Webnovel Author: killua32829 - Fanfic&Novel Collection



male LV 4

Likes read fantasy reincarnation stories like alchemy emperor.

2018-12-02 Se unió United States

Insignias 8

Moments 4077


Freaking took them long enough, the SCP Foundation would be disappointed in this SCP Foundation lol.

And that was just adding on top of the already complex landscape he was dealing with. Do you 084 item Coulson had been guarding in a secret warehouse had been stolen? The entire place rated everything destroyed, and the object, a large spherical room made of flesh, disappeared into the night.

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow

Replied to killua32829


After a brief moment of consideration, Metron relented with a nod. "Very well. I can appreciate a thirst for knowledge," he conceded. "I shall indulge you, for now..."

DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132


Ha fool!


After a brief moment of consideration, Metron relented with a nod. "Very well. I can appreciate a thirst for knowledge," he conceded. "I shall indulge you, for now..."

DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132


...must be a version of the pit where doing such a thing wouldn't have a bad side effect because of the importance of the pit that I remember vaguely.

With resolve, Micah activated his powers, conjuring a portal at the pit's base. In a swift motion, he drained the mystical red fluid, diverting it into the depths of space. As the pit lay emptied, spears of light materialized around Micah, their radiance collapsing the underground chamber as they crashed into the walls.

DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132

Replied to DeejaeSutherland

Same here mainly cause most of them if this is the actual reason never really gets done in a decent way.

I'd always believed that nothing came for free and harbored doubts about the system from day one. I'd even toyed with the idea of cutting ties with it eventually, but it seemed like I'd have to act on that plan sooner than expected. After all, what's given can always be taken away, and I wasn't about to let someone else hold my cards for me. 

DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132

Replied to Anadown

Old comment & so you already know if it backfires but, I mean you would think so though I would assume that the author as some do might pull out the "it's a reward from the system so it can't affect it." trick or who knows maybe I will be surprised if the author actually makes it backfire which would be interesting to read.

"Good luck with that, Eclipso, old buddy," I chuckled, giving the briefcase a pat. "Oh, and by the way, the Penguin says hi," I added, snapping the case shut and tossing it into my shadow storage. I'd deal with those sinister gems later, cleanse 'em with some light magic, and scrub Eclipso's soul right outta there. But for now, it was mission accomplished on the Eclipso front.

DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132


Lol that much money for a single point? Seems like a rip-off & a vacuum of endless money disappearance even if he can get it back unless that money taken out can keep being used like an endless cheat loop.

This system's Currency Exchange function was the real VIP, the game-changer. It did exactly what it said on the tin: converting real-life cash into points, and vice versa, at a jaw-dropping rate of one point for every $1000. Crunching the numbers, that meant a cool 1000 points for every million in the bank. 

DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132


Lol, she says after being told he's from another world though I know that she means how exactly does he know these things.

Yolanda's expression looked even more shocked than before. "How do you even know about the Suicide Squad...?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132

Replied to DaoistguGjDb

Replied to Grey1

Your comment made this guy pop into my head🤣



Fate/The Hunter and His Doll

Fate/The Hunter and His Doll

Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori

Replied to killua32829

Author forgot to mention that he likes worlds that are fantasy type with magic, he has been to a few more highly futuristic ones both sleek type & steampunk, though he prefers the modern day era such as ours do to him discovering video games & fictional books or other things similar online that despite being from one himself as they're super creative. ...He while not thinking much of it & just a similarity, finds the Mc & his Avatar forms amongst other things highly similar to what he knows about, he thinks that the Mc must be a Variant of them & also likes modern stuff due to what he recognizes in the Dungeon of the Mc. Who knows he might just get along... as long as the Mc is careful to not cause the Void to retaliate in a possible harmful way as just like others despite the Mc being resistant as Eldritch Entities (more so due to multiple Avatars), if like others though the void deems it's spawn in somehow dangerous or extremely bad mood can be slightly more influenced if not completely if somehow the Mc is the closest entity in whatever time, space etc existence compared to other Eldritch Entities he is located & doesn't decided to help which to rectify the issue. (If done without full influence of the Void to make an entity help that entity like mentioned may gain a boon no set limit on how many gain be gained depending on how often helped or the severity of the situation. [If the Void had to fully influence other than the natural unatrual passive influence of the boy due to his nature, depending on how severe the situation was it may instead cost the entity be it as small one such as giving it's spawn some sort of boon or object to as harsh as experiencing what it feels like to temporarily cease existing becoming a part of the Void as said entity experiences various cruelty while being aware of the state it's in, which if harsh enough of a punishment not even Azathoth in it's irrational maddening ELDRITCH nature would wish to experience.]) To avoid such situations an escort or a secret one is recommended to follow in public.

Replied to ChaosVoid_24

Oh didn't realize that part then probably either glanced over it too quickly even if I read it or I outright didn't notice, because I realize a decent amount of my confusion on having difficulty knowing who was talking previously which I'm good at most of the time. Was most likely due to my tiredness lol.

I became famous that day, Batman had taken centre stage in this world. Everywhere in the city, you could hear people talking about him for a couple of days but with the way the world was, people moved on. They were too busy with their life to talk about some masked man. Even after what I had done, the people forgot about me. They were cursing me. I guess this is just a part of the job. Though I have my whole attention devoted to Joker, many small-time criminals were afraid to make a move.

The Overlord of Mysteries

The Overlord of Mysteries

Anime & Comics · ChaosVoid_24

Replied to killua32829

No longer possible & also making the boy more yet less human as well as Drow yet keeping everything about them as it makes him more into it's own spawn in unknown ways enhancing any abilities both previously mentioned & those unknown as a gift of apology from the Void for the boy to discover.) Voids' Existence: - (Due to his existence as a true spawn of the Void he no longer has any sort of actual soul or anything else that would qualify as a type of existence even that of which those the likes of Azathoth has; as he is one with the void yet is his own entity, no such thing of any type can revert or affect his own existence as it was meant to happen willed by the Void he is beyond even a singularity or more.) Aspect of Self: Voids' Grimoire : - (Despite unknowingly being the true child of the Void, because he was once/is human/Drow & had a tendency to forget about things his Grimoire is not just a book for spells, alchemy, food recipes etc, but also is a diary & records every moment experienced which he view as a movie on the pages & remember them including how he felt except the bad unless specified, or read as words which allows him to recall them. Even if he himself doesn't know or remember what he seeks the Void will respond to help him by influencing the pages.) ----------------------------------------------- Description of Appearance: As mentioned above while male he is slightly androgynous in appearance though clearly a boy, he tends to wear casual clothes or warlock clothing though sometimes might feel like wearing something more appealing towards his figure yet not too reveling. Has neck length & short smooth black hair, natural thick eyelashes that he grew back with magic as many had fallen out due to constant rubbing his eyes when tired throughout the years, prefers to wear purple eyeshadow unless not feeling like it & sometimes black, or glossy or purple lipstick. As to complete his appearance of a warlock who also knows that appearance can be used as a weapon for various means violent or subtle such influencing through seduction to gain favor if not able to use his magic when he needs to not use it, though looking nice does give one a confidence boost too.) --------------------------------------------- Personality: Sweet & caring towards those who he opens up to be it by himself or cause said person's own personality & interest, distance & almost closed off towards others; has due to what he went through used to have anger issues & violent thoughts & outbursts that he grew out of, so he dislikes them appearing if not when he is feeling sadistic towards an enemy, especially if towards a person he cares for. --------------------------------------------- Backstory: Born in fantasy magic world in a small village to parents too young to remember. The same village that later after his birth was attacked & destroyed, it was there he was found by a dweller who lived in NorthDark an underground city; from a young age he was taken care of by that person til he fell ill & passed, so he was kicked out of where he lived as he couldn't own it. That day he experienced what it meant to not just lose someone but his home as well, since then he lived in the streets having to fend for himself til he met a small group of people who worshiped a God usually worshiped by those who are thieves, assassins or those who lost & lack shelter providing shadows or invisibility to hide; they taught him their way of living. It was that unnamed God he followed, until his new family stole from a big target leading them to be executed. He then left that place, sorrow & loss had found him once more; he went place to place seeking for ways to not feel such loss again & so he sought out the Outer Powers, known as Eldritch Entities he learned of through his studies & expanding of magic. He found what he was looking for & after took names "Micar" meaning "Lost One" & "Draven" meaning "Child of Sorrow", a fitting name for him.


Name: Micar Darven - "Micar" meaning "Lost One" & "Draven" meaning "Child of Sorrows". Age: 21 - yet looks a little bit more 19 due to wanting to keep his more youthful attractive looks so he used magic. Gender: Male with an androgynous appearance & lithe yet slightly fit body. Level: 100 Race: Both human yet also a Drow/?- used to only be human warlock till experimenting with magic & deciding he also liked how Drow looked cool, was able to archive it while keeping his usual appearance. ----------------------------------------------------------- Racial Classes: Existence Wanderer -(His experiment to become a Drow that had worked yet didn't, left him able to wander around different existences allowing him to either exist outside able to observe, between & able to see & slightly interact or exist in it completely, due to the area he did the experiment cause the otherworldly energy & being in a location weak that formed a dimensional rift at one point in the past unbeknownst to him.) Umbra Weaver-(due to now being a Drow as well as human be has gained a deeper connection to the darker sides of magic almost unheard of, creeping into the precipice of Eldritch nature be it violent, subtle or seductive.) Eldritch Void Child-(due to the experiment & rift once exiting in that area, has unknowingly become a spawn of the void itself that which possibly existed & somehow gave birth to Azathoth along with those who tap into it's energy, so he is treated with fear & respect along with blessings by all entities Eldritch plus beyond as to harm him is to go against the Void & it's encroachment upon reality to become one again. Nothing is allowed to dissatisfy the boy, pleasing or turning his attention towards something else is best instead of needed for it can cause the void to respond to in whatever way it desires to give it's only spawn what want.) ----------------------------------------------------------- Job Classes: Voids' Sion - (Gains natural & complete control of all things of Eldritch nature too weak to resist, which feels natural to the entities due to his nature, those unaffected are those such as Azathoth though they favor him as if he is their own spawn & will give gifts of various nature yet can be influenced if he is emotional enough & the void itself reacts. Even entities like a ROB are not immune to the actual influence of the true paradoxical non-existing void when it awakens in response.) Voids' Favored - (Due to his nature his magic comes naturally to him & can awaken the Void into existence to commun using tribute though rarely needed then can learn what he desires easier if struggling be it spells or something physical or the void itself may give to him directly from itself. This applies to other entities of the Eldritch & beyond as they think of him as their own spawn as he is more important than a mere herald, champion or high priest of their own. If he knows what to tribute to gain their direct attention though the void itself will know what he desires that he seems enough & can influence them to help without tribute or doesn't know who is best to invoke if he truly wants something enough, which they actively will desire to help with as it may grant them boons from the Void.) Aspect of the Void: - (Due to being unknowingly being the voids true spawn, nothing can truly ever kill, permanently harm in a serious way, sealed in any manner of inconvenience or true harm, & anything that does affect the boy will after a few mico seconds be absorbed into the void as it passively heals him & makes whatever affects him no longer work. If somehow ever truly killed which should not be possible in any way, meaning someone must have tricked the boy into killing his body or somehow harmed him with his own abilities which shouldn't be possible; then his existence will be enveloped & ushered by the void into itself even without a body, where he will slumber for a few seconds to rectify the inconceivable possiblity by making n

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