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Chapitre 6: Family Reiss

Slowly he regained consciousness, I was lying on something soft, I moved my hand a little feeling the texture with my fingers on where I was lying, apparently, it was a bed or some kind of it.

I couldn't help but shudder at having a brief reminder from the basement of my house, at least I wasn't tied down and that calmed me down enormously, but I could still feel my heart beating too fast, I could feel that someone other than myself was in the room waiting for wake me up, that's why I hadn't opened my eyes.

Without waiting any longer, I slowly opened my eyes to see a woman who was very close, invading my personal space, she was a black-haired woman who was approximately in her teens, maybe 17 to 19 years old.

"Thank God" She exclaimed leaving the brush aside "I've been watching you until you woke up, you're not hurt right?" She asked with what would indicate signs of concern "You have been passed out for a few hours, you must be exhausted by what happened"

"Uhg ..." no words were coming out of my mouth, my head still hurt and I felt tired, how had I ended up in this place, to begin with? The last thing I remembered was fighting Reiner and then an explosion of light before everything turned white "I ... I don't know what you're talking about" I said hoarsely trying to make the tone, my throat felt dry and my body felt I felt weak, how much energy had I consumed in the process of creating my titan's weapons? I sat on the bed on which I was leaning and I could see that there was another person in the room it was a man "Where am I?" ask cautiously.

"First of all, my name is Frieda Reiss" the person who introduced himself as Frieda Reiss spoke while smiling at me "The old man who is in that corner is my father Rod Reiss" She pointed at the man who was looking at me with a frown frowning on his face.

"We are in Wall Rose right now, inside my family's chapel where we come to pray," Frieda said "Also I had you change your clothes when I brought you here after what happened, and the dress was the only thing I could find, I'm sorry"

Are my eyes open before turning to see the white dress that I have on, where the hell had I put my clothes? That's what I wanted to tell him, but I was too tired to demand something from him, besides I was not in a position where I could demand from him, the only thing that mattered the most besides Carla was the clothes that I had in memory of my father despite being a bastard, I sighed in exasperation before looking into Frieda Reiss's eyes with my poker face "As I told you I don't know what you're talking about" I said calmly, despite my nerves.

She placed one of her soft hands on my right hand making me tense "You don't have to lie to me" Frieda winked at me "We both share a similar power"

My body shuddered when I heard her words, I moved my eyes from one place to another, while my brain looked for a way to get out of this place. Transform me into titan by biting my lip? My body is not too tired to fight, Push it and run ?, Not even how I am going to find the exit and even if I knew where I do not know how many people are guarding this place, I felt that my heart was going to leave my body, a squeeze in my hand took me out of my thoughts as I looked at Frieda give me a reassuring smile.

"Calm down" She spoke in a soft voice "we won't hurt you" I wanted to tell him that it was a lie that he was just pretending to be nice to manipulate me, but that would be bad so I nodded.





"Y-You're the queen of the walls" damn stutter, but you can blame me a beauty is holding my hand to reassure me, luckily my hormones were still not at that stage, I still need to grow a little more to reach adolescence.

"I am" She nodded "It's nothing you would expect is it?" She laughed lightly.

Well, she was right, I certainly didn't expect a beautiful woman to possess the founding Titan, but 'what does she want from me?' I thought with a frown, but I couldn't think of my power? Not why to wait until I woke up, I put the thoughts out of my mind "What happened to Wall Maria after you took me?" I asked while frowning at him.

"I'm sorry, but Wall Maria has been taken over by the Titans" She apologized "I know you lived in that place, but there was nothing I could do," Frieda said.

"Nothing?" I asked with derision "Or you didn't want to do anything" I accused narrowing my eyes, continue before she could speak "but I could have done something, I could have covered the wall, but you interrupted me, and everything so that" I shrugged my shoulders " I don't even know" speak calmly.

The man named Rod Reiss stood where he was sitting full of indignation and anger "how dare you-" before he could speak Frieda raised her hands counting it.

"I know you may be angry, but I wanted to talk to the owner of the Titan Warhammer," Frieda said while tensing me "You are someone capable of doing this job."

"What are you talking about?" I demanded.

"Protect the Reiss Family from anyone who might want to harm us and I will offer my help as long as it is in reasonable terms," She said while putting a hand on my cheek and smiling at me.

It's not a bad offer he was making me, but I still had my doubts "By reasonable terms, do you mean the pacifist vote?" I asked for.

"That... was a lie from the first King of the Walls" Frieda replied cautiously, she paused a moment before continuing "The king does not share our views, so he decided to lock up the titan's ability to control" She lied, out of the corner of my eye I could see Rod Reiss staring at her "No one has been able to use power since then"

It was an obviously well-planned lie, if I weren't an expert in faking my emotions maybe I would have believed her, plus that also gave an explanation of why she hadn't done anything to help, she's smart, you'd better be careful "I see" I nodded while I got up to stretch my body and also to get away from his contact that made my skin crawl "but I still don't understand if your name is Reiss. What about the current King?" I asked turning to look into her eyes.

In one of the books I had read about lying people is that you can detect them if you were a great observer and in a part of the book he quoted the following * every lie generates a reaction * some examples of these are the form of language in which he speaks or some facial gestures like looking away, and even an expert liar can be detected if you look closely.

"King Fritz is just a figurehead, nothing more and nothing less" Frieda replied "My Family would be in great danger if we were crowned public monarch, so we live in hiding, ruling from the shadows.

True, she was not lying to me, but that gave me more questions than is the danger they are in? Is someone threatening them? If they rule from the shadows, why not get rid of the danger that haunts them? what to hide when you can rule the Eldians to a better future?

"Why do you tell him everything?" Rod hissed "You don't even know him, how do you know he wouldn't try to take your power by force"

"I don't think he will father" Frieda spoke and gave me a look that made me shudder "I know he won't then..." Frieda stopped before frowning.

"Hiroki" present "I am Hiroki Nakatomi", upon hearing my last name they both tensed, which made me look confused.

"Hiroki... I know this is a lot to take in, but I need you to answer if you can protect us in exchange for my help" Frieda spoke.

I bit my inner cheek thinking about what to do, I didn't know what would happen if I rejected the offer, although I don't think Frieda is a bad person, that doesn't mean I can trust her, they need me for something besides protecting their family, After all, humans are selfish beings by nature, even the best person in the world is selfish at least sometimes and being selfish does not necessarily make you a bad person, but the actions that we human beings do is what makes us know if we are a bad or good person.

"Okay" I agreed, I had no choice anyway "Will it is a pleasure to work for you, but with one condition?"

"Hmm ... what would that be," Frieda asked curiously as she cutely tilted her head.

"Nothing serious, just to make sure some people are alive" I replied while raising my hand "then we have a deal"

"Yes" Frieda shook my arm "I hope we can become good friends who can trust each other, Hiroki" Frieda exclaimed with a smile that I returned, I doubted we would become good friends and it's not because I don't like her, only my instinct told me that the conflicts were not over yet.

Apparently, Frieda felt it too because she looked towards the entrance of the chapel while giving an intense look "Someone is coming" Frieda spoke sounding quite aggressive, causing both Rod Reiss and me to tense "someone ... desperate" Frieda turned to her father who nodded "It's time for us to go" Frieda took my hand, I could feel my bare feet stop at a hatch in the floor, Frieda came down dragging her before Rod closed it behind us, following us to the basement.

I have noticed that I have been indifferent basements, damn it because I always have to go down to one "Miss Frieda" I spoke while we kept moving "I still feel a little tired, so I'm not sure I can transform" I lied while trying to follow her step before stopping them at a door.

"I know," Frieda said before opening the big doors, I was surprised by what was on the other side, It was a huge underground cave, all built and supported by crystal, It was the same crystal that she could use in her Titan form when We went further I could see six more people inside the cave.

"Everyone, this is Hiroki" Frieda introduced quickly making all eyes turn to me "He is like me, he has another of the nine powers of Titan, he will help me protect them all"

"It's nice to meet the Reiss family," I said as I bowed a little.

"You don't have to be formal," Frieda said as she laughed slightly "That's Urklyn" she pointed to the taller boy "Dirk" pointed to the other boy "Abel" pointed to a girl this time, it looked like we were the same age, her hair was blonde Unlike Frieda's black hair, "And finally, Florian" Another blonde girl who was hiding behind her mother, also seemed to be the age of my adoptive brothers or maybe younger than them. The only one who greeted me was the last girl named Florian, so I returned the greeting with a friendly smile.

"King of the Walls!" A voice exclaimed calling everyone's attention, I frowned as I recognized the voice of my foster father "Please kill the Titans who are attacking us! Before my wife and children, before everyone inside the walls be eaten! " Mr. Yeager said something distressed

"I can't" Frieda replied "I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about it"

"You can't ... or you don't want to" Mr. Yeager pointed out with a frown, he seemed desperate until his eyes fell on mine "Hiroki! Thank God you're okay" Mr. Yeager spoke with relief "I found out what happened and well ... I assumed the worst "

I could feel the tension in the atmosphere increases, what was Grisha trying to do? He was trying to get him killed, wait even as he knew about this place it is supposed to be hidden from outsiders, my eyes widened He knows that Frieda is a changeable Titan, but if Mr. Yeager knows that Frieda is a changeable why risk less... I looked directly at my adoptive father with an incredulous look.

"How do you know?" Frieda demanded in an aggressive and defensive tone, extending an arm to prevent me from approaching my foster father.

"How do I know him?" Mr. Yeager seemed offended by the tone Frieda had used "He's my son, that's why I know him"

"They are nothing alike" Frieda yelled angrily as she backed away surprised by the sudden scream.

"I adopted him with my wife after my children found him on the street" Mr. Yeager replied "What if we are not related at all? He is still my son" my body tensed still I was shocked to discover that My father has a changing power, I had heard rumors in Liberia about an individual who had managed to steal the Attack Titan, but I never thought that Grisha Yeager would be the person who had the power ... no ... that would not be correct to say, what More accurate would be that I never gave importance to it because I was living a quiet life.

"I don't care what you say, besides he's better off with our family anyway" Frieda hissed angrily, apparently Mr. Yeager had tried to take a step towards me, but Frieda prevented him from taking the step while he was thinking ... wait my opinion does not count in this case, damn it Hiroki say something do not be speechless, but did not know what to say about it.

"You can not do that!" Mr. Yeager protested fervently "he is just a child, you cannot take control of his life, let him choose what he wants", exactly because we do not calm down and meet another day when we think clearly, also I feel weak to force a transformation In this state it's not dangerous, but I don't want to be knocked unconscious again, just to find out that someone else I don't know kidnapped me.

"No, he is not just a child, as you say" Frieda glared at him "He is much more than that, and the fact that you know my family tells me that you know the same"

Before everyone could speak "Father" I spoke in a monotonous voice, but high surprising the people around me "Are you like me? Across the ocean" I asked only to confirm my suspicions.

"That's right" Mr. Yeager confirmed my answer "did you know?" I just shook my head without saying anything else, the Yeager turned to Frieda "Is that what you want to hear?"

Frieda stared at me before looking at Mr. Yeager with a frown "No" She replied venomously "I want to know why are you here right now" Frieda demanded "Tell me before forcing you to tell me" She threatened

"You know very well why I'm here, you have to kill the titans that attack Wall Maria" Mr. Yeager repeated what he had said before "More than a fifth of the population lives in Wall Maria, at least we have to recover Wall Maria, Even if it's lost "

"I already told you that I can't do that" Frieda repeated her answer "I want, more than anything, it's just not possible for me", upon hearing the words I frowned that was supposed to mean what she just said, you want to help, but you can not. Obviously, it is not because the first King of the walls locked up his power so that no one would use them, if that was the case then the founding Titan would not make sense, but the question is why? ... I came out of my thoughts when I watched my foster father draw a knife.

"Hiroki this woman is cheating on you, telling you only what you want to hear" Mr. Yeager commented "She is strong Hiroki, but we can face her together. Take her power for yourself I will teach you how to control it better than her", I guess Mr. Yeager to I would know how the founding titan works, it takes royal blood to make it work, very well I decided this woman is crazy, first she kidnaps me and I want her to help her protect her family without even knowing me, I make fun of the stupidity.

Before I could make a move my instincts kicked in telling me to move, but my body did not react in time so I transferred my awareness that was in my brain to my spine, then I felt something go through my throat, I gasped with a gurgling.

"Hiroki" I hear his father scream in anguish, but my body fell to the ground with a thud, I hear gasps in the room, but I did not pay attention to them and my eye moved towards the person who was backing away with the knife ... damn Rod Reiss, my body began to twist as if it were possessed before a light enveloped me causing all the people nearby to fly away, I could even observe how Mr. Yeager was almost sent flying.

I blinked and was now transformed into my titanic form, I heard two more transformations in addition to mine, so I started to get up to see Mr. Yeager's Attack Titan and Frieda Reiss's Founding Titan.

That was close I thought with a sigh before looking at my body from the corner of my eye, the knife at my throat was destroyed while in turn regenerating the nerves, tissues, bones, and skin where the knife once was if it had been slower transferring my consciousness to my body, I would have died instantly

(Note: to explain it better, let's imagine a diagram showing the brain and spine, there is a yellow light that represents Hiroki's consciousness, it moved from his brain to his spine. This skill called Consciousness Transfer can make any changing titan and allows its wearer to move his "being" away to another area of the body, in this way he manages to evade death, however, it is not a safe method and may have some weaknesses such as a loss of recent memories)

The Attack titan looks at me wondering which side I was going to be on, although I think he would already have his answer after what happened so he just nodded before we both turned to see Frieda and we both got into combat position.

Apparently, Frieda did not take it well since she gave me a look of betrayal and sadness, before roaring with anger ... hey, don't look at me like that from the beginning you must know that I was going to choose my family before strangers that I do not know and they kidnapped me.

My father was the first to respond to the menacing roar by running towards her, to punch her in the jaw, but Frieda Titan hardened her arm and blocked the blow before hitting Mr. Yeager's Titan in the chest and causing him to trip, surprising them both.

"It is strong" Mister Tybur spoke after long silence "does not trust Hiroki, even if it does not seem a threat it is dangerous, it is not for nothing that has the Titan Founder" Mister Tybur explained with a frown.

He couldn't make tools or rather he couldn't risk it because he barely had any energy after all that mindless fight against the titans and the fight against Reiner's titan, so I circled to stay on Frieda Titan's right while my father was in front her.

I ran towards the Founding Titan to hit her on the chin, but she blocks it with her hardened arm, Frieda Titan tries to launch a counterattack, but I block it with my available arm ... she smiles cheekily at her as she watches my father charge towards Frieda Titan to hit him, but she used surprising force to push me backward before spinning Mr. Yeager with terrifying force, I heard a horrendous crunch of bones breaking before Attack Titan's feet came off the ground. and send it crashing down a few meters.

Frieda wanted to take advantage of my moment of surprise to hit me, but I stiffened my hand to block her blow causing a small wind from the impact, Frieda tried to kick my knee, but I responded by lifting my leg and stiffening my knee to block the attack.

I could feel my leg shake with the impact, but it didn't do any serious damage. This was not working even though we are two against one we have not done any damage. She knows how to fight so it's not a joke if she was 100% maybe we would have already defeated her in a two against one, also I think that Mr. Yeager does not know how to fight, I mean maybe he can give one blows like street fighting But Mr. Yeager is a medic, not a fighter like we Marleyan warriors are. So she's taking advantage of our weaknesses to gain an advantage, I thought as she dodged a well-aimed blow to the polar plexus, unfortunately, I did not take into account the time my adoptive father returned to the fight.

I smiled as the Attack Titan gave her a devastating blow to her head, ripping her off her shoulders and causing her to explode on the wall in a bloodbath, the Titan Founder's body thumped on the ground making the floor shake.

" So " I spoke in my titanic way surprising Mr. Yeager "I devour it? " I asked as he nodded before turning around and running... wait where is he going? ... It doesn't matter I'll eat it before it leaves the neck and transforms again.

I nail my teeth into the unprotected nape of the founding titan before tearing it off, making a stream of blood, and bathing my white skin, I could feel Frieda Reiss's body in my mouth ... damn it, just eat it, don't think so much, you could have stayed with Mikasa, Armin, Eren And Carla Yeager if this woman hadn't kidnapped you.

They must think I'm dead I thought darkly, I don't want to imagine how pissed Eren must be with the titans I shudder just thinking about it, without further hesitation, I chew on my mouth listening to the disgusting crunch of bones breaking and a viscous liquid splashing my mouth. I felt something in my body, like lightning moving throughout my body, the sensation could well be explained as when you accidentally hit your elbow and feel electricity run through your arm ... anyway I grab the cable that is connected to my tailbone and disconnect it.

My body from the Warhammer Titan falls in a thud, my eyes snapping open on my crystallized body before the glass begins to shatter dropping to the ground, I knelt shakily as I searched where my foster father had gotten himself before. Seeing a scene that shocked me, the entire Reiss family had been killed at the hands of Mr. Yeager ... Why would he do that? ... Damn at least I would have left one alive, how are we supposed to use the power of the founding titan without royal blood?

"Hiroki" Mr. Yeager spoke in his human form as he approached "you did a good job now that we have the power of the founding titan, we can kill the titans on the wall of Wall Maria," he said as he helped me up.

"How are we supposed to do that" I spoke with a shaky and hoarse voice ... I just wanted to go to sleep, I was between consciousness and unconsciousness just keeping conscious by sheer force of will "wait where is that bastard who stabbed me" I forced my throat for the words to come out, I couldn't quite remember what had happened, I just know that I had been stabbed in the throat before I transformed... how did I end up in this situation in the first place? ... I'm sure problems come to me just to annoy me.

"Don't lose" Mr. Yeager admitted " he had already run away when we finished fighting with the Queen of the Walls ... anyway rest I'll wake you up and we'll make a plan when you're better" Mr. Yeager touched my forehead "Besides you're pale almost like a corpse and your body is frozen ... you have forced the transformations so you deserve a rest "Mr. Yeager sighed in exasperation" I just hope that Eren, Mikasa, and Carla are well? "he said in a whisper, but I heard him I wanted to tell him that Eren and Mikasa They were fine, although I did not know about Carla, the last time I saw her she was bleeding, in the end, I could not remain conscious and everything around me turned black.

Paxkun Paxkun

Hello, first of all, I'm not dead ... second, it took me a while to do this chapter at the university, but also because I had writer's block and didn't know how to cover this chapter ... well, maybe some wanted Frieda to live in this chapter, but let's be reasonable Hiroki, he barely knew her about 15 minutes ago? Also, not except because he was not in danger, he only kidnapped him to protect his family through a "reasonable" treatment, in addition to the personality of Hiroki and he was not going to allow his "freedom" to be stolen from him again after what happened with his father and in Liberio ... well now the protagonist of this story has two of the strongest titans, The Titan Founder and The Titan Warhammer

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