/ Anime & Comics / He is Back. (DDLC x JJBA Crossover)

He is Back. (DDLC x JJBA Crossover) Original

He is Back. (DDLC x JJBA Crossover)

Anime & Comics 29 Capítulos 23.3K Visitas

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Natsuki Gushiken Brando was her name, living with her father who soon enough accepted her. However, Monika, her ex, and Natsuki do not expect someone else to come back from the shadows of their past.. How will they take in this new presence, and how will they handle this new reality?

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. wh4t3v3r_fr34k
    wh4t3v3r_fr34k Contribuido 17
  2. Carvalho_1008
    Carvalho_1008 Contribuido 2
  3. meetdiago
    meetdiago Contribuido 2

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