/ Anime & Comics / The Villainess Wants To Become an Idol

The Villainess Wants To Become an Idol Original

The Villainess Wants To Become an Idol

Anime & Comics 3 Capítulos 10.0K Visitas

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Carla a girl who dreams to be an idol dies, and gets reincarnated into one of her favorite idol books as a villainess. Instead of being sad, she sees an opportunity since her character is crazy rich, and she decides to befriend her younger step sister to become idols together.

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  1. So_Lo_3953
    So_Lo_3953 Contribuido 10
  2. Rocio_Saladino
    Rocio_Saladino Contribuido 1
  3. Rexxon
    Rexxon Contribuido 1

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