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Chapitre 279: First Porno

It was all I could do not to thank her for the compliment. I was actually trying to think of something to say when she licked my clit and I forgot everything except how good that felt. She kept licking it and kissing it and I helped by trying to hold my legs apart so she could get her head in there. The feeling was awesome. Roxy really knew her way around a clit. She was almost as good as Mom. They had different techniques, but they were both wonderful.

I tried to stay relaxed, but she was driving me crazy. The pain in my breasts and the pleasure between my legs fought a running battle all up and down my body. I didn't care which sensation won the war, it was all good. Muscles were spasming all over me — inside and out. I knew I couldn't hold out long like this. I was rising to a climax like I was riding a bubble of air from the salty depths of a hot spring, heading for the surface and a gush high into the air. The feelings surging through me tossed me this way and that, and I knew I must be jerking around on the cable like a hooked fish.

When Roxy sucked my clit into her mouth and nipped it with her teeth, I came so hard I thought someone had electrified the cable from which I was dangling. It was all I could do to keep from wrapping my legs around her head and clamping her wonderful mouth to my pussy. The fantastic rush of pleasure up my spine made my back arch, pulling my hips up and yanking my clit out of Roxy's mouth. My hips continued to buck uncontrollably, thrusting my big hard clit into the air as if I were trying to fuck a passing butterfly. My pleasure-button felt like it was a Fourth of July firework and sparks were shooting out of it as I jabbed it into the air again and again.

I knew I must have been screaming, because one was ringing in my ears when I came down enough to notice. With an effort, I closed my mouth and opened my eyes to see an upside down room that looked like it was moving — whether up or down I was too out of it to tell. After watching the room move for a bit, I figured out that the reason I was seeing things that way was because my head was hanging back so far. But before I could raise it up, something bumped my butt and then my arms and my head. The pulling feeling in my nipples eased off, leaving me groggy and in a whale of an orgasmic afterglow.

As I regained more of my senses, I felt some tension in my face. This puzzled me, until I realized that it was because I was grinning like a fool after that incredible climax. I tried to wipe the smile off my face, but it was like trying to change the expression on a statue.

I lay there on the inclined bales of hay and tried to think of what I was supposed to be doing, but I felt so good it was hard to focus. When Roxy unlocked the cable and freed me from it, I knew there was something I wanted to do, but it seemed too much effort to remember what it was.

When she spread my legs and attached the leather cuffs to my ankles, I didn't bother to resist. I didn't even bother to try to sit up, I just lay there and accepted it as some new thing to be experienced. I rolled my head around to see what else was going on.

"Did you get that?" Roxy asked Smith when she had me secured. "Christ! Tell me you got that!"

"Unhunh," Smith mumbled, "Yeah, Roxy, I got it. Jeez! I never saw anybody cum that hard before. I could feel that myself."

"I felt it too," Jones said. There was a big wet spot on his inseam, so I knew he must have been right there with me when I came.

"This is going to be a masterpiece!" Roxy declared. "We're going to make a bundle on this one. Quick, let's move on while she's still hot. I'll handle the camera. One of you, go fuck her."

"I'll — ah — have to wait a little while," Jones confessed to the obvious.

"Me too," Smith said, sadly. His dark suit made his emission less noticeable.

"Well I certainly can't do it," Roxy yelled, stomping her lovely bare foot ineffectively on the hay-covered floor.

The suggestion that I might get fucked appealed to me greatly. My intense orgasm had come way too soon for me and I was still at a fever pitch of arousal. My pussy was crying out for a nice big cock to come and visit and I would have done anything to get it its wish.

My arms were still bound and were wedged underneath me between two hay bales. The tape had loosened some, but getting free was no longer my top priority — getting fucked was. I thought if I gave off some encouragement, some understanding guy would come along and fuck me really nice. I dug my heels in and lifted my butt off the hay. I wiggled my hips around in what I hoped was a seductive way and I looked over at my three captors with a sultry and pleading expression.

"Oh, hell!" Roxy said. "She's starting without us. Crap! If I could grow a dick, I'd fuck her myself. You two pricks are useless. Keep the camera on her while I go see if those punks are still hanging around trying to smoke all the profits."

She stormed out, leaving me to play siren to a couple of droopy-dicked hoods, and their video camera.

The camera intrigued me. It was a one-way window into some other place and time, through which horny men would peer and leer and stroke their big cocks into hard pleasure shafts and wish they could be here with me now. I wished the same. In this fantasy, I was the Princess in peril as well as the Dragon, and I needed a Prince with a long hard sword to come and slay the fiery beast that threatened to consume me. The men in the room were massaging their crotches and trying to recharge their loins more quickly than was humanly possible for their age. This left only those who could see me through the eye of the camera, and it was to them that I directed my erotic appeal.

Since my position displayed my best assets quite well, I used them to maximum advantage. I rolled my chest, waving my boobs and hoping that the camera was focused well enough that my tight areolas and large nipples would be visible.

I spread my knees and arched my back to show the camera how big and hard my clit was and how wet my pussy had become. If my face conveyed anything of what I felt, my performance was a sizzler.

I was so involved with playing to the camera that I didn't hear Roxy come back with three punk kids dressed in baggy clothes that looked brand new. I almost laughed at the irony of the situation when I saw that they were the same three punks I had stripped and chased down the street after they tried to steal an old lady's purse. Now they were going to have the pleasure of screwing that 'old lady'.

Roxy gave them a shove in my direction. As they stumbled into the open stall, I could see that their eyes were glassy and unfocussed. Their pupils were dilated so far that I couldn't tell what color their eyes were. As they fumbled out of their clothes, I hoped that they weren't too stoned to fuck.

The punks must have caught part of my solo performance. As they dropped their fashionably ragged jeans, I saw that they each had a nice hard cock for me. None of them had impressed me overmuch the last time I saw them naked, and they hadn't grown any in the interval, but a hard cock is a hard cock when you're seriously horny. I wasn't inclined to be picky or critical of my co-stars.

The first thing they wanted to do was feel my breasts, which was just fine with me. They groped them roughly, squeezing them again and again to see my nipples bulge and to make me wriggle and squeal when they dug their fingers into my boobs. They seemed fascinated by my rings and they each played with them, flipping them up and down like doorknockers. They giggled as the similarity occurred to them. I giggled along with them and wondered if I was getting a contact-high or if I was just being silly. They weren't the most expert of lovers, but they had six hands between them and if you've never been fondled by three guys at once, I can tell you that it's quite an experience.

One of them almost poked me in the ear with his cock while playing with my boobs. In self-defense, I turned my head and let it slide into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around it before letting it out to rest wetly on my lips while I continued to lick it from below.

"Oh, fuck!" I heard Jones say. "That is so hot!"

"Mmmmmm, yes!" Roxy agreed. "You ARE getting all this, aren't you?"

"Oh, yes!" Smith said. I could see out of the corner of my eye that all three of the crooks had a hand in their pants. If I had been Smith or Jones, I would have been watching Roxy. She was giving off some pretty strong waves of heat herself. Instead, they all three watched me and the junior-league purse-snatching crew have a good time.

Another punk decided he wanted some of the same action as his buddy. He stuck his cock up from the other side, so I could alternate licking them. This left the third one with only one option; he shuffled up between my anchored legs, holding his cock and aiming it right at my sopping slit. I gave him as much room as I could, while trying not to block the camera with my knee.

Again, my limberness served me well. Even with the leather straps holding my ankles in place I was able to spread wide enough to give the camera a good shot of him pushing the head of his cock into me. To improve the drama, I clenched my pussy shut and made him work to get his cock into me.

"Damn!" the punk exclaimed, "This bitch is tight. She must be a virgin. She's sure never had a real man's cock before."

I wanted to giggle when I heard him describe his prick as a "real man's". I could have told him a few things about relative size and degrees of pleasure, but I kept quiet. After all, if it gets you off, it works.

He grabbed my hips and worked at getting his cock all the way inside my resisting vagina. I was so wet that it was hard to put up a good fight, even a mock one. Much of the grimacing and squirming I did wasn't me pretending to be in pain from the forced penetration, it was me trying to override my pussy's wanting to feel that cock inside it as soon as possible. By the time he had crammed it halfway in, I was panting heavily — and not from exertion.

Pretending to be a virgin at this point in the plot seemed dumb, but I'd seen a lot of dumb stuff happen in films that the audience was supposed to accept without question. I decided to blame it on the scriptwriter, and I went on playing the virgin who wanted to resist, but who was overcome with lust and couldn't help but contribute enthusiastically to her own gang-rape. Except for the part about being a virgin, it was method acting.

When his balls slapped my ass and his pubic bone ground into my clit, I relaxed my pussy and bucked back against him, letting the last bit of his cock inside. To give him a thrill, I rippled my vagina like I was rolling the steel balls, milking his cock and sucking it deeper into me.

"Oh, Shit! She's incredible! Her cunt's sucking my dick. Oh, this is fucking great!"

I could feel his cock start to twitch inside me, threatening to spew his juice too soon. I clamped down around the base as tight as I dared to put a stop to that.

His eyes got real big when he felt the pressure and he tried to pull out, but I had a good hold on him and he wasn't going anywhere until he made me cum. I think he realized this, because he looked at me with a new expression.

"OK, bitch. You want a screwing? You'll get one. No mercy, bitch. No mercy."

Those were the very words I wanted to hear. He leaned over and braced his hands on the bale on either side of me. Then he started moving his hips in a slow rhythm, pulling out about halfway and pushing back in. As he reached his deepest penetration, he raised up slightly with his hips, riding the base of his cock onto my sensitive clit. The extra sensation almost made up for his mediocre size and I gasped every time he did it.

His two friends' cocks had gone from stiff to nearly-bursting from my oral treatment. Seeing him rape me into submission nearly set them both off, and I eased up, only giving each of them an occasional lick to keep them near their peak.

The guy pounding my pussy started strong, but after a few minutes of hard fucking, he was looking like he wasn't going to be able to hold out very much longer. His eyes were rolling all over, and his mouth was hanging loosely.

I was pretty close to peaking myself. I snuck a peak at the camera to see if Roxy had any direction for me.

Mr. Winslow had come back at some point in the proceedings. He and Roxy were having a whispered conversation against the far wall. The blood was pounding in my ears so loudly that I could only make out a few words from him. "Special customer... money." Roxy seemed to be arguing, but she became convinced at some point in the conversation to see things his way. She took something from him and went back behind Smith to watch the scene. I couldn't see what it was, and I was too close to a really major climax to worry about it.

From seeing Janice's cousin's film, I knew one of the main rules in doing porn was that you should try to have everyone in a scene cum at the same time for maximum dramatic impact. From the jerkiness of his thrusts, I knew the punk fucking me was ready to pop. He seemed to be holding on through sheer determination to show me what a stud he was. The two on either side of my head would be easy. They would cum whenever I wanted.

It was all up to me, then. I had to lead the way. I gave a few extra shakes of my breasts under the hands of my co-stars and I arched my back and moaned like I was about to cum. After that, it stopped being acting. I flicked my tongue across the sensitive underside of the cocks above my lips and right on cue, they started spurting all over my face and neck. I hit my own peak at that point, bucking wildly as though in response to the hot streams of cum landing on my skin.

The guy between my legs pulled out or was thrown out by my gyrations. My eyes were closed to keep the goo out of them, but I heard him grunt loudly and I felt his legs shaking as he spurted his load onto my breasts. His aim was pretty good. He hit both nipples and feeling his hot cum on them made it extra nice for me.

I let go completely, letting my body undulate in its dance of ultimate joy at being wracked by a climax that threatened to rip my nearly disjointed arms out of their sockets. As the scene called for, I surrendered completely to my captors, giving up the last bit of resistance as I cried out my ecstasy in a high shrieking wail that was both triumphant and sad at the same time. At least it sounded that way to me and I hoped it would come across on the video that way.

As my climax rolled on, the three purse-snatching dopers collapsed into the pile of hay in the far corner of the room to rest and recover. They were so wasted from the stuff they had smoked and having sex with me that they were hardly able to walk. I don't think they could have made it any further than that pile of hay. I tried not to giggle at the sight. It would have spoiled the scene. I was feeling so fantastic that everything seemed funny and wonderful to me.

Since I was on camera all by myself, I dropped any pretense of restraint and just let myself go. I writhed around on the hay bale, luxuriating in my orgasm, cooing to myself and basking in the fixed gaze of the camera. I really let it all out and it seemed to prolong my climax quite nicely. I was still going pretty good when Roxy walked over to me.

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