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One Piece: Slayer's Will One Piece: Slayer's Will original

One Piece: Slayer's Will

Autor: Twinjay

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Dull...


"I'm home..."

Day and night...little by little...I come to realize just how dull and boring this life really is. Every day feels the same...wake up, eat, work, eat and sleep, just to do it all over again.

How dull...


I just want to end it all...


"...what happened to me..." I said dropping on my bed.

How did I become like this, I used to be full of life and ambition...

Maybe it was the bullying I had to endure during my school life...

Maybe it was the constant disappointment I always give to my parents...

...or was because of my dream...

My go to another world...

A dream a 32-year-old really shouldn't have...especially this late in life...

Since I was little, this dream has been constantly in my head and has always been with me.

To escape my reality.

First, it was cartoons, then books, comics, movies until finally, the ones that truly made me lost in this dream... were anime and manga...

It really didn't help with the abundance of isekai anime and manga...

This dream of mine makes it difficult for me to really enjoy the life I have.

As a kid, it's normal to bring your imagination to life...not so much when growing up...

My 'sensational' life can attest to that...I learned to keep what's in my head about my dream to myself when I was a kid.

You get tired from the constant stares...

"haa..." I need to stop...I don't want to go back to those thoughts again.

"...I should get some rest"

I took my clothes and shoes off got ready for bed.

Since I was young, there was a routine I was never tired of doing. I do it every night, hoping that it would work, praying, that I didn't waste my life wishing for a dream I can't reach.

"I go to another world"

Who knows, maybe I won't wake up to disappointment again.

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