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Chapitre 26: Chapter 26

Seok-Woo stepped outside and briskly caught up with Sung-Hee, who had halted in her tracks. "Raise this up, then carry that over there and fix—" Sung-Hee began, her tone brisk and businesslike as she delegated tasks to Seok-Woo, treating him as if he were an employee of the store. She rattled off instructions without pausing, seemingly oblivious to any potential strain it might place on him.

"Why aren't you following my instructions?" Sung-Hee interjected sharply, noticing Seok-Woo's hesitation and apparent overwhelm. Her tone was accusatory, her arms crossed in frustration.

"Could you perhaps lighten the load a bit?" Seok-Woo requested, feeling the weight of the tasks assigned to him.

"Didn't you volunteer to help? Are you reneging on your word now?" Sung-Hee retorted, her tone tinged with disappointment as she challenged Seok-Woo's commitment.

With a resigned sigh, Seok-Woo reluctantly complied with Sung-Hee's instructions. As he began to tackle the tasks at hand, Sung-Hee's expression softened, and she offered him an encouraging pat on the back.

"I know you're capable of more, especially with your physique," Sung-Hee remarked with a smile, her hand lingering on his back.

Seok-Woo couldn't resist a playful retort. "Oh, I've got plenty of energy left, especially when it comes to filling you up inside," he teased, earning himself a playful but firm slap on the back from Sung-Hee.

"Behave yourself! Focus on your work," Sung-Hee chided, her cheeks flushing at Seok-Woo's suggestive remark.

"Understood, Ma'am. I'll give it my all," Seok-Woo responded with a half-hearted cheer, mustering up the motivation to tackle the tasks assigned to him. With a determined nod, he set about his duties, determined to fulfill his obligations to Sung-Hee and the store.

It took almost an hour to finish for him to do what Sung-Hee asked alone. Along the way, Sung-Hee just nitpicked every time Seok-Woo made a wrong adjustment. She truly gave him an earful, but Seok-Woo tolerated this. As when in bed he will be the one dictating her again.

As Seok-Woo completed his tasks, a sense of exhaustion settled over him like a heavy cloak. With deliberate movements, he lowered himself onto a nearby chair, relishing the opportunity to rest his weary muscles. Leaning back, he cast his gaze across the transformed landscape of the cafe, taking in the fruits of his labor with a mixture of satisfaction and pride.

"It appears I've completely revamped the ambiance of this place," he murmured to himself, his voice barely audible above the hum of activity surrounding him.

A longing for the comforts of home tugged at Seok-Woo's tired frame, prompting him to yearn for the soothing embrace of a warm shower to wash away the grime of the day's work.

"Home sounds like heaven right about now," he whispered to the empty air, his words a silent plea for release from the demands of the day.

Sung-Hee's voice broke through Seok-Woo's reverie, pulling him back to the present moment. Her words, filled with gratitude and praise, washed over him like a cool breeze on a hot day, momentarily lifting his spirits.

"Thank you for your invaluable assistance, Seok-Woo. Your efforts have undeniably enhanced the visual appeal of our establishment," Sung-Hee acknowledged, her tone laced with genuine appreciation.

Seok-Woo responded with a subtle tilt of his head, his gratitude evident in the weary lines etched upon his face. However, before Sung-Hee could utter another word, he interjected with a sense of urgency tinged with fatigue.

"May I take my leave now?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a mixture of exhaustion and anticipation.

Sung-Hee's lips curved into a smirk as she considered his request. "There's still more to be done, I'm afraid," she informed him, her tone teasing yet firm. Sung-Hee continued but Seok-Woo cut her off, his patience wearing thin. "I'm sorry, but I must decline," he interjected, rising from his seat and making his way toward the exit without waiting for Sung-Hee's response.

As Seok-Woo disappeared into the distance, Sung-Hee's sigh echoed through the empty space, a blend of exasperation and amusement swirling within her chest.

"What a fool. I hadn't even finished speaking—I had intended to extend an invitation for dinner," she muttered to herself, her words tinged with a hint of fond exasperation.

Turning her attention back to the task at hand, Sung-Hee entered the bustling kitchen, where Jin-Yi stood poised over a sizzling stove, her movements graceful and precise.

"Sung-Hee, where's Seok-Woo?" Jin-Yi inquired, her voice filled with concern as she plated the steaming dishes before her.

A resigned sigh escaped Sung-Hee's lips as she recounted Seok-Woo's abrupt departure, a flicker of disappointment shadowing her features.

"He's already left for home, without even hearing me out," Sung-Hee replied with a sigh, picking up her chopsticks and helping herself to a bite of food.

"Is that so? What a pity," Jin-Yi lamented softly, her disappointment evident as she switched off the stove. With a graceful fluidity, she settled into a chair, ready to partake in the meal laid before her.

As the aroma of the freshly prepared food filled the air, enveloping them in its comforting embrace, the two women engaged in idle conversation, their words mingling with the clink of utensils against plates. Each bite was savored amidst the easy banter, a moment of respite from the day's labors.

In the midst of their meal, Jin-Yi broached a topic that had been lingering on her mind, her curiosity piqued by a lingering desire for further connection.

"Sung-Hee, do you happen to have Seok-Woo's contact information? If so, would you be willing to share it with me?" Jin-Yi's query was casual, though, beneath the surface, her thoughts danced with unspoken intentions.

Sung-Hee's brow arched inquisitively at the unexpected request, her curiosity piqued by Jin-Yi's sudden interest in Seok-Woo's whereabouts.

"Why do you ask?" Sung-Hee countered, her tone tinged with curiosity as she sought to unravel the mystery behind Jin-Yi's inquiry.

Jin-Yi responded with practiced ease, concealing her true motivations behind a veil of nonchalance. "I had intended to exchange numbers with him earlier, but it slipped my mind amidst the hustle and bustle of our work," she explained, her words carefully chosen to mask her underlying intentions.

Sung-Hee regarded her companion thoughtfully, weighing the request against her own intuition. Ultimately, she reasoned that there was little harm in fulfilling Jin-Yi's simple request.

"Of course, I can provide you with his number later," Sung-Hee acquiesced, her decision made with a sense of casual generosity.

Jin-Yi's smile bloomed with gratitude at Sung-Hee's willingness to assist. "Thank you, Sung-Hee," she expressed sincerely, her appreciation evident in the warmth of her gaze.

The two then resumed eating. Meanwhile, Seok-Woo was already driving home, getting away from Sung-Hee for more work to do. He was en route, cruising down the road. The drive home wasn't long. After a while, Seok-Woo arrived at his home.

He parked his car in the garage and then got out to go inside. As he entered the house, he smelled the aroma of food being cooked. He knew that it was Chae-Yoon who was making it.

"I'm home," Seok-Woo casually declared as he walked, moving deeper into the familiar sight of home. Chae-Yoon turned back as Seok-Woo spoke, her face smiling as she saw him.

"Son, your timing is great; the food is almost done. Why don't you change and then come down after you're finished?" Chae-Yoon said with a spatula in her hand, smiling.

"Sure, I'll be back here soon," Seok-Woo replied with a nod, then walked up the stairs as Chae-Yoon observed him, staring at his back as he went up.

Seok-Woo arrived at his room and made a beeline for the closet, grabbing a towel. With it in hand, he headed straight to the bathroom to freshen up after his shift at the Kid's Cafe.

Inside, he closed the door and began shedding his clothes, which were slightly damp from his work earlier. Though not overly strenuous, it had consumed a significant amount of time.

Once stripped down, he stepped into the cleansing flow of the shower, washing away the remnants of his day. Meanwhile, downstairs, Chae-Yoon meticulously plated up dishes for their upcoming meal.

As she surveyed the dining table, satisfaction evident in her stance, her thoughts turned to Seok-Woo. "How do I break the ice with him?" she pondered, crossing her arms in contemplation.

"Should I fetch some alcohol from where my husband keeps it?" Chae-Yoon mused aloud, considering whether to include drinks in their dinner.

"Well, he won't object if Seok-Woo and I indulge a bit," she reasoned quietly before heading toward her husband's stash of alcohol.

"This will be the first time Seok-Woo and I have shared a drink together. Perhaps it will help him open up," she thought as she crouched to open the cabinet.

Inside lay an array of options: wine, soju, beer, and more.

"Soju or wine?" Chae-Yoon deliberated, considering the best choice for their meal. After a moment of reflection, she made her decision, reaching out to retrieve the chosen bottle.

She chose to retrieve a bottle of wine from the cabinet. Chae-Yoon then closed the cabinet and stood up, walking toward the dining table to place the bottle of wine.

As she set the bottle of wine on the table, she patiently waited for Seok-Woo to come down. Chae-Yoon sat down as she waited for him.

After a few minutes, Seok-Woo arrived at the dining table, his hair still wet, wearing a plain t-shirt and shorts for comfort. Upon seeing Chae-Yoon seated, he took his place.

Chae-Yoon turned her head to look at Seok-Woo, who had just arrived. "Settle in, Seok-Woo. Let's eat," she gestured, inviting him to take a seat.

He nodded, but before he could move, he noticed the bottle of wine on the table. Sensing his hesitation, Chae-Yoon addressed him.

"Do you mind if we have a little drink tonight?" Chae-Yoon asked Seok-Woo if he was interested.

"I don't mind drinking, but I wanted to ask, when is Father going back home?" Seok-Woo answered, inquiring about his father's absence from the house.

"Your father will be late as usual, from work again," Chae-Yoon answered, after which Seok-Woo nodded at her response and then proceeded to his seat.

After settling in, the two started to eat. The table was silent for a minute as only the sounds of utensils could be heard in the area.

This continued until Chae-Yoon brought out the wine. "Do you want a glass?" she asked Seok-Woo, to which he responded with a nod.

Seeing his affirmation, she then poured wine into his glass, filling it only halfway. She then placed the glass near him and poured a glass for herself.

"Let's cheers, Seok-Woo," Chae-Yoon extended her hand with a glass to Seok-Woo, who responded by grabbing him and said to her with a smile, "Cheers." The two glasses clinked, and they drank the wine.

Afterward, they continued eating as time passed by. Chae-Yoon's expectations for Seok-Woo to open up after drinking a few glasses were not met as she thought. Seok-Woo just focused on eating, while Chae-Yoon drank a few glasses of wine.

Chae-Yoon starts to get tipsy, while Seok-Woo starts to notice Chae-Yoon's shifting behavior.

"Seok-Woo, why don't you chat with your mother?" Chae-Yoon said to Seok-Woo, her face red but not yet drunk.

Seok-Woo looked at her, then replied, "Why don't you pick a topic to talk about, Mother?" He continued eating as Chae-Yoon put her head on her hand, contemplating which topic to choose.

After a few seconds of thought, she asked Seok-Woo, "Then I'll ask about you," suddenly looking intently at him.

"Is Sung-Hee your girlfriend now?" Chae-Yoon bluntly asked, wanting to clarify their relationship. She waited for him to answer, but Seok-Woo just stared at her.

Seok-Woo didn't think too much, but he responded to her assumption. "Sung-Hee is not my girlfriend, yet," he said, emphasizing the last word.

Chae-Yoon's eyebrows raised as she heard his response. She leaned forward slightly, smiling. "So you like her?" She was interested in his thoughts on Sung-Hee.

"I don't know why I'm just answering, but she needs to give something in return," Seok-Woo thought to himself, then said to her, "Take one shot, and I'll answer, Mother," with seriousness.

Chae-Yoon, amused by his condition to answer, immediately grabbed the bottle of wine. As she poured a shot into the glass, she said to Seok-Woo, "This reminds me of when my friends also did this when we were in college."

After pouring the shot, she grabbed the glass and downed it in one take. Seok-Woo was surprised by her actions but couldn't help but be impressed by her persistence to know.

"Sure, I'll answer," Seok-Woo said to Chae-Yoon as she stared at him intensely after taking a shot.

Seok-Woo leaned back in his seat as he prepared to answer. He didn't expect to be in this situation, but he was a man of his word, so he spoke his true feelings.

"I... do somewhat like her," Seok-Woo answered, crossing his arms. Slightly embarrassed to admit it, he never thought that he would express his true feelings about her out loud in front of Chae-Yoon.

Chae-Yoon smiled widely as he said it. "Never thought my daughter-in-law would be arriving so early in my life," she mused to herself as she smiled. But Chae-Yoon decided to push the envelope.

"So, did you two have sex?" Chae-Yoon straightforwardly asked, her tipsy state causing her to lose some integrity in her reasoning. She looked forward to his answer again.

Seok-Woo coughed slightly in disbelief at her sudden question. But he didn't shy away from it. Instead, he gestured to her. "Take one more shot, then I'll answer again."

In response, Chae-Yoon grabbed the wine bottle and poured an inaccurate shot, downing it immediately. After which, she smirked at him, awaiting his answer.

"Well, I'm screwed. I shouldn't have asked her to do that in the beginning as a condition," Seok-Woo thought to himself, slightly regretting his words but planning to continue and see how far this would go.

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