/ Anime & Comics / Dragon throughout the omniverse

Dragon throughout the omniverse Original

Dragon throughout the omniverse

Anime & Comics 23 Capítulos 261.4K Visitas
Autor: Wolfe_pack22

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darkness that's what he saw. then 3 stars started moving toward him what he saw he never expected they were 3 dragons. the dragons asked if he would be reincarnated and help defeat a enemy when the time comes with a couple boons of course.

first world is RWBY and i don't own anything other than the oc or original characters

Parental Guidance Suggested


  1. Wolfe_pack22
    Wolfe_pack22 Contribuido 116
  2. Memes_for_dreams
    Memes_for_dreams Contribuido 64
  3. Phi0fany_11531
    Phi0fany_11531 Contribuido 25

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  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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totally unbiased review I'll try to update at least once a week let me know if there's any problems maybe I'll add more to the harem page as this is a multiverse story it's hard not to have a harem other than that enjoy

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Autor Wolfe_pack22