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Chapitre 139: Game of Thrones - The Hour of the Wolf

Plot: Arthur Snow. First and only bastard of Eddard Stark. The blood of the First Men flows within him, along with that of the Rhoynar of Dorne from his mother, Ashara Dayne. To the rest of the world he is one of two bastard children to Lord Stark, but, the Wolf's Blood flows within him and he shall use it to protect his home, from all foes for he is the Dread Wolf, and Winter is Coming.

Chapter 1: Summer Fleets

Year 282 AC, Starfall


Eddard and his company rode away from the ancestral seat of House Dayne and away from his beloved, Ashara cried upon knowing that her beloved brother was gone. He withheld how he died and said that he fought bravely and she scoffed upon saying that is how he would tell her, that Arthur wanted to go the Warriors way. He and she spoke at length about the Kingsguard knight, then he realized and pulled from the white cloak the ancestral greatsword of House Dayne, Dawn.

He would have left until she asked him to follow her, so he did. The walk was silent as he stared at her back for some time until they reached the eastern side of the castle, climbing the steps to one of its towers to a small room that reminded him of the tower where Lyanna was being kept though not such a ruin. Inside was a nursery and he dreaded what he would see, that she had married and had a child and the father had been some soldier he killed at the Trident.

Alas, when he looked at this child, he didn't look so Dornish and it was clear the newborn was a few weeks older than Jon. She told him it was a boy, and that there was two but the girl hadn't survived, then he swallowed his nervousness to ask who the father was, and she only stared at him with a melancholic expression and the realization dawned on him... It was his. He then was reminded of way back at the Tourney of Harrenhal that seems so long ago now, Brandon asked him to dance with her and one thing led to another.

He wasn't worried at the time, he wasn't betrothed to no one and slept with the woman he fell for. Soon he was going to ask his father if he could marry her, he wasn't much important and knew Brandon was going to rule the North. Then the war began and Brandon and his father were killed by Aerys, he had to keep his families oath and wed Catelyn. It turned his own desires into ash as he took on the that of his brother, and now he has to care for his sister's child and his own.

After the deaths of Arthur and her daughter, Ashara wanted their son to be given to one who can care. He asked why and she didn't give him an answer, the last thing he remembered her doing and saying was that he should know who his mother was, too many bastards are raised without mothers and without knowing who they were. Before leaving he saw her hanging Dawn on the mantle for the next one worthy enough to wield the greatsword. It was only a few minutes after when he concocted a plan of his own.

Two boys, both somewhat the same in age. He could pass them off as his own by Ashara, it feels wrong but his nephew's safety is paramount and Robert is currently bloodthirsty with destroying all Targaryens and wouldn't think twice about killing Jon, or Jaehaerys as his sister had named him. He sighed and forgot that Ashara never gave the elder son a name, no doubt too in grief over their daughter to think of one and now she must deal with the death of Arthur, a moment of thought as he looked at the babe within the wagon.

Arthur, not a bad name He thought on the man he had killed, The Sword of the Mourning can live on in his nephew. In the second wagon held his sister, and he is also reminded of the men he had left buried with the stones at the Tower of Joy. This war was trying and he hopes to never fight another one for the rest of his life.

Cat treated him cruelly when he revealed his 'sons' to her, he could understand that and bared the hateful glares. In the same time, he was met with another son, Robb after his best friend that he reconciled with when he brought Lyanna back home. More so after he told his wife who the mother was, it wouldn't be long before he found out Ashara had jumped to her death not too soon after he made it to Riverrun, it brought all the sadness back and again, he hurried the trip back to the north where he would see his children grow.

His family would grow by two more, Sansa and Arya before another war took him from home. He would return home with another young child, older than his three by three years but had grown to befriend them all the same. Catelyn had overlooked her anger and finally embraced the North and him with their second son, Bran and not too long by few years Rickon would be brought into the world as well and he loves all of them, even cares for Theon who became like a sibling to the others and another son to him.

As of this moment he is watching Bran try to hit a target, his sons laughing and snickering at the young one's lack of skill and he shook his head. "And which one of you was a marksman at ten?" He reprimanded to the three who blushed in embarrassment, Bran smiled at him and he did the same, "Keep practicing, Bran, Go on." He urged gently.

"Lord Stark!"

He turned to see one of his greatest friends, Rodrik and his Master-at-Arms approach with Theon coming right behind him.

"What is it?" He asked his friend who held a letter up.

"Riders rode in from the hills, says they captured a runaway from the Night's Watch," Rodrik reported and the Lord of Winterfell grimaced, this was the sixth time this year and now he has to deliver the lands justice.

"Gather some men and tell the others to get their horses, and Bran; he is coming too." He commanded and was met with immediate disagreement from Cat who was standing beside him.

"No, Ned. Ten is too young to see such things!" She argued and he wanted to rage and rant, where was this when Jon and Arthur had to see their first executions? He frowned and sighed at her.

"He won't be a boy forever."


"Get your horses." Was all Rodrik told them and he already knew what he had meant.

This would be the sixth execution this year, why the Night's Watch members suddenly want to leave isn't much of a mystery, going celibate for life is rough indeed. He sighed and looked at his brother, Jon never enjoyed going to these but they all knew they had to, If you see it then it won't be so frightening he thought and remembered Jory telling him, Robb and Jon when they saw their first man being beheaded and he also found out; like the others another lesson taught by their father personally.

If you would take a mans life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear the last words. And if you cannot do that, then maybe the man does not deserve to die. A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is, he adhered to the words like his brothers and won't forget them when the day comes that they must do the same.

"What do you think it was? Why he fled his duty at the Watch?" Jon asked him and he smirked a little. Jon is quite immersed in the glory that the Night's Watch has, maybe long ago the order was famous and any man not obligated by any duty would jump to serve the Order. Alas, the Watch is not an honorable order but the place where the scum of the land go, well besides their uncle Benjen; the First Ranger and possibly the only man with a reason not related to the crime to be apart of the Night's Watch.

"Probably got spooked on a ranging, who knows and besides, it's too late to wonder about that now." He said amusingly and Jon scowled at him, hard to believe they have the same mother, a mother they never met because of reasons their father refuses to tell, even reprimanding them on the matter so he stopped caring about it, except for Jon.

His brother never let it go about being a bastard, he acts as though he is too lowborn and that isn't true at all. He and Jon are bastards, yes, but they are still the sons of Eddard Stark and Ashara Dayne; both are very much nobility and that just ensures their worth to the North. He and Robb, Jon and Theon all spoke long ago, Robb told them that he will need them whenever he takes over for their father. For him an assignment at the Moat, he would be the first one to command it and repair it since the conquest of Aegon.

For Jon, he would be set for the Watch; he and he spoke of it at length. He tried to get his younger twin to not join but he is set upon it, its sad as Robb wanted him to be the commander of the guard in Winterfell. Jon would have a perfectly good life, marry a woman either lowborn or from a minor House to form closer bonds with the North but no he wants to join an order that hasn't had a shred of honor since the beginning of the ancient guild, stuck to freeze more than they do inside of the walls when it gets windy.

"What will it be like?, Arthur," He turned when Bran asked him and he thought about for a moment.

It was his first winter, Jon had caught the pox. A bandit that was causing trouble had been caught in Winter Town and he was to accompany Robb to it. After hearing the words being said and seeing Ice fall onto the head of the man, he vomited from the incident and had his father talk to him about it. After that he wasn't so scared of seeing such a sight, he would never glorify death as he had heard some men in the south do.

"You will be fine, just." He hesitated before continuing, "Just don't look away and don't cry." He ended and Bran didn't seem convinced, the young one turned away and kept his head and eyes straight.

They got to the hill and his father told Jory and another to bring the Watchmen, the man was mumbling about White Walkers and it somewhat unsettled him. And then it began.

"I know I broke my oath; I know I'm a deserter, should have gone back to warn them but- I saw what I saw, I saw the White Walkers." He applauds the man for his bravery in admitting his guilt, too bad he used the White Walkers as an excuse to leave his punishment, the man is a coward, "You get word to my family, tell'em I died fighting, tell them I'm no coward." His last words were heard by his father and then he kneeled, his father had Theon bring the family sword and Ice was unsheathed.

"In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. I, Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North hereby sentence you to die." With one heavy swing, the man's life came to an end and the execution was over with a rolling head.

"You did well," Jon told Bran and turned away.

He, Theon, Robb, and Jon all decided it was good to race down the trail going back to Winterfell, all while Bran caught up to them. Halfway they were stopped on the road by the unsavory sight of a stag; torn into like a lion got at it and it looked terrible. Robb told Bran to go and get their father who wasn't that far away, while they investigated the fallen stag.

"Must have been a lion, that's what I say." Theon set forth his input with a surprised expression. He scoffed and got the Greyjoy looking at him, "What are you laughing about, Snow?" His brother from another cock asked and he smirked.

"You have been here for how many years, and you believe lions can withstand this weather? And yes I'm a Snow, and you're a Squid." He teased back and had his real brothers laughing with him, then the sound of horses approached "Father." He acknowledged, would always do that though Jon would always call their sire by his title, not him.

The rest he remained silent which was strange, even for him. His father led them after a blood trail that went to a stream and at the bank of it was a shocking sight. It was a beast larger than the best of the kennels dogs, fur mixed of grey and red from blood, an antler sticking from its neck. Jon told him about the creature laying from them, a dire wolf.

Engaging talks went on how to deal with the remaining pups, five of them in total. Father first had them ordered to be killed, he and Robb and Bran disagreed and pled for their lives but his father turned sharp and tried to say sorry for what has to be done. Then Jon told their father that finding these pups are a sign of the gods and there are five pups for the five trueborn children.

Afterward, their father told Bran and Robb that they and Sansa, Arya, and Rickon will feed them, train them and bury them if needs are. As for him and Jon, no pups as they aren't of the true name, just of Snow and baseborn or that was until he was nudged by Jon, both turned at hearing sounds of whimpering and looked and found an astonishing sight to behold. Two pups, one as white as a ghost and another the color of scarlet or copper. Jon passed him one and he the other, Theon took the time and said.

"A pair of runts, just like you two." He deadpanned at the jest and Robb smiled looking down at them.

"You two are Starks, after all, want to name them?" Robb asked and Jon didn't know what to call him, but he thought of the best name for his wolf.

"Dusk, House Dayne's sword is Dawn. My wolf will be Dusk."


"Why does your mother want me and Arthur so pretty for the royal family, you I can understand Robb."

Jon remarked and Arthur barked a laugh, it was pretty true and justified question to be had answered. The King and his family are coming soon, about five hours off and Lord and Lady Stark wanted everyone of note to be groomed for the event, even him and his brother who didn't quite mind, in fact, he never bothered with the woman's cold stares.

It has been a month since the wolves were brought into the castle, it was in the kitchens that he discovered a name for his dire wolf, Ghost for the coat and the beast was very quiet when he wants to be. He likes having something besides just clothes and a horse, Ghost stays by him and he isn't anywhere without him padding behind like a ghost.

"I hear the Queen is a sleek piece of meat." Theon spouted and he shook his head at the new conversation.

"Hear the Prince is a right royal prick," Robb added to it as an Arthur put in his own input of vulgarity.

"More so think of the women he can bed with that right royal prick, highborn ones and not whores you sneak in Theon."

Next was him and then Theon, Arthur, and Robb went back to get ready and so did he once he was done. Dressing in his most formal clothes, sent by family in the south which only him, Arthur and their father know about. The last of their line is a woman named Allyria Dayne and a nephew named Edric. He doesn't know who sent him and Arthur the clothes but at least one half of their blood openly.

Not right. His father cares, just doesn't in front of big crowds because when he was having night terrors his father would tell him stories about his aunt and uncle Lyanna and Brandon, the adventures he and Robert would have together. Robb, Arya, and Bran also are close to him and Arthur, Sansa remains much too distant and Rickon is too young to have such a bond with anyone, sticking beside Lady Stark.

He scratched Ghosts ear and got to his feet.

Arya was missing for a time before running up the family, a soldiers helm on her head that father removed and told her to get in line. Theon and Arthur were sharing a conversation and both chuckled over a joke that caused Rodrik to tell them to shush it. As for himself he stood and knelt when the first of the royal party came through the gate, first several soldiers, then a number of knights, the Crown Prince and the Hound, after them came more soldiers, Kingsguard, the wheelhouse and finally the King himself.

He wasn't at all what their father had told them, Arthur and Robb looked irritably disappointed and even himself but years change a person. He saw the King strut over or wobbled more likely and gestured to father and everyone to rise, after that, they spoke and laughed. He let a breath of relief fall since the King had openly called father fat.

The rest of the royal family gathered and were introduced along with their fathers trueborn by Lady Stark, the Kings children all took their mother's looks which shouldn't be too strange as most of their father's children look like Tully's. Even still; at least one should have something from the father, He thought as he looked at them all, the Crown Prince in favor. He looked like the southern type, ignorant and arrogant, smirking and looking at Sansa like he was a man looking for company at a brothel, strange for a 13-year-old.

The feast went on a little after the guests were settled in their rooms, he and Arthur were put in the back of the Hall with the Squires and lowborn knights, out of sight of royals. He drank quite a bit by now, six or eight cups of wine which wouldn't be allowed under different circumstances as the King is taking much of Lord Starks time, Lady Stark couldn't care less and worried about her own. Arthur nudged him and gestured to the great halls doors opening and a good surprise walking through it, Benjen Stark.

"Uncle Ben!" He said with glee and embraced the man of whom besides his father, Robb, and Arthur and Arya is the closest member of the family.

"Rode fast, didn't want you two to be alone with the Lannisters," Benjen said softly to him and Arthur who remained sitting down but hailed a cup to them. "You aren't with the family?" His uncle noticed and he smiled with a hint of frowning.

"Lady Stark didn't want two bastards being equal with that of Princes and Kings, So we were put in the back." He admitted, too into his cup to care if the woman heard him. His uncle looked at him with sadness before smiling and shaking his left shoulder.

"You would be treated such at the Wall, you and Arthur would sit wherever you wanted and be amongst equals." He felt proud upon hearing that, to be equal is his greatest dream for the future, it's all he has wanted since he could run and swing a sword.

"Then take me with you; when you go back?" He finally asked and his uncle felt like he shouldn't have said what he said, despite it being true. Ben tried to dissuade him but he insisted, "Father will let me if I ask him; I know he will." He added and his uncle gestured to Arthur who went back to drinking with the other squires.

"You would leave Arthur, alone here?" He was asked and he shook his head.

"He would come too, I only need to ask him." Benjen didn't seem sure in the slightest, putting a hand on his shoulders he tensed at the hard stare.

"Leave it be, stay here in Winterfell; you are young and acting rashly, father a few children of your own before thinking of life at the Wall- " His mood turned sour as he shook away his uncle's hand from his shoulders, staring angrily at the suggestion.

"I will never father a bastard; never!"

He stormed out of the great hall, filled with drink and emotions.


"I will never father a bastard; never!"

His head jerked up and saw Jon storm out of the great hall, clearly angry over something and sighed before stumbling to his feet. His head is still a bit dizzy from the six cups he has had, but he still was able to walk out and followed Jon into the courtyard and then to the training dummies. He stood and watched his brother begin bashing the stick man.

It didn't take long for the fellow bastard to notice him staring, and still had the same look on his face.

"Go away." He heard him say in a harsh whisper. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, isn't so curly as Jon's but just as long.

His brother only ever gets angry over two things, being beaten or being reminding in any fashion about bastards. Whatever conversation his brother had with Benjen, it must have set him off. He approached and only got so close before the more drunken sibling pointed the practice weapon into his shirt, stopping him from coming any closer.

"Really, brother? Talk to me." He suggested and after a moment the weapon was lowered, Jon let his body lean against the dummy and both remained silent for a time.

"Arthur lets join the Nights Watch." The question was out of place and unwanted, he narrowed his eyes and scoffed at the question asked of him, "What? Its an honorable order and we would be accepted there, not judged on who our father is, we could climb the ranks." His argument wasn't needed as he already gave his answer once before, no.

"We are accepted, Jon. Robb wants us to remain home, to help him whenever father relinquishes his seat to him; The Wall is a place for criminals and nothing more."

Jon absorbed his words and both stood in silence, then all of a sudden Jon's face contorted in anger and with a right hook sent him to the dirt. Sober he would have been able to evade it but luck wasn't with him this time. The shock that his words causing this was a shock, he took a deep breath as he got up to his feet, Jon looked absolutely mortified.

"Arthur... I didn't mean to, I." His brother stuttered from shock and shame and drink, but he only shook his head; he doesn't feel like arguing anymore.

"Do what you desire, Jon. When you say those vows you have to keep them, else Robb or father will do their duty." He felt sick with the threat but his emotions are rattled from actually being hit by Jon, and in a violent motion as well. Yet, he needed his brother to hear him, to know that if he joins the Watch, he gains a new family and loses the other.

PinkBunny PinkBunny

Chapters: 51

Words: 169,104


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