/ History / I'll Make the Scumbags Cry Their Hearts Out

I'll Make the Scumbags Cry Their Hearts Out Comic I'll Make the Scumbags Cry Their Hearts Out Comic

I'll Make the Scumbags Cry Their Hearts Out

106 Capítulos 1.2M Visitas

Editor: BaiShen Comics

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Upon her death, Ning Shu becomes a mission-taker who helps poor souls exact revenge on their behalf. She therefore jumps from one world to another, playing various roles and meeting various scumbags.
She snarls, "You scumbags, I'm only here to exact revenge. Don't be a hindrance, or I'll torture the hell out of anyone who obstructs me from completing the mission!"


  1. PantheraDragon
    PantheraDragon Contribuido 2156
  2. AkiraKurusu901
    AkiraKurusu901 Contribuido 1210
  3. Stephanie_Renzetti
    Stephanie_Renzetti Contribuido 1209


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