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LV 5
2019-04-11 Se unió Global

Insignias 6

Moments 14479



Their heights were similar, both being less than five feet tall. However, the difference lay in the flat chest of the lazy angel compared to the girl in front of him, whose yukata bulged with abundance.

Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

Anime & Comics · Leonzky



At that moment, Hachiman crossed the black and white swords in front of his chest, assuming the starting position for "Starburst Stream," a signature move of Kirito. Simultaneously, the intense aura emanating from him gave the impression that he could unleash a barrage of sword slashes at any moment.

Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

Anime & Comics · Leonzky



To adopt a more fierce demeanor? That shouldn't be too difficult, especially with those max-level modules at his disposal.

Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

Anime & Comics · Leonzky



Continuing their exploration, Hachiman suddenly spotted a familiar face among the cosplayers—a tall, beautiful woman holding a pink magic wand, dressed in a pink magical girl costume, clearly cosplaying as the magical girl.

Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

Anime & Comics · Leonzky



I paused for dramatic effect, arranging my reveal to play out on the mirror behind me, "… Oppai."

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy



He vividly remembered that in that anime, there was also a character named Sasaki who used a sword technique called "Tsubame Gaeshi."

The Passionate Daily Life Starting from the Tachibana Family

The Passionate Daily Life Starting from the Tachibana Family

Anime & Comics · Abhii_28



He vividly remembered that in that anime, there was also a character named Sasaki who used a sword technique called "Tsubame Gaeshi."

The Passionate Daily Life Starting from the Tachibana Family

The Passionate Daily Life Starting from the Tachibana Family

Anime & Comics · Abhii_28



There was also the Ruler class, but Archer had no desire to delve into the subject of the various 'extra' classes, since he doubted it would be at all relevant. "It wouldn't be the strangest thing I've seen. But, really Master, it's not important and we can talk about it later if you insist. For now though, how are you feeling, and do you need help sitting up for breakfast?"

A Fake Familiar Reborn

A Fake Familiar Reborn

Anime & Comics · NimtheWriter


I would say that she enjoys said retribution punishment more since she is literally a Devilkind of lust by being a Gremory.


Rias rolled her eyes, "Idiot, he's more like a brother to me. Are you alluding to something else, Archer? As your Master, I'm not above delivering you some punishments for slander, such as giving you a spanking." She teased, running her hand down his waist and grabbing a handful of his butt and secretly delighted at the toned muscle of his glutes. Archer chuckled, not minding his Master groping him like a pervert.

A Fake Familiar Reborn

A Fake Familiar Reborn

Anime & Comics · NimtheWriter



The Sitri heiress smiled, finally able to get things back to order and focus on matters she'd put on hold for the past few days. Though the matter of finding a way to earn forgiveness from Archer still remained without any progression, she still had her duties as the co-owner of Kuoh to look after first, and so she began flipping through the documents on her desk. 

A Fake Familiar Reborn

A Fake Familiar Reborn

Anime & Comics · NimtheWriter


Now that I think about it, it is more that even though they have a certain freedom, they are also limited by their society of noble castes; and more so in the case of women since they have a position that restricts them in certain areas and only after they get married will they be able to give free rein to the experiences that they could not carry out before.

He didn't expect Devil culture would place such emphasis on so many of the same things as humans did, but given how Rias was infatuated with human culture and that of Japan in particular, she most likely held this action in very high regard, compared to other pure-blooded Devils.

A Fake Familiar Reborn

A Fake Familiar Reborn

Anime & Comics · NimtheWriter



"… Japanese… with a holy shroud, so related to Christianity." She stood still, recalling the many hours worth of time invested just to find a clue about this man's identity in her spare time." You bastard… I even suspected you to be Amakusa Shirou… made sense given that as a samurai you would be gifted with both the sword and bow. But I had to reject that idea given at no point was a shroud ever mentioned in his legend."

A Fake Familiar Reborn

A Fake Familiar Reborn

Anime & Comics · NimtheWriter


I have a feeling that in the end "Archer" will leave the Gremory group; and all because of Zekram's policy of not having a link to said entity, and he will only have to use "Rule Breaker" on both him and "Rider" and look for those who could keep them and only Vali's group would come to mind.

A part of him was indeed proud that Rias actually tried, for possibly the first time, to go through such a procedure, putting in some effort and giving the other party a genuine choice in their future. But still, he couldn't bring himself to ever accept the existence of the Evil Pieces system. It reminded him too much of his own circumstances, bound for eternity and unable to be set free unless they wanted to turn into hideous monsters and die. A form of slavery, in a sense. In the end, it wasn't his problem to deal with, merely something that he kept up with, with no intentions of interfering.

A Fake Familiar Reborn

A Fake Familiar Reborn

Anime & Comics · NimtheWriter


and as a good "Supervillain" you must have a "Presentation" since without that you will only be a simple "Villain"


My father, a self-proclaimed supervillain, can create monsters from his shadow, not to mention the "mysterious" power he wields and is able to "bestow" upon others.

Ultimate Herrsher in DxD

Ultimate Herrsher in DxD

Anime & Comics · Shonpufi


Furthermore, he knows that there is a clause for those of his status and they will always be pursued by a random "employee" who has committed certain temporary taboos.

"Alright," Barry smirked. "You can be the one to piss him off then. Frankly, I'd rather stay on the good side of the eternally reincarnating guy who breaks reality as casually as he breathes. Not to mention Death… Literal. Endless. Death."

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy


Here I missed an ultimatum for possible "time travelers" who would want to know the reason, but the Armageddon warning only says that if you look for it you will find "Death" (literally).

Bruce scowled — his default expression, "It's not. I purposefully created a whole new clearance level to classify this report. After this meeting, it'll be shoved in the deepest, darkest, proverbial vault we have."

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy



"So mean! You know how many people covet my embrace!"

Journey Of Zoro In Another World

Journey Of Zoro In Another World

Anime & Comics · Fumiaki

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