/ Music & Bands / LIKE A DREAM



Music & Bands 51 Capítulos 31.7K Visitas

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I live like a fool like this and like a fool I only look for you.
Why am I like like this? All I did was Love.
I'm having a hard time without you.
Your name permeate my lips.
Your face is engraved in my eyes.
Your voice comes to my ears and I secretly follows it.
I walk the street alone on a day like today until I feel you running to me.
Holding me in your arms felt like home.
They said we can't be together because we are from different side.

General Audiences


  1. Hobified_Bbensplen
    Hobified_Bbensplen Contribuido 32
  2. Kanye_Awusaku
    Kanye_Awusaku Contribuido 3
  3. vennomm
    vennomm Contribuido 1

Estado de energía semanal

Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Piedra de Poder

También te puede interesar


  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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I found thistle book very very interesting and i love the way the author is explaining her story . like the character Bella i guess she is those type of girl who feel like to control everyone around them and if you fall to dance to her tone she pick quarrel with you . I also love the way the male lead is handling their relationship . I can't wait for him to reveal who exactly he is to Bella and the stuff Bella have been carrying with him for a long time i hope it belongs to Hoseok ❤️❤️❤️

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