/ Movies / Marvel: The ghost

Marvel: The ghost Original

Marvel: The ghost

Movies 15 Capítulos 257.7K Visitas
Autor: DarkWriter18

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what happens to a man that dies by the mistake of a god and that god decide to give him a second chance by granting him OP wishes, when said man gets fucked over by said gods wife? find out by reading.
English is not my main language, if you find any mistakes comment on the paragraph.
if you have any ideas about the story comment.
Warning: this story contains #genderbender but don't worry about it, at some point the mc will switch his gender to male again

General Audiences


  1. DarkWriter18
    DarkWriter18 Contribuido 39
  2. Imjustadev
    Imjustadev Contribuido 18
  3. Warhamster
    Warhamster Contribuido 10

Estado de energía semanal

Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Piedra de Poder

También te puede interesar


  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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right off the bat he's English is very good so you don't have to worry about that. the story omg is really good so far. if author had a patreon I'll put 50 bucks just so I can read ahead of time. by far one of my favorite novels on web novel

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Put genderbender on the tag bro because if you don't and people find it they will give you bad reviews. time please select some with amazing talent to become a host of dr fate or John Constantine or maybe phantom stranger or better yet shazam people usually forget that is powers are magical in nature

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Why is this in the female lead section? based on what I read the mc is a male

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Great Work Author-san. Please do update more if possible. Also, for those wondering why there isn't any GENDERBENDER Tag, it's cause WN removed it for some reason. Anyways, please continue Author-sama

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Autor DarkWriter18