/ Action / The King's Avatar

The King's Avatar Comic The King's Avatar Comic

The King's Avatar

149 Capítulos 4.2M Visitas

Editor: Webnovel Comics

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In the online game Glory, he is known as the best of the best. For various reasons, however, he is expelled from his team. No longer a part of the professional league, he finds a simple job at an internet cafe.

But with ten years of experience under his belt, he dives back into the game when Glory opens its tenth server. Holding on to his memories of the past—and with an unfinished custom weapon in hand—he sets out on a journey back to the very top.


  1. Cymrianka
    Cymrianka Contribuido 6720
  2. Ryan_Pangelinan
    Ryan_Pangelinan Contribuido 6155
  3. hamartime70
    hamartime70 Contribuido 5833


Regalo -- Regalo recibido

    Estado de energía semanal

    Rank -- Ranking de Poder
    Stone -- Piedra de Poder

    Disponible como novela

    The King's Avatar

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