Someone_Or_Other - Profile



male LV 15

Ra ra ooh la la ga ga row ma ma

2020-01-05 Se unió United States

Insignias 10

Moments 875


I don’t think that’ll have the result you’re looking for

"Find out who did this!" Ji Longtai shouted. "Find out and take them to the Thousand Army Alliance immediately."

After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Urban · Qing Qian

Replied to Banaman

I kinda hate you a little bit for that. Not because it was a great pun, but because you thought of it before I did.

But this new discovery had them as excited as, well... as seismologists ever got, really. They were a dour, stone-faced lot in general and tended to be on the serious end of the scale. It wasn’t surprising, considering the gravity of their area of study and how oh so very deadly earthquakes could be, and generally were.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to Thename20

That’s 6 inches of rain *per hour* for 24 hours. So 144 inches of rain, or twelve feet, will be dumped on the research base over the course of a day. So yeah, pretty smol thunderstorm innit. Any random Australian would be like “don’t get yer panties inna twist, mate. S’just a toiny sprinkler!” Then they’d probably go surfing in it or something.

“The AI says it’ll be the mother of all supercells, Sir. An estimated 15 centimeters of rain will hit the research base, and the storm will last from five to twenty-four E-hours. Chance of lightning is high as well—sensors report a charge differential already building even as far out as the storm is from land.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to kimz17

With their eyes open, no less

ch 672 You Removed Si Fuqing, and You Still Want Gu Huiyan to Come? (3)

After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Urban · Qing Qian


Canada doesn’t have student loans and government grants or a financial aid office that’ll help people pay for college?

"I'd love for you to be able to graduate with your peers Mr. Kestis as you're one of our very best students…" she softly said, knowing fully well that the $15,000 fee was not something anyone could remotely even get close to easily making as a busy college student.

Rise To Stardom

Rise To Stardom

Urban · Caeruleum_

Replied to Reguku

Being attacked, yes. But being attacked by *roots*? Not so much.

And “hostile root swatting at the explorers’ lander” just so happened to be one of those situations they hadn’t covered in their training missions.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047



"What a big show this is," a cold voice said, "I really must see how you plan to take this lady's restaurant. Go on, take it in front of me."

After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Urban · Qing Qian

Replied to thall230

As the editor, I get to name all the chapters and this one was a toss up between what I settled on and “Falling With Style”

He lay there for a moment, then clambered to his feet and cleared his throat. Once again, he took a deep, settling breath and squared his shoulders, then began, “A new horizon, a fresh beginning. Today I take the first... step of... humanity and the Tron—err, Terran—empire and dream of ambition to explore and.... Uh, ahh, fuck it.” His shoulders slumped back to their original posture and he raised the index finger of his right hand straight up above him. “To infinity and beyond!”

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047



"Eternity," this holographic game, who exactly was behind it?

After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Urban · Qing Qian

Replied to Banaman

I was never taught AU at any level. I think I would hate to go back to even grade school now. Good thing I don’t have kids, so I don’t have to help them with their homework lol - “daddy is dumb” is something I’d probably hear an awful lot if I did.

(Ed note: I don’t really like inserting more than one ed note per chapter, but there’s a few terms here to explain. “Old light” is based around the concept that visual signals continue propagating out at light speed until interrupted by some other celestial body. So by staying a light hour away from, say, a planet, and viewing that old light, you can see what was happening an hour ago on that planet, assuming your sensors are sensitive enough. And the “Goldilocks Zone” is the area in space around a star where the conditions are just right enough for liquid water on the surface of a planet or other celestial body.)

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to Banaman

Not all readers are scientists, though. And terms like AU, and other astronomy terms like aphelion and perihelion, aren’t as common as you might think. Most of the harder sci-fi I’ve read just uses kilometers, even when they get up into truly ridiculous ranges. Or they’ll use light seconds/minutes/hours and so on. AU is a pretty niche term by comparison.

(Ed note: I don’t really like inserting more than one ed note per chapter, but there’s a few terms here to explain. “Old light” is based around the concept that visual signals continue propagating out at light speed until interrupted by some other celestial body. So by staying a light hour away from, say, a planet, and viewing that old light, you can see what was happening an hour ago on that planet, assuming your sensors are sensitive enough. And the “Goldilocks Zone” is the area in space around a star where the conditions are just right enough for liquid water on the surface of a planet or other celestial body.)

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


An attempt was made.


[I'm still curious about what she did. It's not like she committed murder or arson...]

After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Urban · Qing Qian

Replied to oppaidaisuke_69

CENTCOM is staffed by naval personnel, so it goes by naval ranks. An ST1 is a specialized petty officer, so around an E-6 by US Navy standards. I forgot to put the rank schedule in discord, so I should probably get on that soon.

“Tenth ring is coming up on schedule... now,” one of the technicians announced from his console. He was an ST1, or Sensor Technician First Class, and his current task was to monitor the ongoing construction and activation of sensors throughout the Sol system.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to Eternal_Crusader

Too true. Although I’m thankful for that, because otherwise there’d be no need for editors like me.

(Ed note: “Booya” here is pronounced as boa-yuh. Certain versions of Romaji (Japanese that’s written phonetically in the English alphabet) uses doubled vowels to indicate the Japanese ā ē ī ō ū sounds. We don’t use the bar vowels simply because doubled vowels are easier to type than alt codes, especially since Agent uses a laptop and I’m fundamentally lazy. So when you see Ayaka using double vowels in future chapters, you’ll know how to pronounce it.)

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047



Those giant “parking lots” were home to defensive guns that dwarfed anything previously considered even in the technologically advanced Terran Empire. Designed to reach high orbit from the surface of the planet, the gimbal-mounted gun barrels were tens of meters wide and nearly a full two kilometers long. It was a feat of engineering that could only be seen on Mars, where the gravity was only 38% that of Earth’s. They were powered by enormous—even by imperial standards—capacitor banks, each of which contained enough electricity to power the entire continent of Australia for just over six months.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to DaoistAssassyn

Oof. I completely got those two switched around.

The planet was slowly being renovated to live up to its namesake—Mars, the Greek god of war. In the very near future, it would not only be home to most of the members of ARES (and wasn’t THAT an ironic mishmash of mythological figures; Mars, the Greek god of war, and Ares, the Roman god of war), but also to the men and women of the Martian Proving Ground, where classified imperial military projects would be birthed, built, and tested to failure.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

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