/ Others / My Charming Wife

My Charming Wife Original

My Charming Wife

Others 53 Capítulos 107.0K Visitas
Autor: liaaaa27_

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  1. BeanerDao
    BeanerDao Contribuido 5
  2. Zera3004
    Zera3004 Contribuido 2
  3. Cih
    Cih Contribuido 2

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After reading the first chapter and seeing the quality of the story( even if slightly forced with the whole dead dad wanted the marriage to happen thing) it is definitely a good read. Unfortunately, despite my appreciation for all sorts of romance genres(yaoi and yuri included) I still prefer knowing beforehand that the stories are said genre. Please put yuri tag to warn other readers and avoid possible negative reviews from said readers when they get surprise yuri romance. I’m not gonna save story yet because I have to go back and delete some old dropped ones, but I’ll be back.

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Autor liaaaa27_