/ Anime & Comics / Curse-Bearing Raiden

Curse-Bearing Raiden Original

Curse-Bearing Raiden

Anime & Comics 2 Capítulos 24.0K Visitas
Autor: ImRacistXD

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Disclaimer: Photo does not belong to me. Title is cheesy.

First fanfiction, please don't roast me. Sorta unrealistic. Please give it a try.

In a world of Curses and Sorcerers.....

A woman by the name of Tsuchiya Honami lived in a luxurious upscale apartment in the middle of Tokyo. She was beautiful and elegant, to a random outsider, she seemed like the embodiment of perfection. But to her friends and fellow Sorcerers though..... It was quite a different story. For them, it went like this. This woman is scary....... And happens to be able to wield lightning. So don't piss her off.

Additional Tags: OP MC, Cool, JJK, Badass, Nice, Peaceful Setting.

Temp. Cover

Disclaimer: Besides my OC, nothing else belongs to me.....

Writer: L.

Parental Guidance Suggested


  1. ImRacistXD
    ImRacistXD Contribuido 2
  2. Skele_November4th
    Skele_November4th Contribuido 1
  3. DaoistB5BXdr
    DaoistB5BXdr Contribuido 1

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Chuntaro best bird. For some reason, I have BTS as part of my tags, and I can't seem to remove it. Wow. Sorry if this is misleading. ................ ................... .................... .................... ...................

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Meh. Good Job. I like. Eh. Jujutsu Kaisen. Epic. .................. .................... .................... ...................... ............... ............. .................

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Autor ImRacistXD