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LV 14
2018-04-03 Se unió Global

Insignias 14

Moments 303



"This is a flying ship, right? It soars high in the sky, bathing in sunlight. So… how about… we call it The Sunfull?" 

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


Since when Gao Yan has spirit grass? He only exchanged for one!

"Gao Yan has a whole bundle of immortal grasses, and I've promised to make pills for him. If he has a whole bundle, I know you have more. Also, we've been friends for 100 years, Han Hao! I can tell when you're hiding something from me. You always had that stupid smile whenever you boasted about your fortuitous encounters or newly acquired treasures!"

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Fantasy · DamnPlotArmor


If it is so precious, how come they allowed some outer sect disciple to keep it? This doesn't make any sense

Although they were super rare, the grasses were the key ingredient of top elixirs and many types of legendary cultivation pills. Han Meng's mentor once taught him that one piece of immortal grass could be made into elixir pills, which could extend one's lifespan for a hundred years and improve one's inner energy equal to one thousand years' worth of cultivation.

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Fantasy · DamnPlotArmor


And why can't he take the treasure with him? So stupid

Meanwhile, Gao Yan's dorm became the gathering point of outer disciples. As Gao Yan couldn't bring out the black grasses with him, they still sat at the bottom of the cauldron in front of his barrack.

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Fantasy · DamnPlotArmor


Wouldn't it go against his intention to stop contamination to the world? How come letting the root use it is ok? The root will still be contaminated and will spread radiation or whatever to the rest of the world...

Leo was speechless. He wondered if he was hallucinating. Still, he allowed the roots to stay there since they would automatically drain the scum and water from the toilet. Leo jumped out of the hole and buried the septic tank, leaving only the only pipe to go in.

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Fantasy · DamnPlotArmor


What diagnosis fee? It's operation fee. Poor translation again, sigh...

Este libro ha sido eliminado.

How is this possible?

Este libro ha sido eliminado.

Charlotte is a female name. Why use it for a male?

Este libro ha sido eliminado.

That's a lot to read with only 3 seconds left. Anyway, there has been too many problem in just the first half of the first chapter. Dropping.

[Golden Divine Dragon (Dark Lord)] Rare and top-level Dark Lord Bloodline, after fusion you can be transformed into a Golden Divine Dragon. This Bloodline is extremely powerful, requiring a lot of earth power to nurture and grow. Once fused, you can gain both Dragonborn and Divine Dragon forms, and gain skills such as Golden Holy Scales, Magic Immunity, Lightning, Fire, Light, etc... Highly recommended!

Dungeon King: My Goblins Have Captured Countless Female Players

Dungeon King: My Goblins Have Captured Countless Female Players

Fantasy · Red_Skin_Duck


Why does he never try to get memories from other people? It would be so much simpler to find something useful from his huge cohort of awakened

Sunny was consumed by excitement for several minutes, then remembered that he currently had no powerful armor-type Memories to speak of. Well, it did not matter too much… he would find one eventually.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


That doesnt make much sense. Before in similar situations he was just at zero essence. Now he is in the negative? Doesnt make any sense.

What little he had received from dismissing the Sin of Solace was almost instantly absorbed by his essence-starved body. Until his flesh was saturated at least to a small degree, he was not going to be able to summon any Memory.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


And where is Nightmare? And why can't Sunny just re-summon it next to him?

Sunny was being strangled and drowned, with his mutilated side on fire because of seawater getting into the ugly wound. The hateful Scavenger had turned out to be astonishingly strong for his demure size… or maybe it was Sunny who was too weak. He was utterly drained of essence, still recovering from being stomped on by a titan, and had a powerful toxin coursing through his veins on top of everything, after all.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

Replied to CT_5555

To you who read many novels - yes. To a person from a fantasy world - No.

When Asher saw the skill 'Time Dilation,' his indifferent face changed for a sec, but it quickly returned to normal. This skill was very powerful. Just thinking about it, he realized that this means his speed will increase by 5 times at any point in the middle of a battle. This will surely be one of his trump cards, Asher decided while thinking about the future events that will change just because of this one skill. And seeing this 'lvl 1,' he was sure he could upgrade this skill to become even more powerful.

Why Should I Stop Being a Villain

Why Should I Stop Being a Villain

Fantasy · Raos_IOI


Of course. Attacks at the level of golden core and Nascent to the students at Qi training and foundation realm and nobody died. Why even bother to have levels anymore if everything is decided by plot armor?

Ptolemy did a quick check, and though there were a dozen injured, no one had died. No longer bothering to be gentle, the expedition bulldozed through the forest to the camp site one of the scouts had picked for them and immediately began laying down defense.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher

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