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2021-08-10 Se unió Global

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Replied to Milk_Drinker_69

Nuh uh

His breath caught, as his throat swole. He recognised those claws, it was a mutant. Wolverine, a mutant he had heard of before.

Shigaraki in Marvel

Shigaraki in Marvel

Movies · RewindTime

Replied to Manuelxander97


MC michael (IRL name Mikey dojima)-  He has Mocha skin colour, grey eyes, height of about 175 cm and dark hair in dreadlocks style pulled back in a ponytail with an athletic physique.



Anime & Comics · Manuelxander97


Ngl, the story's been good so far, but the Mc is just not it, like he's basically just a side character... Nothing really redeeming about him, no skills of any kind, a normal life growing up, and he's kind of annoying rn. someone tried that on me, I'd spit on his corpse, yet he's here b*tching about it, but whatever ig, some people like that kind of Mc

Instead of answering, Drifter's hands went above his head, as if to cover his orange cursor. The color was already lighter than yesterday, and it would probably be back to green tonight, but he still didn't want Argo to see it, even though the rational part of his mind was telling him that if she was here, she already knew everything.

Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)

Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)

Anime & Comics · Reis123

Replied to AirheadPufferfish

Okay, but a child with the thought process and knowledge of an adult really makes that point invalid. If that's what I remember him having anyway, it's been a while

Quinn had to say it was fun to walk around the house. It felt that he was an explorer on an adventure. Finding things that he never knew were in his house.

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader



Harry pressed his cheek to the cold, wet, stone floor of the Chamber of Secrets and watched as the monstrous Basilisk shattered into millions of pieces upon its death. The marble sword that had killed the serpent (the same one that he'd picked up the previous year from the White King) bounced heavily off of his left foot, snapping several bones, before it crashed to the floor (and just missed slicing off his nose). He drew in a ragged breath as he tried not to scream in pain as he felt the bones in his foot snapping.

Harry Potter Online Magic

Harry Potter Online Magic

Anime & Comics · UchihaFamily


Rip nerfing the Mc is always a terrible idea

Once Quirrell started actively trying to kill him, Harry quickly lost ground in the fight and was forced to use his shield to fend off the same acid green spells that the creature in the forest had tried to hit him with. As he deflected and dodged spell after spell and tried to use various net and snare traps to trip up his opponent, Quirrell tried to goad him into growing careless. After about twenty minutes, another voice spoke up and Harry soon learned about the face on the back of Quirrell's head. Any reservations Harry might have had about killing an NPC (and therefore turning his cursor orange) vanished in an instant over the discovery that Quirrell was more monster than man.

Harry Potter Online Magic

Harry Potter Online Magic

Anime & Comics · UchihaFamily

Replied to DarthCerdac

Fr like read his mind? Take him to the dursleys? There are many things that could sorta prove it

After a bit of internal debate on what to get for them (since he wasn't allowed to leave the castle) he chose to make each of them a pendant from the extra dragon scales he had. The moment that had been settled, he turned his attention to the last gift which had been wrapped up in brown paper and a tag that only had his first name written on it (much to his annoyance).

Harry Potter Online Magic

Harry Potter Online Magic

Anime & Comics · UchihaFamily


Disappointed how the scene where he's first introduced to the world isn't here

During the first couple of weeks after he'd been sorted, he'd been hounded by a number of students that claimed to want his friendship but Harry rebuffed all of them; he had no interest in befriending those he believed were nothing more than computer generated characters meant to flesh out the game experience. It didn't help that all of the NPC students that approached him constantly asked him invasive and uncomfortable questions; such as why he was so short, why he'd started school late, and how he'd gotten those scars they could see. The adult NPCs were almost as bad; they constantly asked him how he was fitting in, how he was doing with the make-up work from the weeks of classes he'd missed, and if there was anything he'd like to talk about.

Harry Potter Online Magic

Harry Potter Online Magic

Anime & Comics · UchihaFamily


Isn't she considered a snake? Or did he lose that powered when voldi's soul died?

As the woman grabbed hold of his wrist and dragged him back towards the entrance to the market place, the soft crooning of the occamy filled his ears and soothed some of the aching loneliness that had filled him since he'd woken up several days earlier. Unconsciously, Harry began humming softly in response; his boyish tones easily harmonizing with those of the occamy as her crooning swelled in volume in response to his hums; their impromptu duet drawing attention from nearby witches and wizards that either stared at him in disbelief or ran in fear once they realized he was carrying an unfettered occamy on his shoulder.

Harry Potter Online Magic

Harry Potter Online Magic

Anime & Comics · UchihaFamily


If I have to wait until the end of the book for them to meet again, I'm gonna be very disappointed

Harry's first glimpse of a goblin had him wondering if the game's monster designer had lacked any true imagination because they looked nothing like the ugly and fear inducing Grim Goblins that had been found in the dungeons on floor sixty-eight of Aincrad. In fact, aside from being rather short and stocky, having very little hair, and having grayish-brown tinged skin the goblins could have easily passed as short humans with an unusual facial structure. The sharp looking axes, pikes, and swords they carried were of far more interest to the eleven year old and Harry wondered what Agil would make of some of the heavier looking war axes.

Harry Potter Online Magic

Harry Potter Online Magic

Anime & Comics · UchihaFamily


They didn't bother checking what the machine was?? They could figure out what's going on so easily if they got some info on it

By the end of August, most of those that were aware of Harry's current condition had almost lost all hope that the child would ever wake (many of them believing that he was far too gone after his soul had been missing from his body for nearly two years). Albus's health had taken a steep nosedive in the aftermath and he'd willingly stepped down from his position as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot; passing the title to his former Assistant Chief Warlock, Tiberius Ogden. He'd considered resigning as Supreme Mugwump as well but hesitated to disconnect himself from the international scene while he knew Voldemort was still out there some where biding his time until he was strong enough to rise again.

Harry Potter Online Magic

Harry Potter Online Magic

Anime & Comics · UchihaFamily


I thought he could teleport? Boss has been killed, so it's not restricted is it?

Harry wondered when his friend had first faced the man for a moment before he felt his earlier terror return tenfold as he heard Kirito accept the challenge. Needing to protect his friend (since it sounded like everyone else had been disabled), Harry struggled to pull himself back up onto the platform but found himself unable to do so because of his injured arm. Tears began pouring from his eyes as he heard Kirito addressing Agil, Klein, and Asuna with what sounded like his final words before he asked Kayaba to make certain that Asuna didn't kill herself if he died during the duel.

Harry Potter Online Magic

Harry Potter Online Magic

Anime & Comics · UchihaFamily


So we're already here? Did we skip over Yuki? Yk, the only other immortal human/AI besides Kyaba in the game, which should have explained a lot about Harry's situation to everyone?

Harry stared in horror at the humongous Monster that looked like it was part alien, part centipede, part Killer Mantis, part spider, and all ugly. It was all bones and blades, had hundreds of dangerously sharp limbs (including two scythes like the Killer Mantis – only bigger), and four glowing red eyes set in a deformed and demonic skull. Before Harry had even finished taking in the creature's appearance, the thing had dropped down into their midst to kill two adults with a single swipe of a scythe while everyone else promptly scattered in terror.

Harry Potter Online Magic

Harry Potter Online Magic

Anime & Comics · UchihaFamily


Kiyaba and the AI rn


He'd developed a special set of traps to deal with any dragons he faced using the diamond wire he'd discovered in a store on floor thirty-five to make intricate nets that would ground the flying Monsters; making them easier to fight. His secret to slaying the powerful Monsters, however, lay in his magic, which he'd discovered around October of the year twenty-twenty and he had spent several months mastering the various 'spells' he had discovered through trial and error. He could call down lightning; use the four basic elements to form attacks (fire, water, wind, and earth); command the light, the shadows, and electricity (not to be confused with his lightning attacks); create semi-transparent shields; enhance his dirk with any of the elements; and Teleport anywhere within the game without relying upon the Teleport Crystals like the other Players.

Harry Potter Online Magic

Harry Potter Online Magic

Anime & Comics · UchihaFamily


Harry 2 years later


It even went so far as to completely remove any memories they had of Harry from the seven and a half years that he'd lived under their roof. When it finished, there was no evidence anywhere in the house or in the minds of its occupants that Harry had ever existed (bar a box of forgotten belongings tucked away in the attic); even his cupboard door had disappeared despite the fact that his cupboard remained beneath the stairs. The protective magics would remain active just long enough to wipe the mind of a batty old cat lady that sometimes watched Harry for the Dursleys (when she walked passed the house looking for the child two days later) before going dormant until the next time they were needed.

Harry Potter Online Magic

Harry Potter Online Magic

Anime & Comics · UchihaFamily


and the 1 dev

Dozens of people began appearing on all sides in flashes of blue light and Harry quickly slipped out of the courtyard in order to avoid getting trampled on by the any of the other nine thousand, nine hundred, ninety-nine Players that had purchased the game. He was leisurely walking through one of the many market places that littered the city when he was nearly run over by a familiar black haired man wearing brown pants, long sleeved dark blue shirt, and leather armor that he briefly recalled seeing once or twice during the Beta Test.

Harry Potter Online Magic

Harry Potter Online Magic

Anime & Comics · UchihaFamily


I'm sorry? Nervegear?

Once he'd cleaned everything, paying close attention to the Nerve Gear out of necessity, Harry placed the spare Nerve Direct Linkage Environment System (NERDLES) that Uncle Vernon had purchased (in case the one that had been implanted in Dudley malfunctioned at some point) on the back of his neck where it met the base of his skull (as shown in the diagram of the package) completely unaware that the device was supposed to be surgically implanted. He winced as he felt the needles of the device pierce his skin but soon forgot about the pain as he slipped on the helmet unit of the Nerve Gear and powered on the device.

Harry Potter Online Magic

Harry Potter Online Magic

Anime & Comics · UchihaFamily

Replied to RewindTime

Nuh uh

His breath caught, as his throat swole. He recognised those claws, it was a mutant. Wolverine, a mutant he had heard of before.

Shigaraki in Marvel

Shigaraki in Marvel

Movies · RewindTime


Mutants and the Avengers in the same world is such a bad plot

His breath caught, as his throat swole. He recognised those claws, it was a mutant. Wolverine, a mutant he had heard of before.

Shigaraki in Marvel

Shigaraki in Marvel

Movies · RewindTime

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