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Capítulo 2: / Chapter 02: Family Time \

/ Author's Note: Another chapter, be advised that this one contains r18 moments. I hope you appreciate the work I did on this one. Comment and give stones. \


The day had gone by uneventfully, except for our protagonist's return.


After a brief conversation with both his father and mother inside the manor's solar, Arkar chose to retire for the rest of the day, spending a couple of hours inside his old room for a well-deserved rest, having ridden non-stop atop his dragon Bahamut, all the way from the capital city of the freehold, straight home.

Afterward, his father Argon, spent the remaining hours until dinner, reviewing and working his way on the family's business, be it about their vast lands, countless slaves or even their so esteemed dragons. The documents he worked on and with approached every single topic about everything the Belaerys family had a hold on, nothing was left out.

Meanwhile, his wife Daena, Arkar's mother and Jaenara, Arkar's sister, enjoyed the sun and some refreshments outside of the manor, eagerly awaiting dinner time while talking about diverse topics, wishing to reunite with their deeply missed relative again.

And so, as the hours passed rather quickly, dinner time neared the corner, and fortunately, we were now about to witness it happening in the best of ways.

Ride Along!



/ Arkar, 1st Person Pov | Night-time, Same Day \

*Knock* *Knock*

The sound of knocking on my bedchamber doors forces me to open my eyes with slight disorientation, taking me a second to adjust my bearings before trying to get up from my resting position.

A few moments pass, and a distant voice rechecks inside my chamber through the still-locked heavy metal doors, one I recognize belongs to my Dragon's Guard Commander. (A/N: I remembered when writing this chapter, that Valyrians used to build their diverse purposes buildings with metal as one of the main materials, alongside dragon fire and all of that. It made Valyria's houses kind of have a metallic touch to them.)

"My Lord, forgive me for the interruption, but a servant of your lord father is here, claiming that it is time for my Lord to go dine alongside your family." The Commander named Theon, spoke from the other side of the door, his distant and weak voice reaching me easily, even with the considerable distance between where I was lying and the door.

With a small groan of frustration and a push of strength, I manage to take a seated position on the end of the comfortable mattress, taking my hands onto my head as I lightly massage my face.


Now supporting the currently heavy weight of my still dizzy head with both of my hands, I direct my voice outside to not worry my commander about my well-being, in case I took too long to answer.

"I understand." I manage to speak out with a still-tired yawn before I do it again. "I shall be outside in a few moments, Commander."

Faced with my confirmation, a few seconds go by without an answer before my Commander's hoarse voice sounds out again. "Understood, my Lord."

With the wake-up call I needed, I got up and slowly walked to the grand bathroom my bedchamber has, deciding to wash myself before going down to dine alongside my family. Having slept for at least five to six hours, gaining the rest I so much needed, I was bound to wash right after, and so without much thought behind it, that's exactly what I did as I passed by a large window that showcased the starry night sky up in the... well, — sky.


After working on my hygiene for but a few moments, deeming my appearance ready for whatever one would deem enough for a family dinner, I walk out through the bedchamber doors, supporting a long and luxurious red and yellow robe befit of a royal member, proudly wearing the chosen colors that match my family's banner, which is the yellow dragon head on a red field.

Giving a simple nod towards my commander and the elite knight of my Dragon's Guard accompanied by a simple and curt command: "Follow." I take to the corridor, making my way towards the manor's eating Hall with slow, yet strongly authoritarian steps, passing various servants(A/N: Slaves.) who bow their heads in submission whenever I pass them.

"Tell me Commander, any news about our little nest?" I asked him with a subtle look, trying to see if he understood the meaning behind my scripted words.

The elite knight at my right shoulder's side straightened his back, understanding the serious and dangerous dialogue that was ensuing. My Commander, on the other hand, acknowledges my question with a simple answer.

"Yes." He starts with a minute nod of obedience, "Currently underworks, thirty-seven are in works with Captain Montero."

As he finishes his critical summary of how my little nest is doing, I show him a rare smile of a person who gets the results that they want.

"Very good, indeed." I then look forward once again, resuming my path and cautious eyes ahead of me. "Keep me informed, but be subtle about it." To which my Commander simply nods in understanding. "Certainly, Your Highness." He finishes his part with a smirk of defiance, to which I just take a pointed look in his direction, allowing a small smirk to grace my features as well. "Not you too, bastard!" I told him with an amused tone, as it seemed all of my high-ranking Knights were set to make fun of me for my little secret games outside of the Freehold.

It seemed that I was giving the lot, an easy time, so I guess it's time to double their daily training as well.

The look on my face must have given away some of my intent, as my right-tailing elite knight gave away a groan of distaste for his Commander's actions. "I swear that personality of yours will be our death, my Commander." He lamented with a slight, playful slump of his armored shoulders.

My Commander only laughed lightly at it, and I remained walking ahead of them with an amused expression gracing my face, which quickly disappeared once we neared the more busy corridors leading to the dining hall.

"That's quite enough jokes for today, gentleman." I told them both with a serious tone, making them straighten their backs at the same time.

Their only answer was their silence.

And I accepted that well with a content sigh, reaching the guarded doors that lead to the hall.

"Lord Arkar." The commanding knight that stood guard saluted me with a steady voice, before knocking two times on the heavy door to let the harrold inside know that I was currently entering.


"Now entering, the Lord Arkar Belaerys, Council Member Of The Freehold's Ruling Families and Rider Of The Cripping Death, Bahamut."

▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ A few moments later:

Dinner was served on a long table made out of black marble, with rich platters filled with all kinds of foods that one could imagine.

My father sits at the end of the long and beautiful table, while my mother and sister sit to his left side. That leaves me alone on the right side, as always has been for me.

With the table now full of dishes that the servants have brought, there is almost no space for me to relax my arms. Something that does not matter that much to me, but still caughts my attention.

It seems my family really wanted to celebrate my return home, even if in ways ever so simple.

With light smiles and shared looks full with familiar love, we begin to eat our fill before the food gets cold. Warm dishes of fish and meat, wines of great taste and a few desserts like the strawberry tart that the head chef so well makes, were some of the delicacies I will try tonight, before we made any dialogue besides some small talk here and there.

And as such a comfortable silence stretched out until it ended, right when I was about to take the last bite of my sweet tart, my mother took the initiative to speak first, with a small clique of her now empty wine cup, to garner our attention.

"Tell us, son, how has it been, taking over for your father back on the council?" She asked with a sweet and content voice, her smile ever so present and her eyes twinkling in my direction with the maternal love I had so much missed.

Faced with the sudden, but not unexpected question, I finish the last bite of my dessert before answering her back.

The small silence filled the room as everyone present remained with eyes fixed on me, awaiting my response.

The servants had been previously sent away by my father's subtle wave of a hand and so, only me and my family were now present in the dining hall.

With a soft smile towards my sweet mother, I simply let out a chuckle at the mention of taking over the high position that my father had traded with me on the council. As thanks to that, I now stand on equal footing with the other two major families of the freehold in terms of respect and word's weight.

Something I can bet my family's entire riches that my Father doesn't regret doing at all, the cunning bastard. Enjoying his reform before he was supposed to, while giving me all the work.

However, I did not mind it, as it gives me leverage to work on things that I secretly intend to do with the power that came with such prestige and connections, such as the "nest" I mentioned before dinner, with my Commander.

"All has been well in the council Mother, besides the greed-filled old dragonlords, nothing of importance has been going on lately." I told my mother in a reciprocate tone of familiar love, managing not to sound as cold and cautious as my voice usually sounds when I deal with my soldiers and those dragonlords vultures.

Mother smiled at my answer, satisfied to know that nothing out of the ordinary has been going on with me near those council bastards.

"Good." She says, but before any of us can manage to continue with the simple and calm topics of the current conversation, my sister suddenly has the great idea of spilling some secret stuff that had been going on between me and some council members — well, not much of a secret actually, but my mother didn't know about it, though I am sure if Father knew, he always did.

"Well, that's not what I heard, last time I checked brother had gotten himself into a duel with the second most powerful family of the council, mother." Jaenara tells my mother with an amused look present in her eyes, smirking at me in a childish manner that would've made me chuckle aloud, were it not for my mother's sudden gaze falling upon me with great pressure.

I gulped in regret like a kid all again, throwing my sister a pointed look that promised raw and harsh revenge before locking eyes with my worried mother. All the while my father simply watched on with a curious observant look.

"Arkar?!" My mother's worried voice cut deep inside me, as she pressed on with her frowning expression. "What's this all about?"

Faced with her pressing question, I relented in a warm and caring tone of voice: "Nothing of importance Mother, just a fair and non-important duel between two dragonlords." I told her, and though she didn't notice the half-truth I sent her way, my father did, changing the subject ever so slightly.

"Matters not dear." He spoke to my mother, before addressing me, "What matters is that our dearly missed son is finally home! Those pesky and unruly kids can kill themselves by facing Bahamut for all I care, ahahaha!" He laughed loudly when proclaiming his mind on the matter, making my mother and sister groan at his overly loud laugh.

"Aye." I followed suit, trying to soothe my mother's worried state, giving my sister a pointed look yet again. And to my unsurprising disbelief, she simply peaked her tongue at me in a teasing manner, earning a revenge-filled look from me, and a pointed intervention from my father: "Manners, Jae." To which my sister "stumbled" on her act, recovering quickly and trying to appear dignified all the while.

I warmly snorted at her, enjoying my small banter with her, all the while near my so much-missed family.


Dinner quickly ended after that, with small talk here and there. Servants now poured inside to tend to my parents whatever wishes, and me and my sister simply took to lose ourselves in between our shared looks, the world around us disappearing silently while we did so.

Our desire for each other reignited with a newfound strength as the night was growing even darker, and with the small "goodbyes" of a good night, we parted ways toward each of our rooms with a last parting look between us.

Time passed as if a dragon flew by, and soon I found myself at my sister's bedchamber doors, getting myself face to face with two knights I knew were in the palm of my Dragon's Guard Commander's hands. With a simple nod, they both nodded back and let me enter the chambers, before closing the doors as if nothing had happened.

My personal Dragon's Guard hab been left to guard my room, avoiding me getting caught by someone or some needless rumor.


Entering the wide chamber, I caught sight of Jaenara lying on her white mattress, a luxurious nightgown hugging her soft yet alluring body.

She looked at me and smiled, getting on her knees on the bed, and facing my direction with a love-filled gaze. "Brother..." She muttered with a barely contained voice, as she stood knees deep on the mattress ends waiting for my approach.

I slowly and silently walk near her, my long silvery hair glowing softly on the light-filled rays of tonight's moon that the window let in.

My eyes were focused on hers, and my right hand caressed her face softly, feeling her slightly shiver under my sudden touch.

Then suddenly, her eyes go wide in expiration as I bring my face close to hers, my hand going down to her neck, squizzing it gently.

My lips met hers with a raw passion that I couldn't even begin to describe in this heated moment, and I soon found myself pinning my sister on the white and soft feather filled mattress.

Holding both her hands above her head as I stood kneeling atop her slender body, I leaned down, kissing her neck slowly, but eagerly.

Her whole body shivered at the warm sensation of my kiss on her cold neck, and I let my free hand roam her body as I so much crave.

Every single detail, every single curve and cranny. I roamed and squeezed them all while looking into her teary eyes of purple.

"A-Arkar..." She muttered my name in such a melodious way that my spine even slightly trembled in desire and raw pleasure, and so I couldn't take it anymore and started my carnal dance with her.

"Tonight you are mine, and only mine." I spoke to her with a groan, near her ear, grazing it lightly with a small bite. "Aren't I always yours?" She asked me back with a dreamy gaze, and I couldn't help but chuckle softly, before answering her with a love-filed tone of voice: "Always."


Her expression was more and more lewd by the minute, as her skin took on a darker red shade. Her teary eyes trembled with that same raw desire that I also carry, and my hands got to work by slowly opening her nightgown.

All of her beauty lay before me raw and waiting to be devoured, yet I choose to let my eyes wander on all that is hers, before reaching her pleading eyes by the end.

"Please take me, Arkar!" She helplessly begged me with a weak and barely contained moaning voice.

Faced with her begging, I slowly threw my clothes onto the floor and soon found myself kissing my sister with a never-before-seen passion, gently kneading her small yet heavenly soft breasts with one hand, while the other nears her soft lower pink lips.

Her skin shivered below my touch, and I slowly inserted one finger inside her as I kept kissing her. Never was our gaze broken apart from each other, and by now her tears of desire and lust were overflowing, sliding by the side of her precious and beautiful face.

I broke the kiss first, smiling at her while our foreheads stood in contact with each other.

My now two fingers inside her kept moving in different patterns all the time, now soaked with her flowing womanly juices and I couldn't help but smirk at her.

"Seems like a bad~, bad girl is ready for some punishment, huh?" I teased her, remembering her playful "attacks" during dinner, though to my pleasant, surprised mind, Jaenara simply brought her face up, near mine, and kissed my mouth savagely.

Our tongues intertwined, and our shared lust only increased by the second we remained at it. "Shut up, and take me, bastard!" She groaned during our kiss, tears streaming down her face freely and I felt myself losing my rationality even more than before.


Pressing my sister down onto the soft mattress below us, one hand gently on her neck, pinning her down, and the other raising her left leg high in the hair, much to my sister's embarrassment, I finally ask her:

"Then I shall do as thy maiden begs of me, no?" I proceed to smirk at her flustered state, and waste no time in entering her with newfound vigor and strength, surely rocking her entire world inside her mind.

The bed creaked in response to my sudden movement, and Jaenara's breasts swayed wildly from side to side. Her head was thrown backward, and a primal moan escaped her lips as she tried to stop her voice from coming out, pressing both her hands on her mouth.

However, it made no difference whatsoever, as I grabbed her arms by the wrists and pinned them above her head once again, pressing against her and coming back to press harder than the trust before.

She moaned and moaned, her voice coming out like a sweet melody to my ears, as I groaned in response to the pleasure I was giving and feeling.

"B-brot-ther...!" She screamed as her eyes were starting to roll backward, "M-more!!" She kept begging me though, and so I gave her what she wanted, turning her around after briefly stopping our carnal dance for a mere second.

Now, with her back facing toward me, I simply let my body fall and press itself on her own, pressuring her entire body during such actions.

This, as I kept thrusting inside her, in and out, made her reception of pleasure much higher, as I lovingly grabbed both her hands all the while pressing down inside her with savage strength.

We both were sweating like crazy and were it not for her moans, I would have surely lasted longer than this. But her alluring and sweet voice only added to the pleasure I kept feeling, and so I came inside her with a final thrust and manly groan of pleasure.

"A-RKARRR!" She screamed my name louder than before with a tired and alluring voice, and I couldn't help but feel so — fucking — satisfied, that all I did was remain inside her, even as I let myself fall onto the sweat-filled mattress bringing my sister with me.

Now, as we both faced the ceiling of the chamber, Jaenara on top of me, her back resting on my chest, with my still hard lower member inside her, she surprisingly started to kiss all of my face while slightly moving her hips in a now tired and relaxed manner.

We both kept ourselves in that position for a while, and all that came out of our mouths and minds was a simple: "I love you." Said at the same time much to her giggling amusement.


/ Ending Note: Should Jaenara have a child this early on? Or shall our protagonist and his sister feel some pain with a miscarriage? *Evil laugh* \

Gilgamesh_Official Gilgamesh_Official

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