/ Others / Sex with dad

Sex with dad Original

Sex with dad

Others 45 Capítulos 1.1M Visitas
Autor: Nezuko_channn

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"Dad am pregnant" Kelly said with her head down avoiding the gaze of her father. "what did you say?" "I...I...I said I am pregnant". Xander raised her chin up, he looked at her like he was ready to devour her, she wish the earth would open up and swallow her right there and then." for who?" her father asked. "yo...you". Expecting something bad to happen, she closed her eyes maybe waiting for a slap but it never came, what came was a warm kiss from her father on her lips, it was slow and passionate, she felt butterfly in her stomach again, she kissed him back. He withdraw from the kiss and smiled at her.

Parental Guidance Suggested


  1. Saga_R71
    Saga_R71 Contribuido 39
  2. GalaxyStars833
    GalaxyStars833 Contribuido 23
  3. Martins_Osawaru
    Martins_Osawaru Contribuido 22

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Stone -- Piedra de Poder

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I love this story a lot, please update moe chapters I can't wait

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la premisa estuvo bien, pero el como se desarrolló poco después fue fatal, más con la violación de su hija cuando fue drogada por el profesor, luego ella trató eso como si no fuese nada, y todo por que la chantajeo con un vídeo que en realidad no le podría causar ningún daño a ella o a su padre....

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Loving the story so far... Eagerly waiting for more chapters. You're going well, Roze. Keep it up😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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