BurglarOfTurds - Profile



male LV 15

Just a cultivator in the Dao of Reading.

2018-02-04 Se unió United States

Insignias 26

Moments 838


well first of all, has anyone besides jiraiya, at this point, even met the toad? why would I put trust in a stranger lol

Tsunade said with an irked look on her face and Jiraiya wanted to say something, but he couldn't deny her words. He didn't understand why they were so anti towards Mt. Myobokku and why they didn't care about the prophecy of Sage Gamamaru who had been alive for 1000 years and even had helped Sage of Six Paths.

Naruto: Different Perks

Naruto: Different Perks

Anime & Comics · Kaoski

Replied to YoraeDragon

yeah and we also don't have superpowers in this world lol craaazy

"Because the internet was discovered in 2008, that's when the tech started developing, any information before is both redundant and also hard to look for, for it is stored in books, and one part of history has too many editions and versions, and I don't have any interest in wasting my time reading about things, which I know nothing about which is the right version which isn't.

MHA:-Glitch In Reality

MHA:-Glitch In Reality

Anime & Comics · Numix


you gotta start using periods instead of commas lol pretty sure this whole paragraph has like 20 commas

"Well what's the point of holding a grudge against something that has already happened and there is nothing I can do about to change it, why should I waste my time over it, I was waiting or rather dying to become a hero, and enter the field, although I became a villain now, it doesn't change the fact that my excitement to enter the field is still the same, and I have a few lofty goals I wish to attain, and I wish to attain all of them before I die, so there is no point in wasting time over useless things, I am alive, I have means to get my revenge, and I am going to have it, I am going to bring down the hero society to their knees, I'll turn the heroes into my pets and no one or rather nothing can stop me from achieving it, so let's not waste time over it, and get to training," said Izuku

MHA:-Glitch In Reality

MHA:-Glitch In Reality

Anime & Comics · Numix


skeet skeet

She felt his hot breath in her ear and Kazutora whispered, "Yes, but only with my child."

Naruto: Different Perks

Naruto: Different Perks

Anime & Comics · Kaoski


how old is everyone again? hahaha

'The den of bitches,' She thought in mind as she remembered the time when she went to the Hospital with Hana and saw Kazutora surrounded by many girls and women in the hospital.

Naruto: Different Perks

Naruto: Different Perks

Anime & Comics · Kaoski


are you planning on updating more?

ch 39 Chapter 37 "Even if it wasn't you, I'm afraid it was someone else from your Uchiha clan!"

After signing in for Ten years, Uchiha begged me to come out .

After signing in for Ten years, Uchiha begged me to come out .

Anime & Comics · Sumit_Bhamer

Replied to Halt_Jagged

lol never fixed it

Raikou can barely wait to tear Axel's shirt off but he is able to luckily get it off first with his extra arms which thoroughly shock Raikou…. At least until they begin to grip her body and tease her then she understands that nothing has really changed, her child simply wants to feel her up a ton more which she accepts. Axel's current stat is a bordering 7 ft tall human with 3 sets of arms. A wall of muscle and power that are surprisingly gentle and rough at the same time.

Danmachi: the Great Devourer

Danmachi: the Great Devourer

Anime & Comics · Xanok_Malakai

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