/ Anime & Comics / The Phoenix and The Dragon

The Phoenix and The Dragon Original

The Phoenix and The Dragon

Anime & Comics 10 Capítulos 99.3K Visitas

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What Happens when there is not just The first prophecy Of the Chosen One that will bring balance to the force. But there is also a second The Phoenix and the Dragon!

(I will try to write as much as possible, I’m in school right now and going through health problems so I will not be able to write much and the quality may be bad as my mind isn’t straight right now.)

(Please no crappy comments and if ya don’t like it just don’t read it)

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  1. Astral_Silver
    Astral_Silver Contribuido 3
  2. IAmNotAWizard
    IAmNotAWizard Contribuido 3
  3. aleix_lorca
    aleix_lorca Contribuido 2

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