/ Music & Bands / True Love (KTH FF)

True Love (KTH FF) Original

True Love (KTH FF)

Music & Bands 31 Capítulos 254.2K Visitas
Autor: chimmy_chim

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Kim Taehyung, a member of BTS, comes across Choi Y/n, who is from the Choi family, one of the richest families in Seoul. But Y/n doesn't like living in a place like that. She always wanted to stand on her own leg and prove her father that she can do anything on her own. She never liked the feeling of being in a rich family.

Y/n has an interest for make-up, especially special effect make-up. But her father wants her to pursue business. During this journey, she meets up Taehyung and they become friends and it turns into more. But there are also some problems that come in between.

Hop in, to know their love story and how they overcome their problems.


  1. Kaveri_Bhoir_3466
    Kaveri_Bhoir_3466 Contribuido 88
  2. Manushri_Patil
    Manushri_Patil Contribuido 14
  3. DaoistwzgjBi
    DaoistwzgjBi Contribuido 12

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Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Piedra de Poder

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Autor chimmy_chim