/ History / The Prince Regent's Concubines

The Prince Regent's Concubines Comic The Prince Regent's Concubines Comic

The Prince Regent's Concubines

Completado 179 Capítulos 1.8M Visitas

Editor: Yining/Ihuayue(original novel)+Cute Nine

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He reincarnated again and again, but his love remained... She suffered from dreadful pain and finally, she was reborn... When they met again, they decided to change their fate. She didn’t believe in destiny, nor did he. He was vicious and ruthless. As intimidating as he was, he only cared for one person. In the end, he caressed her hair gently and whispered in her ear, “Yue, you and I can finally be together.”


  1. Jerrilyn_Klimek_2365
    Jerrilyn_Klimek_2365 Contribuido 7544
  2. Anna_2_Tan
    Anna_2_Tan Contribuido 4748
  3. Bulsae
    Bulsae Contribuido 4533


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