/ History / Be A Eunuch's Wife To Control The World

Be A Eunuch's Wife To Control The World Comic Be A Eunuch's Wife To Control The World Comic

Be A Eunuch's Wife To Control The World

387 Capítulos 6.8M Visitas

Editor: Guaixiaoshou

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"Even though he is pretty handsome, he's still a eunuch! "
#Eastern#Powerful FL

【Update Sat Sun】She died due to betrayal in her previous life. After time-traveling, her soul fell onto Xiliang Mo, a girl who has the same fate as hers. She swears to let those who hurt her pay their price. Step by step, she broke the legs of her sister, force her hypocritical stepmother to die, and sell her coldblooded father. What if her husband is vicious? Then just abandon him and remarry someone else. But why that notorious eunuch wants to marry her? Even though the eunuch is pretty handsome, he's still a eunuch! They force her to be the wife of a eunuch, then she just tries to be the most powerful woman in this world!

-- This is an authorized work translated by Webnovel protected by copyright law. All forms of reproduction/distribution are strongly prohibited.


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    Taylorlackey95 Contribuido 53138
  2. jpaige
    jpaige Contribuido 44925
  3. DaoistvOwj08
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