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Chapitre 73: Machine Man 71 Ironspider - Metallic Nightbird.

In the heart of New York City, amidst the glittering lights and bustling streets, there stood a luxurious high-class restaurant, renowned for its exquisite cuisine and elegant ambiance. This evening, the restaurant was abuzz with the soft murmurs of well-dressed patrons, the clinking of fine crystal glasses, and the aromatic melodies wafting from the kitchen.

Seated at a table near the window, bathed in the warm glow of candlelight, were Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy, the city's dynamic power couple. Dressed in their finest attire, Peter sported a sleek suit, while Gwen radiated sophistication in a chic light blue dress that complimented her every move.

As they shared a tender moment, Peter reached across the table, gently taking Gwen's hand in his own. "Gwen, can you believe how far we've come?" he said, his voice filled with awe.

Gwen squeezed his hand affectionately, her eyes alight with pride. "I know, Peter. It's incredible. Remember when we were just college students, dreaming of making a website to connect people?"

Peter nodded, a nostalgic grin spreading across his face. "And now, here we are, running one of the biggest company, can't believe Alex vision will turn out to be so grand."

Their conversation drifted to META, their innovative tech company that had skyrocketed to success giving them opportunities they can never dreamed off. "YouTube was definitely my favorite out of everything," Gwen remarked, her gaze fondly lingering on Peter. "I'm glad we took Alex's offer back in college. It's one of the hottest platforms right now."

Peter nodded in agreement, a sense of satisfaction evident in his expression. "It's amazing how far we've come from even with our double lives." Gwen's eyes softened as Peter spoke of their vigilantism and personal lives with their loved ones. "Aunt May is living her best life now, thanks to us. She's enjoying her retirement, traveling to different countries, and finally taking time for herself." Peter's heart swelled with gratitude for his beloved aunt. "She deserves every bit of happiness. And your family, Gwen?"

Gwen sighed, a mixture of fondness and exasperation in her tone. "They're stubborn as ever, especially when it comes to moving to a bigger house. But I've been able to spoil my brothers with simple things, and I've treated my mom like the queen she is."

Peter chuckled softly. "Your dad, though. He's the toughest nut to crack." Gwen nodded, a wistful smile gracing her lips. "Yeah, he's always been adamant about saving for the future. But deep down, I know he's proud of what we've accomplished."

As Peter and Gwen continued their conversation, enjoying the warmth of each other's presence, their peaceful evening was suddenly shattered by the blaring sirens of police cars tearing down the street outside. Startled, they both turned to look out the window, their eyes widening in disbelief at the chaotic scene unfolding before them.

Two SUVs and a Pickup Truck careened down the street, weaving dangerously through traffic as police cars pursued them with lights flashing and sirens wailing. Gunfire erupted, echoing through the night air, as the occupants of the vehicles fought desperately to evade capture.

Peter's grip tightened on Gwen's hand, his senses tingling with a familiar, electrifying tension. "Gwen, there seems to be trouble," he said, his voice tense with concern.

Gwen's gaze flickered with worry as she watched the scene unfold. "Peter, do you think...?" as she tried to look at the window thinking their date has been cut short.

Before she could finish her sentence, the back doors of the SUVs swung open, and figures clad in armored suits emerged, wielding advanced weaponry. Among them was a burly man with a thick Russian accent, his imposing figure encased in a massive metallic armor resembling a rhinoceros.

"Oh no, not again," Peter muttered under his breath, his mind racing with possibilities. As the chaos escalated, another figure stepped out of one of the SUVs, adorned in a menacing green armor with a scorpion motif. The realization dawned on Peter and Gwen simultaneously, their expressions hardening with determination.

"It's them," Gwen whispered, her voice barely audible over the commotion. Their appearance now fully seen, are in a standstill with the police, the two imposing figures looks like their video game counterpart.

Peter nodded grimly, his jaw set with resolve. "The Rhino and the Scorpion. Looks like they've stolen something, can't they just give us a break for once. "

The police officers on the scene shouted commands, demanding the perpetrators surrender and relinquish the stolen high-tech equipment they were accused of stealing. But the armored villains only laughed in defiance, their voices carrying across the street amidst the chaos.

"The chase will end right here!" the Rhino bellowed, his voice booming with arrogance.

"Let's find a spot to change," Peter said, his voice tinged with urgency as they hurried finding a place with not people and camera's in sight.

Gwen nodded, her heart pounding with adrenaline. "Right. We need to suit up and stop those two before things get out of hand."

Reaching into their pockets, they retrieved the smartphones given to them by Alex, their key to unlocking their alter egos. With a swift motion, they tapped the screen, punching the code and spoke the command that would initiate their transformation.

"Henshin!" they exclaimed in unison, their voices echoing through the night air. After punching in the code in their phone and putting it across their waste it transformed in a belt. With a subtle light enveloping them. A few seconds later, the AI voices from their smartphones responded in unison, declaring, "Iron-Spider COMPLETE, Metallic Nightbird COMPLETE."

They have now change into their form-fitting costumes adorned with intricate designs and cutting-edge technology. Peter became Iron Spider, his new Iron Spider armor with red and gold with blue spiderweb accent, suit shimmering in the dim light, while Gwen transformed into Nightbird, her cape now replaced by mechanical metallic wings that glinted in the darkness.

As they emerged onto the street once more, their superhero personas fully realized, a surge of adrenaline coursed through their veins. The city's defenders were ready to face whatever threat loomed before them.

"Time to swing into action," Spiderman said, his voice filled with determination as he shot a web line into the night sky, propelling himself into the air with effortless grace.

Nightbird followed suit, her wings extending as she took flight, soaring above the rooftops with precision and grace. Together, they made their way towards the epicenter of the chaos, where the Rhino and the Scorpion clashed with Militech Robots Mk3, their metallic forms gleaming in the harsh glare of streetlights.

As they landed amidst the chaos, the voice of Supaidaman echoed from Spiderman's belt buckle, "Supaidaman Emissary of hell Sanjou!" declaring his arrival with a thick Japanese accent. Nightbird remained silent, as well as her belt in silent mode, her focus solely on the task at hand as she assessed the situation with a keen eye.

Rhino, clad in his imposing mechanical suit, roared with fury as he tossed police vehicles aside with ease, his massive form towering over the surrounding chaos. The Militech robots moved with unnerving speed and precision, protecting the human officers from harm as they exchanged fire with the mercenaries in high-tech gear.

Meanwhile, Scorpion kept a watchful eye on the proceedings, his sinister gaze darting between the skirmish unfolding before him and the approaching figures of Spiderman and Nightbird.

"Hey Rhino what's the matter, did you forgot to take your medicine again?" Spiderman quipped, his voice laced with sarcasm as he surveyed the scene before him.

Nightbird nodded, her metallic wings poised for action as she assessed the situation with a cool, calculating gaze. "Let's deal with the situation before they create more property damage."

With a swift motion, Spiderman sprang into action, hurtling towards Rhino with a ferocity that caught the villain off guard. Using his web to swing in, he delivered a powerful kick. The clash of metal reverberated through the air as Spiderman delivered a powerful punch, sending Rhino staggering backwards with a grunt of surprise.

Rhino's eyes widened in disbelief as he caught sight of Spiderman's new suit, the classic Iron-Spider design gleaming in the dim light. Before he could react, four mechanical spider legs sprang forth from Spiderman's back, their razor-sharp tips poised for attack.

"Surprised, Rhino? You ain't seen nothing yet," Spiderman quipped, his voice dripping with confidence as he launched into a flurry of acrobatic maneuvers, dodging Rhino's powerful blows with ease.

With each strike, Spiderman's new suit proved its worth, its advanced technology enhancing his strength and agility to levels previously unseen. Rhino struggled to keep pace, his movements growing sluggish under the relentless assault.

As Spiderman engaged in a fierce battle with Rhino, Nightbird swiftly turned her attention to the menacing figure of Scorpion. The air crackled with tension as they locked eyes, each one poised for combat.

Nightbird's metallic wings shimmered in the dim light as she swooped down towards Scorpion, her movements ever graceful despite the chaos surrounding them. Scorpion, clad in his form-fitting green scorpion-themed suit, brandished his long mechanical stingers with a menacing glare, ready to strike.

"Your looking a little green, Scorpion." Nightbird taunted, her voice ringing out with confidence as she unleashed a flurry of birdarangs from her utility belt.

Scorpion hissed in frustration as he deflected the projectiles with his stingers creating explosion as the birdarangs clash with his tail. But Nightbird was relentless, her martial arts skills and incredible strength allowing her to hold her own against her formidable opponent.

With a swift motion, Scorpion lunged forward, his stingers poised to strike. But Nightbird was ready, her mechanical wings unfolding to shield her from the attack with a shimmering energy barrier and nano-machines.

"Nice try, but you'll have to do better than that," Nightbird taunted, her voice laced with determination as she countered with a swift kick to Scorpion's chest. It seems hanging around with Peter you get to pick his talkative mouth at times, she thought.

Scorpion staggered backwards, his frustration mounting as he struggled to gain the upper hand against Nightbird's relentless assault. But Nightbird was unfazed, her focus unwavering as she continued to press the attack with unwavering determination.

With each blow, Nightbird's strength and agility proved to be a formidable match for Scorpion's cunning and skill. The streets echoed with the sound of their fierce combat, the clash of metal and the crackle of energy filling the air with tension.

Amidst the chaos of the battle, the IT team in the police department worked tirelessly behind the scenes, monitoring the situation with keen eyes and quick minds. As Spiderman and Nightbird continued their valiant efforts to thwart the villains' plans, a decision hung in the air, fraught with tension and uncertainty.

"Sir, should we direct the robots to assist Spider-man and Nightbird, or should we use them to capture them?" one of the personnel in the monitoring room asked, their voice laced with urgency.

The one in charge, a stern-faced man with a sense of duty etched into every line of his face, paused for a moment, weighing the options before him. Though it went against his instincts as a law enforcement officer, he knew that their priority at the moment was to recover the stolen goods and neutralize the threat posed by the mercenaries.

"Focus on the mercenaries for now," he replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil in his heart. "We can deal with the vigilantes later. Right now, our main concern is ensuring the safety of the city and apprehending those responsible for this chaos."

With his directive acknowledged, the Militech robots sprang into action, their sleek forms moving with precision and purpose as they rushed towards the fray. Armed with power weapons set to stun, they descended upon the heavily armed mercenaries with relentless determination, their movements coordinated and efficient.

The air crackled with energy as the robots unleashed a barrage of stunning blasts, their power weapons lighting up the night sky with bursts of bright light. The mercenaries fought back fiercely, their weapons blazing as they sought to fend off the robotic onslaught.

In the midst of the chaos, the Militech robots moved as one, their synchronized movements creating a seamless dance of destruction as they systematically subdued the mercenaries with calculated precision. Despite the mercenaries' best efforts, they were no match for the relentless onslaught of the robots, and one by one, they fell under their relentless assault.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into the night, the IT team watched with relief as the last of the mercenaries was apprehended, their weapons confiscated and their threat neutralized.

The battle reached its climax as Spiderman and Rhino clashed with titanic force, the streets trembling beneath their feet with every blow exchanged, using his new four mechanical arms to attack Rhino, he delivered a powerful blow to his armored opponent, knocking the lights out of him.

But just as Spiderman was prepared to aid Nightbird in her confrontation with Scorpion, a sudden flurry of ninja throwing knives halted him in his tracks. His spidersense tingled with warning as he swiftly activated his new mechanical spider arms, deflecting the projectiles with precision.

Perched atop a nearby rooftop, Bullseye smirked as he hurled shurikens with deadly accuracy, aiming to provide assistance to Scorpion in his bid to reclaim the stolen goods. Multiple smoke grenades followed suit, enveloping the area in a thick haze and providing cover for their escape.

"Looks like we've got company," Spiderman remarked, his voice tinged with determination as he locked eyes with Nightbird. "Time to put these new suits to the test." As he said that the mask they are wearing morph in, forming what appears to be a futuristic rebreather shielding them from the gas. Even their spectacled eyes glowed, scanning the area providing them with a clear sight.

Nightbird nodded, her metallic wings unfolding with a soft hum as she prepared to give chase. "Let's show them what we're made of." Flying through the air, her wings cut through the smoke produce by the grenades. While Spiderman use his webbing to follow suit.

With a swift motion, Spiderman and Nightbird surged forward, their armored suits gleaming in the dim light as they pursued their fleeing adversaries. Despite Bullseye and Scorpion's attempts to evade capture, the enhanced capabilities of their new suits allowed Spiderman and Nightbird to close the distance with surprising speed. As they raced through the streets of the city, their determination burned bright in their hearts, driving them forward with unwavering resolve.

On the Police Side, the dust has settled and the chaos of battle began to subside, the police officers gathered amidst the aftermath of the confrontation, their faces weary but relieved. Around them, the streets of the city lay quiet once more, the echoes of conflict fading into the night.

"Thank you, " as one of the officers tap the shoulder of the robots said, his voice filled with gratitude, he also thanked the team behind the monitoring room, as he turned towards the camera attached to the robots, where the dedicated personnel who's monitoring the scene and providing directives to the robot, worked tirelessly to coordinate the response to the crisis.

The response came swiftly from the Militech robots, their metallic voices ringing out with robotic precision. "Roger, roger. it's all good, sir," they replied in unison, their loyalty to their human compatriots unwavering as ever.

Another officer spoke up, his tone tinged with satisfaction. "Well, at least got captured Rhino and the mercenaries with the help of Spiderman and Nightbird," he remarked, acknowledging the crucial role that the vigilante duo had played in bringing the perpetrators to justice.

As they surveyed the scene before them, the officers couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in their accomplishments. Despite the challenges they had faced, they had emerged victorious with supervillains something they we're unable to do so before, but things change with the help of this new Militech Robots, the machines unwavering, untiring and always ready for action, provide them with assurance that they can do their job no matter their adversary.

With the city safe once more and the threat neutralized, they knew that they could rest easy, knowing that they had done their duty to protect and serve. And as they prepared to return to their respective duties, they did so with a renewed sense of purpose and determination, ready to face whatever challenges the future may hold.

In a Secretive location.

Sitwell stood in the dimly lit conference room, facing the stern gaze of Alexander Pierce, the head of HYDRA. With a stack of files in hand, Sitwell began his report on the latest developments regarding the Militech Robots Mk 3.

"Sir," Sitwell started, his voice echoing in the quiet room, "we've made significant progress in analyzing the Militech Robots. However, our attempts to reverse engineer their technology have been met with unexpected challenges."

Pierce raised an eyebrow, indicating for Sitwell to continue.

"We've focused our efforts on several key aspects of the robots' technology," Sitwell explained, "including the software program, the AI system, the power source, the motion capture and sensory programs, and other military-grade technologies."

Pierce leaned forward, his interest piqued. "What have you discovered?"

Sitwell sighed, adjusting his glasses. "Well, sir, it's not good news. Our attempts to reverse engineer the technology have been unsuccessful. Any efforts to dismantle or tamper with the robots result in the automatic destruction of their major components."

Pierce's expression darkened. "Explain."

"It appears that the technology is protected by some sort of failsafe mechanism," Sitwell elaborated. "If anyone tries to reverse engineer the robots, the system activates a self-destruct sequence, destroying the crucial components beyond repair."

Pierce's frown deepened as he listened to Sitwell's report. "What about the spies we sent into Militech? Were they able to uncover anything?"

Sitwell's expression mirrored Pierce's concern. "It's a dead end, sir. Most of the production is automated. Our spies cant bypassed security. The ones who infiltrated the research and development department, along with other secret development teams at Arasaka, don't have access to military products."

Pierce's hearing this was clearly displeased with the setback. "And what about the AI program?"

Sitwell hesitated before responding. "The AI program is equally elusive. Our attempts to access and analyze it have been met with resistance. In fact, one of our major databanks was recently wiped out by a virus originating from the AI system installed in the Militech Robots. It played what I believe is the 'nyo nyo nyo' song on loop until our systems crashed."

Pierce sighed heavily, rubbing his temples. "And the power source?"

"We've determined that the robots are powered by hydrogen fuel cells," Sitwell replied. "Remarkably, these cells are smaller than a cellphone yet capable of powering the robots for days on end without interruption. However, attempting to extract the fuel cell results in a catastrophic explosion, akin to a controlled hydrogen bomb."

Pierce's frustration was palpable. "So, what can we salvage from this?"

"Very little, sir," Sitwell admitted. "The only technology we've been able to copy is basic hydraulics and movement mechanisms, but we can't seem to get the same results as the ones use in the Miltech Robots. Even if we're using the same components we can't recreate the human like movements they have."

Pierce leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. "Sitwell, I want you to purchase more of these Militech Robots. Despite the setbacks, we cannot afford to abandon this technology. You've seen what the robots are capable of, even if their lightly armed they were able to fight against Iron Monger, imagine what they can do fully equip for war."

Sitwell nodded, jotting down notes on his pad. "Yes, sir. I'll make arrangements to acquire additional units immediately."

"Furthermore," Pierce continued, "I want you to coordinate with Dr. Arnim Zola. Even though his working on the Insight plan, he possesses unparalleled knowledge of AI and advanced technology. Since he was able to turn himself to an AI, if anyone can help us make progress with these Militech Robots, it's him."

Sitwell's expression shifted, understanding the significance of the order. "Understood, sir. But how do we contact Zola? Last I heard, he was... well, integrated into the Insight system."

Pierce smirked. "Zola may be part of Insight, but I have a direct line to him. Leave it to me. Use whatever means necessary to establish communication with him. Offer him whatever resources he requires. We need his expertise."

Sitwell nodded again, realizing the gravity of the task. "Consider it done, sir. I'll make the arrangements and reach out to Zola immediately."

As Sitwell briefed Pierce on the challenges of reverse engineering the Militech robots, Pierce listened intently, after Sitwell finished, Pierce nodded and thanked him. Then, Pierce's tone became more serious as he mentioned another topic he wanted to discuss.

"Thank you, Sitwell. Keep me updated on any developments. In the meantime, I have another matter to discuss," Pierce said, his tone shifting to a more urgent note.

Sitwell raised an eyebrow, curious. "Of course, sir. What's the issue?"

Pierce leaned forward, his expression serious. "You mentioned Alex Arasaka and his Zero One Armor. I've been following the reports on that incident closely. It's clear that Arasaka's technology is leagues beyond anything we currently possess, it's even league more advance than the ones we salvage from alien technology."

Sitwell nodded, acknowledging the significance of Arasaka's advanced armor. "Yes, sir. The capabilities demonstrated by the Zero One Armor are truly remarkable. Even the one made by Stark the Iron Man and Iron Monger looks like a toy infront of it. It's probably the pinnacle of combat technology."

Pierce's gaze sharpened. "Exactly. And that's why I want our focus to shift. If we can't reverse engineer the Militech robots, perhaps we should explore other avenues. Specifically, I want our researchers to assess the feasibility of developing our own version of the Zero One Armor."

Sitwell's eyes widened in surprise. "But sir, replicating technology of that caliber... It's unprecedented. And given the resources and expertise at Arasaka's disposal, it may prove to be fools task."

Pierce nodded, his expression determined. "I'm well aware of the challenges, Sitwell. But we can't afford to ignore the potential of Arasaka's armor. If we can create something on par with or even surpassing the Zero One Armor, it would give us a significant advantage in any future conflicts. I will even give you access to alien technology and a few 0-8-4 if needed."

Sitwell hesitated, considering the implications of Pierce's directive. "Understood, sir. I'll assemble our top researchers and begin the assessment immediately. If there's a way to match Arasaka's technology, we'll find it."

Pierce nodded in satisfaction. "Good. Keep me updated on your progress, Sitwell. And remember, we need results. Failure is not an option." Sitwell, in a firm stance replied ", Hail Hydra!" as he nodded in agreement, recognizing the importance of the task at hand.

As he left Pierce's office, he couldn't shake the weight of the challenge ahead. Replicating the Zero One Armor was no small feat, they can't replicate the Militech robots let alone the Armor system made by Arasaka, but he believed if anyone could do it, it was HYDRA.

He knew they would need to gather all of hydras most brilliant mind do it. Sitwell headed to the research division, where he planned to consult the extensive data provided by SHIELD's top scientists, Fitz and Simmons, at the behest of Director Nick Fury. Their insights could prove invaluable in the daunting endeavor that lay ahead.

TheMainPlagiaris TheMainPlagiaris

thanks for supporting this half arse fanfic. anyone else from SEA experiencing horrowing power outage. its been a week now, their cutting the power everyday its getting annoying.

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