Emilly_y - Profile


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2018-09-20 Se unió Global

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Replied to Krist

I think everyone who has read many novels understands that the beginning is when the author creates the protagonist's personality and from there the protagonist can evolve or regress, in volume 1 the author still left the protagonist's personality messed up, at the beginning I thought he he was going to be cold, calculating and with a good IQ, then I thought he was going to be more calculating because of school and in the labyrinth all this changes to him being someone who trusts his friends and who wants to change to be someone trustworthy, resolving many traumas and in danger of being betrayed by one of the girls he trusted in the future, which any good reader would know was going to happen after his conversation with Cass. In volume 2 the author got lost, all the description of MC that I did for volume 1 has nothing to do with him in volume 2, he even seems like a new character, as someone said previously he became a real slave in personality, all with scared and afraid of everything, for me the author got too lost in this and on top of that the story was at a snail's pace, from chapter 100 to 120 if I'm not mistaken there were 2 or 3 chapters in which he didn't end up with a monologue of the mistakes he made, I wanted to see more evolution of the character but nothing came of it and it gives me a bad feeling reading this, it feels like I'm stuck in the sand without being able to get out and just continue facing everything as if volume one never happened. And before anyone says that this will change, that this has to happen to the protagonist for him to improve or something like that, then I can only say that the author wrote it in a horrible way and that it probably only changes to resolve this error, if the author He thought this was good for the story, so he lacks a lot of experience as a writer. And to think that this book is being sold on Amazon and that there are a lot of Tiktok fanboys, how can the community sink so low. Ps. The plot and the world were very well created, there was just one huge mistake in the main character that disappointed many people and found it difficult to accept.


I came on the recommendation of a friend but I knew I had to doubt the opinion of someone who has only read 3 novels in their life and who picked up the novel because they saw it on Tiktok, I'm still amazed that this novel is sold on Amazon, it seems like anyone You can sell books now. The book isn't bad but it isn't good either, the author adds a lot of comedy, initially it's fun but then it becomes repetitive with the mc saying "what was I really thinking?", if the author removed 70% of the forced comedy it would improve the book a lot. reading pace, the world seems incredible due to the way it is being described, the plot can move very well but one thing that many authors are failing is in the characterization of the protagonists, often the protagonists do not have a well-defined personality, you cannot understand it well the protagonist and love him, like for example in the first nightmare I thought the protagonist would be cold and think things through but throughout the story his personality changes out of nowhere, I would understand if the changes are due to the things he experiences as for example, going a little crazy for not having contact with humans for many months but there are things about his personality that only changed because the author wanted to fit that in. The power level of the world is also strange, Neph is super op but it seems that she is not op either, like only those who have passed a super difficult and even more difficult divine test receive a name but that doesn't matter because you will practically have the same level of power as most people, I understand that at the beginning the discrepancy in power should not be great between most people but the moment they start to absorb the power of the soul if an ordinary person gains a power someone op I should win at least 10 times that but that's not apparent, from what I saw from the review this changes later on but it's still a fault on the part of the author because Nephis only seems op when she needs to and I think that this plays into the problem with the lack of characters defined goods, I who have read hundreds of novels get lost trying to understand their power. Speaking of power, the classification of monsters is HORRIBLE, if someone can understand this, it will only happen and this will happen after 1000 chapters, when there is a description of a monster's power I don't even care because it is extremely difficult not to get lost in the explanation of the author. Finally, once again I want to say how is this being sold on Amazon?


This is the fourth time I've tried to read it and the fourth time I've dropped it. I always forget why I stopped reading and try again and that might be the last time. The biggest problem is the protagonist, he doesn't have a well-described description, his personality is all messed up and I can't understand or get attached to him, his motivation is "revenge" but it seems like a tantrum from a child who lost the candy, even the protagonists of xianxia novels who are always fighting with arrogant young masters are more acceptable than this protagonist here. The protagonist's plot armor is also very ridiculous, the protagonist gets what the author wants without a shred of respect to have a good explanation, the dragon in chapter 60 also just proves what a mess the protagonist is, he rose from a normal human being to the strongest on the planet in 2 weeks and doesn't even show a problem with it, the personality seems like an NPC who is ordered to do anything, and don't be fooled into thinking that he's cold or emotionless, he's not nothing, or better said, it is what the author wants it to be at the moment. That's why the reading is tasteless, I can't get attached to the protagonist and I don't even feel anything for him, if I change the protagonist I would think fine, and I'm someone who hasn't watched Game of Thrones because it doesn't have a fixed protagonist so I don't care. Caring about changing this protagonist shows how worthless this protagonist is. I feel sad that this novel has such a high rating and I would like to know how it has more than 2 thousand chapters when the first 50 are so rushed and poorly written, this must be the only reason I keep coming back, curious if the author created IQ out of nowhere and learned to write or just readers are reading with their toes. But I promise myself never to go back.


I'm on chapter 567 and so far it's still above average for a novel with this type of plot, after reading so many bad novels in the last few months I'm pleased to have found this one. I will only mention the extreme parts that I found a problem so far to help those who want to read it too. Firstly, there's a lot of idiotic nationalism that gets annoying at times, if the plot and mystery weren't good I wouldn't continue because of that. Second, instead of making her transfer from a thousand years ago, the author could have been more intelligent and made her transmit to a thousand years ago, live a new life there without memories of the current one and after death in the great xia dysnatia, return to time current person with more experience and a desire to correct the mistakes he made, because the idea of ​​the author transmitting and possessing the original body is that cliché that leaves the story full of holes where only the ml realizes that there is something wrong with it while everyone else has negative IQ for what her body did in the past, if the author followed my idea I think I would make the description of her richer and her love more pleasant besides she could face the mistakes of the past in a much better written way, unlike now where the fl just fixes everything and that's it, there's not even another consequence or feeling involved in it (ps. the only problem left by the original body that was more or less well resolved was that of xiao bao besides him, the entire past is practically ignored or resolved by superimposing her current image over the previous one). Apart from these two points, I still think it is acceptable to continue reading the novel.

Replied to Muthoni_Murira

I completely agree with this review, I still continued reading because I'm used to cliches but the author punched me in the stomach with a horrible plot in the final 50 chapters with the chapter called "biological daughter", I thought it was horrible but there are only 50 chapters left to finish so I can finish this novel, my friends, how could I be so wrong and surprise myself that the author could make it even worse hahahaha laughing in disgust hahahaha I dropped it in chapter 980, regret, disgust, sadness, joy for stopping reading this, a lot of emotions for a lot of wasted time, in this review it was given a rating of 2/5 but I think that's too much, if I could give a negative rating I would, it goes on my list as the worst novel I've read in my life and look what already I've read more than 100 novels in all these years and today I discovered what it's like to literally vomit while reading a book. Finally, I have to give credit to the author who managed to surpass the other authors for managing to create a novel that already had dozens of holes caused by the usual "alzhaimer" of these types of novels because in the last chapters of dozens of holes in the plot he managed to multiply this by 10 or 20 times with a single plot, congratulations author, many congratulations, probably even the gpt chat knows how to maintain a better plot. I will never read anything by this author again so as not to affect my brain.

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