kavya_shekar - Profile



LV 4
2020-12-31 Se unió Global

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this situation better to text rather than not speaking at all. ego may kill the relationship

She took out her phone and decided to compose a long text to Tom as Sonia had suggested, but paused when she remembered that he was probably in the middle of a meeting and her text would only distract him.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


1 counseling 2 marriage 3 kids

"What effort do you want her to put in?" Desmond cut in.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


what she will do if she dies with that money no use waste lady

It gave Sara so much joy to know that Harry was just as gullible as his father. The only good thing about him was that he was wealthy and wasn't going to be dependent on her hard-earned wealth.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


because u r pregnant he care about baby .

'Why is he avoiding me?' This question now fills her mind. 'Does he not like me anymore?' The mere thought of it makes her heart tremble. She shakes her head while pulling the blanket to cover her entire body. She tries to sleep again, but soon, her stomach growls.

The Billionaire's Genius Wife

The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Urban · PurpleLight


thus time every lady wants to see there mother next to them

Scarlett could only smile at the many pieces of advice Martha had given her. Somehow, hearing her words made her remember her mother. She suddenly missed her mother so much.

The Billionaire's Genius Wife

The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Urban · PurpleLight

Replied to Uwanthi

to escape from police, law etc.

She could hate him all she wanted, she had every right to do so considering what he had done, but he wasn't going to let her leave. At least not yet. He needed her help. He was going to keep his hands to himself and stay away from her if that was what she wanted, but he was not going to let her go.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


i do agree .so many things changed after child birth in my life

Was that what her fear of marriage and having kids was about? Control? She was scared that things could change between them? That didn't make any sense, Tom mused.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


everything doctor Robert is only surgeon

"Hmm, if necessary, we can have Grandpa Robert take care of him too!" Scarlett replied, her mind already making plans. 

The Billionaire's Genius Wife

The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Urban · PurpleLight


this character Desmond narrated well. understands everyone's deep down feeling and make them get relieved

"I'm saying this because I don't want you to keep carrying such a mindset or burden around. I especially don't want you to carry it into your next relationship. It hurts, but admit to yourself that he didn't love you. He found love somewhere else and that is fine. Now it's time for you to heal completely and move on. Forgive Todd, and let go of whatever anger or bitterness you harbor in your heart. You are forgiving him for not being honest with you. You are doing it for yourself, not for him. You are doing it so you can move on completely. And if it makes you feel better, tell yourself that it was for the best that he found the kind of love he wanted before he died whether it was with you or not," Desmond said as he pulled Jade to himself and embraced her as she wept.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


is wine non alcoholic. she is pregnant she wanted non alcoholic. I am confused or maybe I don't know . wine has non alcoholic variety also

"Finally, I get something to drink. Thanks, Benny," Lisa said with a bright smile as she received the drink from Bernice, and Anita helped her open it and poured some wine into a glass.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


finally your brain is working. not like Bernice

As Anita walked down the hallway to join Lisa outside, she made up her mind that she was no longer going to remain a part of this disgustingly dysfunctional family.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


u r right .she knows all but can't do anything

What did their mother mean when she said she let her lover marry Bernice? Hold on, was Adam the admirer their mother had spoken about? Was Adam the one who had gotten her the diamond necklace? It couldn't be, could it? How much did Tiffany know?

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


Anita now


Without thinking twice, Bernice slapped her mother back, "Don't you dare tell me what to do, you shameless old whore! I can't believe you are my mother! How can you sleep with my husband under my roof?" Bernice shrieked angrily, and Anita's mouth fell open in surprise.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


seriously it is a family company instead of I global they need to change family enterprises

"At this rate, I won't be surprised if Tom employs your dad and I. Seems like everyone is working at I-Global now," Evelyn said, and Jade giggled.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


me too

It was a flaw. A major character flaw that she had been trying to work on for years but each time she was presented with a real-life situation to exercise what she had learned, she always gave in to her emotions rather than logic.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


i expected above one ad this paragraph

"Do you have a bathroom here?" Scarlett asks. Roland pointed towards a brown door at the far end near a row of bookshelves. Without hesitation, she rose from her seat and made her way toward the door.

The Billionaire's Genius Wife

The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Urban · PurpleLight


everyone will not like texts. they want to meet person directly I am the one who will tell everything in message/ text over eye to eye talk

Tom was her man, and she knew him well enough to know that this was going to piss him off. Especially when his surprise visit to her had been ruined and who knew what else. Tom hated having his plans messed up, and that seemed to be happening a lot lately. She only hoped her text would work.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


I am like u Harry

"I told you I was cursed with a very good memory," Harry said, and Jade smiled dreamily as she looked at him.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


you will be sad

Both brothers smiled pleasantly at the thought of how surprised their ladies would be when they see them.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour

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