/ Video Games / Genshin Impact Smut

Genshin Impact Smut Original

Genshin Impact Smut

Video Games 3 Capítulos 80.8K Visitas
Autor: twiiight

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This fanfic is not mine I got it of AO3 and am posting it here for offline use

He ignored your claims, trying to be the bigger person in this situation. “Shut up, I don’t have to indulge in your drunken antics, y/n.” He took his shirt and started to dress you. The shirt was a sleep shirt, so it had buttons in the front. Scaramouche took his time and buttoned the shirt one by one. You on the other hand were looking at him, indulging the way he looked at that moment. He looked a bit flustered, you thought. “ Since when are you this shy, Scara? What are you thinking right now?” You looked at him to see his blushing face, moving your face closer to his. He looked back at you, inching his face closer to you. “You, y/n. And if you keep on pushing me like this, I might have to do something about it.”

No One 17 and Under Admitted

Estado de energía semanal

Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Piedra de Poder

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Autor twiiight