, your family's people don't really know how to train your people…"

Saying that, her face showed no sign of placing the blame on her. It's actually Gil's fault, not hers.

"Sir-... I'm sorry..."

Rubbing her forehead, she said with a completely sad face.

Fei Fei was relieved by this scene, it seems that he doesn't blame her for what happened. Otherwise, with Lulu's personality she would probably be traumatized for the rest of her life.

"Sir, I'm sorry about what happened, let's deal with this matter properly."

She said with a stern face. In fact, she was planning to deal with this plague sooner or later, she just needed a suitable excuse to do so, and an excuse she has now.

He just nodded, he didn't really care about that. If it was him from before, and not just cutting off people's hands, he wouldn't even dare to hurt another person's hair.

After massacring monsters within the forest, he has more or less hardened his mental fortitude; if the opponent came to him with the intention of killing him, then he will respond in kind without hesitation.

So by that logic, not killing this idiot is already a very good thing.

And from this experience, as the opponent has animosity and fought a battle with him, he managed to reach level 20 reaching level 3. Such a simple battle, one can predict what he felt inside, very good.

Looking at the taciturn Lulu with her head down because she couldn't look him in the eyes, he just caressed her head.

"Cheer up Lulu. I won't hold a grudge against you for this, so stop blaming yourself."

"Did you really mean that?"

She looked at him with a dejected face.

Helplessly, he nodded, only then did she start to smile again.

"Well, I'm going now, if there's a chance, I'll come find you." Taking two steps back, he sheathed his sword.

"I guess... Okay, but you must be a man of your words, understand?"

She gave him her address, albeit reluctantly.

Nodding happily at her and Fei Fei, he walked towards the mercenary guild.

And about Gil, maa, according to the flow of the story, he is completely irrelevant now…

(End of chapter)


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Friday : 9 chapters of IJWTLALL + 3 chapters of USS;

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