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2018-07-22 Se unió United States

Insignias 6

Moments 3162

Replied to Dagom

eximo by zxandris on AO3

On the evening of the last day of the week, he finally scanned the last book of the Library. "Yes, I did it. I read the whole Library." Cheered Matthew as he put the last book back on the shelf. He was currently completely exhausted. 'I really need to upgrade my scanning spell. With all that new knowledge I just gained it should be possible. Not only that the memories of Voldemort were also processed during this week and are ready to be integrated into my database.'

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee


yeah but the kids after are too much hassle

Morty might appear indifference for Cortana but she likes it and knows she can handle it especially since he has Breeding essence. Speaking off, she isn't pregnant but Morty planning to since he has kink in that department. Imagining his woman bulging belly carrying her child aroused him.

I am Morty Sanchez

I am Morty Sanchez

Anime & Comics · Try_hard


the elevator music is designed by the Catalyst to help with indoctrination

Also, she also didn't like the music on the Citadel elevator, so she would push things a little to add news stations or other music like Samael suggested.

Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

Video Games · Pop0


their short lifespan ensures they don't have to see the consequences of their actions

Wrex nodded at that. He knew the Salarains, even though very weak and frail, were worse than the Krogan when it came to war tactics. They didn't care about anything other than the utter destruction of their enemies, or crippling their entire species. So, he would make sure to not say anything.

Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

Video Games · Pop0


Raise the Black Flag


'Hmm, my goals are establish myself as a noble through money over the course of the next week or so…the show was kinda ambiguous about the time between the rousting of King's Landing by Daemon Targaryen and his army of Golden Cloaks and the tourney, that marked the death of the Queen and the heir for a day. Save the Queen and the prince winning the favor of the King, the Queen and the Princess…saving the poor hotty Aliscent Hightower from becoming the broodmare of a worthless pacifistic cunt of an invalid king, and demand her and Rhaenyra's hand in marriage. Establish my base of power of Dragonstone tame Cannibal use my droid armies to conquer Essos…strip mine the continent of Essos…just to make a magnificent horde to show off to people…I really don't know what to do here I just want Rhaenerys and Aliscent.' I think to myself while thinking with my cock. 

TV/Movie world hopping

TV/Movie world hopping

TV · Shane_Town



"Aye Captain!" All the drones shout in reply while starting to sing an Assassin's Creed Black Flag chanty. 

TV/Movie world hopping

TV/Movie world hopping

TV · Shane_Town



'Even though it's cute…I better avoid running into it. I better get going before it notices me.' I thought to myself feeling lucky that my path took me away from the rabbit, so I decided to get out of here while the getting is good which led me to as stealthily as possible run away from the area that the rabbit is in.

As Hajime in the Labyrinth (Arifureta SI)

As Hajime in the Labyrinth (Arifureta SI)

Anime & Comics · Shane_Town



'Damn…the anime…really didn't do this rabbit justice.' I thought to myself while my stomach growled in hunger, as I looked upon the large dog sized rabbit monster.

As Hajime in the Labyrinth (Arifureta SI)

As Hajime in the Labyrinth (Arifureta SI)

Anime & Comics · Shane_Town



Even though I cut into his margins pretty hard, I left the barman feeling like close friends. The power of Captain Jack Sparrow once more boggles the mind. As for my companions and my dog, we all felt the stresses of the road easing away as we settled in for the night for the first time in a week with a roof over our heads and beds under our backs. Despite the increased coziness, the younger sister of our traveling partners began weeping in the night. Again. 

Fable: The Rise of the Forth Hero

Fable: The Rise of the Forth Hero

Video Games · JManM



"Well, this place looks like a painting of depression, mixed with alcoholism." I commented on the current state of the small mining town amidst the hills and cliffs of seaside Rookridge. 

Fable: The Rise of the Forth Hero

Fable: The Rise of the Forth Hero

Video Games · JManM


she wants heading to Rookridge though I like the name Rockridge

Maybe that is just the optimism of a rabbit that doesn't realize it's already caught in a snare. 

Fable: The Rise of the Forth Hero

Fable: The Rise of the Forth Hero

Video Games · JManM



I suspect my ease of utilizing ambient Will has something to do with how few Will users are currently active in the world. Though I'm just shooting from the hip here, it's one of the few explanations for why Sparrow's can utilize so much more magic output than Chicken Chasers, who would need a mountain of potions and mana augments to hope to match any old Sparrow's magical endurance. When utilizing ambient magic to fuel my use of Multi Arrow, the spell takes a few seconds of precious time to charge, but during this time I am able to play with the spell a bit, such as changing the tracking trajectory for use in tight spaces and choosing single or multi targeting. One spell, four enchanted shots, however many projectiles I choose to load into the simple seven bore smooth barrel, times three. It turns into a God honest laser circus every time I pull the trigger, and I am all for that. Its an experience like none other, dare I say sensual, nay, sexually satisficing. What need has a man for intimate companionship when he's carrying a battery of energy weapons in his holster? 

Fable: The Rise of the Forth Hero

Fable: The Rise of the Forth Hero

Video Games · JManM



Javik and Miranda had defeated their Mech adversary quite easily, and the girl brought what remained of the machine back to the ship to study it. Samael wasn't going to say that to her now, but he had a plan to make machines better than that Mech and bigger, to fight the Reapers. He would just let her study it for now.

Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

Video Games · Pop0


still wouldn't matter the council would be indoctrinated by the Citadel

Well, that was a problem for the future, and for now, Javik was still the last Prothean alive.

Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

Video Games · Pop0


Azula is going to going to have quite the obsession when this is over.... the southern water tribe needs to move their village or make a secondary one to hide some of the warriors and benders after this

"Alright gentlemen." said Levi as he observed the commander and the soldiers around him with a slight smirk, seeing that they listened to his threat, "How about we talk about this like civilized men shall we? Of course we can still keep going if that's what you want." he said, moving the knife that already had its tip inside Azula's neck a little making her groan in pain. "Eeek." and making every fire nation soldier flinch.

Avatar: The gamer

Avatar: The gamer

Anime & Comics · xXTheDarkOneXx


single shot wear a chest rig with six ready to fire

I understood the basics of using them just by picking them up. While others need time and effort to achieve a basic combat proficiency, I simply need an implement of death and destruction placed into my hands and I'm ready to fight to the death. Other peoples' deaths. While I earmarked a rifle and a pair of pistols for my personal use, the rest I prepped for storage and the start of my personal trading empire along with the rest of the melee implements minus two of the better made knives and obviously the iron greatsword I'd sharpened, honed, and oil to a shine after serving me so well tonight. 

Fable: The Rise of the Forth Hero

Fable: The Rise of the Forth Hero

Video Games · JManM


The Alliance will just think it's STG

Samael didn't care if they somehow found traces of RR in their system afterward, which was something close to impossible, by the way. He wasn't afraid of the consequences of people finding out about the AI as the ship was in stealth mode, and, in the rare cases they find about it, the consequences were just an inconvenience to Samael.

Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

Video Games · Pop0


man everyone knows you take the healer out first

Why not disclose my spatial talent? Well, you see, I'm not fond of drama. If I were to reveal that my skill allows me to destroy or conceal things, it would inevitably raise suspicions if something were to happen. Being a healer, on the other hand, earns popularity without the associated complications. After all, healers are seen as friends to everyone, capable only of doing good things.

Reincarnated in the world of Wednesday as a Voidwhisper

Reincarnated in the world of Wednesday as a Voidwhisper

TV · Ulixe

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