/ TV / Game of Thrones - A Slip through Time

Game of Thrones - A Slip through Time Original

Game of Thrones - A Slip through Time

TV 47 Capítulos 343.8K Visitas
Autor: Taleahr

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A thoroughly modern woman, Sansa Stark is obsessed with ancient history - and more specifically House Lannister and the Great Lion himself. What happens when she finds his sigil ring, in the ruins of Casterly Rock and the visions and bond that springs up between them? Can these visions help Tywin during the time of upheaval in Westeros, as rebellion and war rage across the seven kingdoms?

And what happens when tragedy strikes Sansa again, and she suddenly finds herself back in time, alone and with Tywin Lannister as the only person she has any connection with?

*I don’t own this story*
ORIGINAL: PART 1 OF BOOK : https://archiveofourown.org/works/23747122/chapters/57032773
PART 2 OF BOOK: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31260338/chapters/77273966

General Audiences


  1. Deisy_Marin
    Deisy_Marin Contribuido 23
  2. Tubiliga_Yazici
    Tubiliga_Yazici Contribuido 13
  3. RoninRaidon
    RoninRaidon Contribuido 13

Estado de energía semanal

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Stone -- Piedra de Poder

También te puede interesar


  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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LV 12 Badge

Ok, I'll give 5 stars because I read a bit of the first chapter and it wasn't full of spelling mistakes. As I won't be reading more, I'll base my rating on that. Now, I'm writing this review to ask a question. Sansa Stark x Tywin? Really? Isn't Tywin something like 70 when Sansa is 14-15? Are people really that disgusting to read something like that?

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it's currently roughly 5am and I'd love to give a more detailed review but I'm tired and struggling at English but I'll just say that the story is great, the English is well above this websites standard, the characters are well written and the interactions are always amazing, and the idea feels really fresh and unique to me my only concern is that the author may drop it which hopefully won't happen until the stories completion

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Autor Taleahr