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Capítulo 17: unknown place

(third person)

Two boys, both about 19 years old, stumbled through the woods. One, with black hair and dressed casually, was visibly more intoxicated than the other, who had blonde hair.

"Man, that hit me hard," the raven-haired man said, swaying as he walked.

The blonde chuckled, equally unsteady on his feet. "Yes,ethan, why did we come to the forest?"

"Ha, I don't know, Wyatt...damn, I think I'm going to throw up," Ethan replied with a smile, then stopped abruptly next to a tree to empty his stomach. After a moment, he straightened and looked at Wyatt.

"I told you not to overdo it, Ethan... look at you," Wyatt chided, clearly irritated. He had been more restrained in his alcohol consumption.

Ethan laughed, looking to the side. "Hey, is that a cabin?"

Following Ethan's gaze, Wyatt spotted the cabin. "Looks like... I didn't know there was one here."

"Wanna check it out? Feels like urban exploration, doesn't it?" Ethan grinned. Wyatt hesitated before nodding. "Alright, but let's make it quick. I gotta get back home to look after my little sister."

"Ah, there's the responsible Wyatt I know," Ethan chuckled, burping slightly as they made their way towards the cabin.

Wyatt and Ethan stepped inside, finding a well-kept and rather ordinary cabin.


(POV: Wyatt)

"Well, it seems pretty normal. Damn, I thought it was going to be abandoned and all dusty..." Ethan remarked disappointedly. I sighed and wandered around the place, finding no one. I examined some items, even spotting a chocolate bar on a table. I picked it up and gave it a sniff; the chocolate smelled fine, nothing rotten or worse.

"Hey Wyatt, look at this. It looks great, doesn't it?" Ethan exclaimed excitedly. I turned around to see him brandishing a huge knife.

I was surprised by how large the knife was. "Where did you find that?" I asked, taken aback. I never expected to find something like this in a place like this.

"On a table," Ethan replied casually as he attempted to lift the large knife but couldn't.

Suddenly, I received a message on my cellphone from an unknown number. I clicked on it and saw a simple "hello."

"Is this some kind of joke?" I muttered, assuming it was probably Andrew messing around. I quickly replied, "Fuck you, Andrew."

But then, another message came through: "No."

"What the hell?" I said in confusion. Who was this idiot messaging me? I sighed and turned to Ethan. "Hey, let's get out of here."

Ethan sighed in agreement. "Yeah, this place is kind of disappointing," he said, leaving the knife where it was as we headed for the door.

"Hey, want to go play on my--" Ethan stopped in front of the open door.

"What's wrong? Let's go," I said, perplexed, as I approached him and looked outside. My heart sank when I saw it: there was no forest, just a long hallway with rusty walls.

"What the hell...?" Ethan muttered in amazement, mirroring my shock.

"Yeah..." I said, still staring at the eerie hallway.

I quickly closed the door and opened it again, but the hallway remained. "Shit," I cursed, feeling increasingly uneasy. Where the hell were we?

"We should probably get out of here," Ethan suggested, eyeing the dim hallway nervously.

"Are you serious? That place is obviously some paranormal shit. If we go in, we'll probably get trapped or something," I argued, my frustration mounting.

"Do you have a better plan?" Ethan retorted, determination flickering in his eyes, though he couldn't hide his nervousness.

I sighed and approached a window of the cabin. "Fine, a window. I'm not an idiot," I muttered, opening it. But to my dismay, there was only infinite darkness outside. I closed the window and muttered, "Shit..."

"So, do we go in or not?" Ethan asked, still eyeing the dim hallway. I sighed in frustration but relented. "Let's go in."

Together, Ethan and I entered the hallway. We walked a few meters before suddenly hearing a door slam shut. I whipped around, my heart pounding in my chest.

I couldn't see the door, just another rusty hallway stretching out before us. Sweat began to bead on my forehead from nervousness, but I forced myself to calm down, and Ethan seemed to do the same.

"Shit, now I think we're screwed," Ethan said with an awkward smile. Obviously, we were screwed, but stating the obvious didn't help.

I sighed in frustration but pushed forward down the hallway. Small lamps dimly illuminated our path.

After a while, Ethan and I reached a door. I grabbed the handle and opened it slowly, peering inside to find... a bathroom. "A bathroom...?" I said with confusion. Of all the things we could have found, we stumbled upon a damn bathroom. Lucky us.

Ethan followed me in, saying, "Well... it's something."

I entered cautiously, scanning the room for anything suspicious.

Suddenly, we heard a noise coming from the hallway, like something being dragged. Without hesitation, I darted into a bathroom stall, and Ethan followed suit. I climbed onto the toilet and crouched down, hoping to remain undetected. It wasn't the most dignified position, but it was the best I could do in the moment.

As I cautiously covered my mouth, I heard the bathroom door creak open slowly. My heart raced, but I forced myself to stay calm. Panicking wouldn't help us now.

There was a small noise, like something shattering glass. Had it broken the bathroom mirror?

I waited in tense silence as the sound faded into the distance. After a while, I cautiously peeked out of the stall, straining my ears for any sign of danger.

"Ethan, are you there?" I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. I held my breath, waiting for a response.

"Yes, I'm fine," Ethan's voice came from the stall next to mine. Relief flooded through me, and I let out a shaky breath.

We cautiously emerged from our hiding spots and surveyed the broken mirror on the floor. Ethan examined it closely, his expression grim. "Shit... I think there's a monster here," he said, his voice tense with apprehension.

"Wow, thanks for the insight," I replied sarcastically, though I couldn't deny the fear creeping in.

Ethan sighed and said, "Let's get out of here. We need to find a way out."

We stepped out of the bathroom and found ourselves back in the dim hallway. We cautiously made our way forward, hoping to find an exit.

Approaching a set of double doors, we pushed them open and entered what appeared to be a hospital. My irritation grew. Another location, another mystery. I could feel the tension building with each step.

"Gee, just what we needed," I muttered, my nerves fraying. I wanted out of here, pronto. Swallowing hard, I glanced to my side, only to find Ethan had disappeared. Panic surged through me as I frantically scanned the room, relief flooding in when I spotted him examining something against the wall.

"What the hell, man! Haven't you seen any horror movies? Don't split up!" I hissed, my voice tight with worry.

"I know, but look, it's a map... This place is called Brookhaven Hospital," Ethan replied, gesturing to the map affixed to the wall. I joined him, studying the layout of the hospital. Ethan carefully removed the map, thankfully managing to preserve it intact.

I sighed in frustration. "Well, what's it say? Are we at the entrance or what?"

Ethan squinted at the map, trying to make sense of its faded lines. "Uh, sort of. It's hard to read, but it looks like we're near the entrance. And if we keep going, there should be some stairs leading to the upper floor," he replied, his tone uncertain.

I sighed and said, "Let's keep an eye out for the entrance. That's our ticket out of here." Ethan nodded in agreement, and we continued our search, navigating through the eerie corridors of the hospital. As we walked, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that hung in the air.

At one point, curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to peek inside one of the rooms we passed. What I saw sent a shiver down my spine – rows of empty hospital stretchers, overturned chairs, and scattered papers littered the floor. Quickly closing the door, I turned to see Ethan giving me a questioning look.

"What's up?" I asked, feeling a bit defensive.

"Weren't we heading for the entrance? Why are we checking out rooms?" Ethan replied, his tone tinged with impatience.

"Just being cautious," I muttered, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Alright, let's get moving."

We pressed on, the only sound accompanying our footsteps being the eerie silence of the abandoned hospital. Suddenly, we spotted a faint light up ahead. Squinting, we realized it was a flashlight, abandoned on the floor. I cursed inwardly, realizing I had forgotten about my cell phone. Digging it out of my pocket, I tried to turn it on, but it remained stubbornly dead.

Ethan picked up the flashlight, a hint of relief crossing his face. "Well, this will come in handy," he said, holding it up with a smile.

"Okay, let's go," I said, and Ethan nodded in agreement. After a while of walking, we finally reached what we thought was the entrance. However, to our dismay, there was no door in sight – just an empty space where one should have been. I couldn't help but groan in frustration, muttering curses under my breath.

"Yep, we're in deep shit," Ethan remarked grimly, echoing my sentiments.

Suddenly, a noise interrupted our thoughts. Ethan quickly pointed the flashlight in the direction of the sound, revealing a tall figure approaching us. Clad in attire reminiscent of a butcher and sporting a menacing triangular iron helmet, the figure wielded a large knife – the same one we had found in the cabin. Panic surged through me as he advanced towards us.

"Run!" Ethan shouted, taking off without a second thought. I followed suit, our footsteps echoing through the empty corridors as we sprinted through the hospital. We didn't stop until we reached a staircase, panting heavily as we ascended to the next floor. Leaning against a door, Ethan struggled to catch his breath, his face etched with fear. I mirrored his exhaustion, trying to process the terrifying encounter.

"What the fuck was that?" I gasped out, still reeling from the encounter.

"A monster, obviously," Ethan replied sarcastically, though the fear in his eyes betrayed his bravado.

"We need to find a way out of here. We're trapped in this godforsaken hospital with some psycho slasher, great..." I muttered, wiping sweat from my brow. Ethan suggested fighting the assailant, but I shook my head vehemently.

"Don't be foolish. That guy may seem slow, but with that knife, he's dangerous. And we have no idea if we can even hurt him," I reasoned, sinking into a nearby wheelchair for a moment of respite.

"Yeah, we definitely need something to defend ourselves," I agreed with a heavy sigh.

"But where are we gonna find that?" Ethan asked, his confusion mirroring my own. It was a valid question, but then I realized – the hospital itself might hold the answer. With stretchers and other medical equipment lying around, there could be something we could use as a makeshift weapon.

"Maybe we can find something useful on one of those hospital stretchers. And who knows, there might still be some sharp objects lying around in this abandoned hospital," I suggested, my voice tinged with exhaustion. We didn't have much of a choice but to scavenge for whatever we could find.

As Ethan and I scoured the area for anything useful, he stumbled upon a piece of metal from a broken table, while I found a piece of pipe lying next to a door. It was odd how it was just there, but it was definitely going to be useful. As we took a moment to catch our breath on the ground.

"Damn... how did we end up in this mess?" I muttered, fear lacing my voice. All I wanted was to go home and look after my little sister.

"I just wanted to hang out with my girlfriend, damn..." Ethan replied with a forced smile.


 remember the last time we watched that alien movie?" I interjected, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah... we were 13, right? I remember you nearly crapping your pants, hahaha," Ethan chuckled.

"Hey, you were worse, you actually wet yourself," I retorted, trying to stifle my laughter. It was a feeble attempt to ease the tension, considering the very real danger we were in.

"Haha... hey, Wyatt..." Ethan's tone shifted, becoming more serious.

"What's up?" I asked, meeting his gaze.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you with Shelly," Ethan said with a sad smile, referring to the girl I had once been infatuated with. Looking back, I couldn't believe I had ever been interested in her.

"It's alright. I realized too late that she was just a... well, you know," I replied, trying to brush off the sentimentality with a smile.

"Haha..." Ethan chuckled softly.

While I sighed, I remembered something: the map.

"Hey Ethan, check the map to see if there's more information," I told him, trying to figure out where we were.

"Ah, yeah, the map. Hold on," Ethan said as he grabbed the map nearby, glanced at it, then flipped it over, furrowing his brow in confusion.

"What's up? Is something off?" I asked, puzzled. Was the map damaged?

"No... the weird thing is the location. I've never heard of a place with this name," Ethan said, looking perplexed.

"What's it called?" I asked, curious. Maybe I'd recognize it.

"Well, we're at Brookhaven Hospital, right? Well, this hospital is in... Silent Hill."

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