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Chapitre 2: Ryomen Sukuna

I stood amidst the destruction, my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. The adrenaline was still pumping through my veins, and my right arm tingled with the residual energy from my newfound power. I looked around at the shattered walls and debris, hardly believing that I had caused such devastation.

As I was trying to process everything that had just happened, a familiar blue screen appeared before me:

[Quest Complete: Cursed Energy Awakening 

Reward: 150 XP, Status screen unlock, Unique cursed technique]

[Congratulations on completing the quest! Would you like to accept your rewards?]

I blinked, still getting used to the idea of this strange system that seemed to be guiding me through my new life. "Yeah, I suppose so," I said, feeling a bit awkward talking to a disembodied voice.

[Reward accepted! You have unlocked your status screen and gained a unique cursed technique: Phantom Threads.]

" Phantom Threads? What does that mean?" I asked, confusion evident in my voice.

The system responded with a detailed explanation:

[The user can manifest and manipulate ethereal threads infused with cursed energy. Initially, the threads are weak and difficult to control, but as the user trains and masters the technique, the threads become stronger, more versatile, and can be used for a wide range of offensive, defensive, and utility purposes.]

"Wow, that's a lot to take in," I muttered, running a hand through my hair. It seemed Phantom Threads was a double-edged sword - powerful, but with a significant learning curve I'd have to be mindful of.

Suddenly, a thought struck me. "Wait, what about Sasaki and the other guy? Are they okay?" 

I hurried back into the hallway, relief washing over me as I saw Sasaki and the unconscious student still breathing. They were banged up but alive. Seeing no imminent danger, I decided to look at my status screen. I said aloud, "Status."

Instantly, a translucent blue screen appeared before my eyes, displaying a wealth of information about my abilities and attributes.

[Name: Kaito Murakami

Title: None

Grade: 4

Level: 1 (385/1000 XP)


- Phantom Threads (Lvl 1)


- Strength: C- 

- Agility: B

- Endurance: C

- Vitality: C-

- Sense: C

- Curse Energy: SSS+

- Cursed Energy Control: D


- Beginner Gift Box]

As I scanned my status screen, I felt overwhelmed by the information presented before me. The grades, levels, and attributes were all foreign concepts, and I had no idea what they truly meant in the grand scheme of things.

One thing that did stand out was my curse energy level, which was apparently off the charts at SSS+. 

Another item that caught my eye was the beginner gift box. Curious, I focused on it and said, "Open beginner gift box."

A new screen appeared, displaying the contents of the box:

[Beginner Gift Box

- 1x Max Technique: Enhanced Development

- 1x Guide to Cursed Energy Control]

"Enhanced Development? Cursed Energy Control?" I had no idea what any of these things meant for me, but they sounded important.

I reached out and touched the glowing text that read "Enhanced Development," and instantly, a flood of information poured into my mind. The system's voice echoed in my thoughts, providing a detailed explanation of this mysterious ability.

[Enhanced Development is a powerful passive ability that accelerates your growth and development as a jujutsu sorcerer. This technique enhances your ability to learn, adapt, and improve your skills at an extraordinary rate.

With Enhanced Development, you will gain experience points (XP) at a faster rate than normal, allowing you to level up more quickly. Each level gained will grant you attribute points that you can allocate to enhance your physical and cursed energy abilities.

Furthermore, Enhanced Development increases the speed at which you can master and level up your cursed techniques. As you use your techniques in battle and training, they will grow in power and efficiency at a much faster pace compared to other sorcerers.

This ability also grants you a heightened intuition and understanding of cursed energy manipulation. As you encounter new techniques and abilities, you will be able to analyze and comprehend their workings more easily, allowing you to develop countermeasures or even incorporate elements of those techniques into your own arsenal.

However, it is important to note that Enhanced Development does not guarantee instant mastery or godlike power. You will still need to put in the effort and dedication to train and improve your abilities. The technique simply amplifies the results of your hard work and accelerates your growth.]

As the system's explanation came to an end, I tried to process all the information that had just been dumped into my mind. It was a lot to take in, but I knew that I couldn't afford to waste this chance. With Enhanced Development at my disposal, I had the potential to become something truly special in this world.

Finally, I focused on the guide to cursed energy control. As soon as my finger brushed the floating text, the book materialized in my hand, its cover worn and ancient-looking. I flipped through a few pages, skimming over detailed diagrams and instructions on how to harness and manipulate the mysterious power that now flowed through my veins.

Mentally, I stored the book back in my inventory, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sudden influx of information.

Suddenly, a desperate shout rang out from outside. "Don't do it!"

Alarmed, I hobbled towards the giant hole in the wall, my heart pounding in my chest. As I reached the edge, I saw Itadori slash his hand upward, unleashing a devastating attack that obliterated the giant curse in a single blow.

I stared in awe at the display of raw power, my mouth hanging open. But my amazement quickly turned to horror as Itadori started laughing like a maniac, tearing his jacket off in a frenzy.

"Cursed flesh is so boring," he cackled, his voice dripping with malice. "Now where are the people? The women?"

He stood at the edge of the roof, his arms spread wide, a crazed grin on his face. "What a wonderful era to be reawakened! Women and children are crawling everywhere like maggots! How marvelous! It'll be a massacre!"

His laughter echoed through the night, sending chills down my spine. I turned to the guy who had been fighting alongside Itadori, my eyes wide with confusion and fear.

"What the hell happened?" I yelled, my voice trembling.

The guy's face was pale, his eyes haunted. "Itadori, he... he ate the finger."

Suddenly, I heard Itadori's voice, but it sounded different, strained. "What do you think you're doing with my body? Give it back!"

Itadori touched his face, his expression one of confusion. "Wait? How are you doing that?"

I noticed the change in his voice, the way it shifted between two distinct personalities. Cautiously, I called out, "Itadori? You there?"

Itadori turned to face me, a genuine smile spreading across his face. 

"Yeah, Murakami, I'm here," he said.

The guy beside me tensed, his hands clenching into fists. "Stay right where you are!" he shouted, his voice filled with authority. "You're no longer human!"

I looked at him, my eyes narrowing in disdain. "The fuck do you mean by that?"

But the guy ignored me, his focus solely on Itadori. He dropped into a fighting stance.

"Under jujutsu regulations, Yuji Itadori, by law, I will now exorcise you, as a curse!"

Itadori put his hands up in a placating gesture, his expression one of confusion and concern. "No, really Megumi, I'm fine," he said, his voice sounding more like his usual self. "Plus, all three of us are banged up. Shouldn't we see a doctor or something?"

I nodded in agreement, wincing as I dropped down to the lower roof. Pain shot through my body, a reminder of the brutal battle we had just endured. "Yeah, we need to get healed, and you need to give us some answers."

The guy, who I now knew as Megumi, turned to look at me, his eyes widening in surprise. "How... how do you have that much cursed energy?"

Before I could respond, a voice from behind Megumi caught our attention. "What's the situation?"

Megumi spun around, his face a mix of shock and recognition. "Satoru Gojo? What are you doing here?"

I turned to see a tall man with snow-white hair, his eyes covered by a black blindfold. Despite his unusual appearance, he carried himself with an air of casual confidence.

Gojo chuckled, pulling out his phone. "Hey, I wasn't planning on showing up, but you got kinda roughed up, huh kid?" He started snapping pictures of Megumi from different angles, a mischievous grin on his face. "I can't wait to show this to the second years. Say cheese!"

Itadori and I exchanged confused glances, unsure of what to make of this eccentric newcomer.

Gojo continued, "I got an earful from the higher-ups that the special grade cursed object is still missing, so I thought I'd do a little sightseeing and stop by. So, did you find it?"

Megumi turned to us, his expression grim. "He ate it."

Gojo looked at Itadori and me, his head tilted in curiosity. "Hm, which one of you did it? Let me guess..."

He teleported forward, leaning in close to my face. I instinctively leaned back, unsettled by his proximity and the intensity of his presence.

"Hmm, what's your last name, kid?" 


Gojo stepped back, shrugging his shoulders. "Hm... That last name doesn't sound familiar. Oh well, it isn't you, so it must be you, pink hair."

He turned to Itadori, his head cocked to the side. "Anything weird about your body?"

Itadori shook his head, "Nah, it seems okay."

"Can you swap with Sukuna at will?"

Itadori's brow furrowed in confusion. "Sukuna?"

Gojo elaborated, "The curse you ate."

Realization dawned on Itadori's face. "Hm? Oh, yeah, I think I can do that."

Gojo nodded, stretching his arms above his head. "Alright, give us 10 seconds, then change back to yourself. Murakami, you might want to come over here."

I hesitated for a moment, my mind reeling from the sudden onslaught of new information and the bizarre turn of events. But something in Gojo's tone told me that it was best to follow his instructions.

I limped over to where Gojo and Megumi stood, my body protesting with every step. As I took my place beside them, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were on the brink of something monumental, something that would change the course of our lives forever.

Itadori opened his mouth to protest, but Gojo cut him off with a wave of his hand. "Don't worry," he said, his voice brimming with confidence. "I'm way too strong for him."

Gojo tossed a small bag towards Megumi, who caught it with a look of surprise. "Megumi! Hold on to this for me."

Megumi glanced inside the bag Gojo had tossed him, his brows furrowed in confusion. "What's in it?" he asked.

Gojo grinned, his expression one of childlike excitement. "Kikufuku Mochi," he said, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "It's a Sendai specialty. Super delicious. I recommend the Edamame and Cream flavor."

Before Megumi could respond, Sukuna lunged forward, his fist aimed directly at Gojo's face. But Gojo was faster, his body seeming to blur as he dodged the attack with ease.

"You haven't changed at all in the past few centuries, have you?" Sukuna said, "You jujutsu sorcerers never learn."

Gojo smiled, his expression one of calm amusement. "And you curses never seem to stay dead. But don't worry, I'll make sure to send you back to where you belong."

Sukuna's eyes narrowed, "You talk too much."

In a flash, Sukuna was behind Gojo, his hand raised for a devastating blow. But Gojo was already moving, his body twisting gracefully as he evaded the attack.

"You're going to have to do better than that," Gojo taunted.

Sukuna growled, and launched himself forward, his fists a blur as he unleashed a barrage of blows.

But Gojo was like a leaf in the wind, his body flowing around each attack with effortless grace. He seemed to be toying with Sukuna, a playful smile on his face as he danced around the cursed spirit's increasingly desperate strikes.

Suddenly, Gojo vanished, reappearing behind Sukuna in the blink of an eye. He delivered a devastating kick to Sukuna's back, sending him flying across the rooftop.

Sukuna crashed into the ground, his body leaving a crater in the concrete. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, but he was up in an instant, his eyes blazing with fury.

"I'll tear you apart," he snarled

Gojo's smile never wavered. "Eight... Nine... And that should do it."

Sukuna's eyes widened in disbelief. "Damn it!" he snarled. "Again? Why can't I seem to control this bra-" 

His words cut off abruptly as his eyes closed, then reopened. The cold, malevolent gaze was gone, replaced by the warm, confused eyes of Itadori.

"Oh?" Itadori blinked, looking around. "How did it go?"

Gojo smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. "How about that? So you really can control that guy."

Itadori tapped his head, his brow furrowed. "He's kind of annoying, to tell you the truth. And I keep hearing his voice."

Gojo walked up to Itadori, his expression turning serious. "It's a miracle that's all he's doing to you." 

Quickly, Gojo tapped two fingers against Itadori's forehead. Itadori's eyes rolled back, his body going limp. Gojo caught him effortlessly, lowering him gently to the ground.

I staggered to my feet, pain lancing through my body with every movement. "The hell are you doing to him?" I yelled, my voice raw with emotion.

Gojo turned to face me, his blindfolded gaze seeming to pierce right through me. "I just knocked him out," he said calmly. "If he wakes up as himself and not Sukuna, then he might have a chance as a vessel."

He paused, then turned to Megumi. "Now, I have two questions. Megumi, what do you think we should do with him?"

Megumi's face was a mask of concentration as he pondered the question. After a long moment, he spoke. "Well, even if he is a vessel, Jujutsu regulations state that we should execute him. But..." He hesitated, his eyes flickering to Itadori's unconscious form. "I don't want him to die."

Gojo cocked his head to the side. "Personal?"

Megumi nodded, "I suppose. So, can you save him?"

"Leave it to me!" 

He turned back to me, "Now, you. Would you like to join Tokyo Jujutsu Tech and become a sorcerer?"

I stared at him, my mind reeling. Join a school for sorcerers? Learn to control the power that now flowed through my veins? It seemed like a fantasy ripped straight from the pages of a manga.

But as I looked around at the destruction that surrounded us, at the unconscious form of my acquaintance who had become a vessel for an ancient, malevolent curse, I realized that this was my new reality. 

I had been given a second chance at life, a chance to make a difference in a world filled with dangers beyond my wildest imagination. And with the power of this weird system at my fingertips, I knew I had the potential to become something great.

"I'm in." 

Gojo grinned, his teeth flashing in the moonlight. "Excellent," he said, clapping his hands together. "Welcome to the world of Jujutsu sorcery, Kaito Murakami. It's going to be one hell of a ride."

Standing there on that shattered rooftop, surrounded by the wreckage of a battle between gods and monsters, I knew that truer words had never been spoken. My life would never be the same again - but somehow, I couldn't wait to see what the future held.

(A/N: I hope you like the chapter and for those wondering how the power scaling will work in this fanfic, here are Gojos stats if he had a system screen: 

[Name: Satoru Gojo

Title: The Honored One 

Grade: Special Grade

Level: Null


Limitless (Lvl Max)

Six Eyes (Lvl Max)

Reverse Curse Technique (Lvl Max)

Martial Arts (Lvl 98)

Simple Domain (Lvl Max) 

Black Flash 


Strength: SSS-

Agility: Z-

Endurance: SSS+

Vitality: SSS

Sense: Z+

Curse Energy: SS

Cursed Energy Control: Z+]

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