/ Theater / The Survivor TVD fanfic

The Survivor TVD fanfic Original

The Survivor TVD fanfic

Theater 26 Capítulos 251.9K Visitas
Autor: natlin1999

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Not Mine just uploaded to read on this site.
Original: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13069409/1/


  1. shatteredstar21
    shatteredstar21 Contribuido 9
  2. RandomR
    RandomR Contribuido 3
  3. FatelessOneTravels
    FatelessOneTravels Contribuido 2

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Hi...whoever you are. But I would really appreciate it if you asked for my consent before posting my story in here. Please remove it as for now. I know you said the stories not yours. It still doesn't cut it. I don't want it on this website. So please accept my request. Thank you.

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if the story is with a female protagonist then why is the title male? "the survivor to understand that it would be a man, it would be better to write the survivor in the feminine.

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Autor natlin1999