/ Video Games / A Sheep Among Demons (Shall We Date? Obey Me! Fanfiction)

A Sheep Among Demons (Shall We Date? Obey Me! Fanfiction) Langue source

A Sheep Among Demons (Shall We Date? Obey Me! Fanfiction)

Video Games 63 Chapitres 1.0M Affichage
Auteur: iika

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Yuki was just at home sleeping when all of a sudden he is in a school for demons due to an student exchange program. He has to be here for a year which should be easy but he keeps hearing a voice that calling out to him. Now he is involve in a whole demon family drama. Now he has to deal with this while making sure he doesn't get killed by any demons. His luck is just so bad. . .

General Audiences


  1. Adam_Cobb_8944
    Adam_Cobb_8944 Contribué 107
  2. NiDaMaDa
    NiDaMaDa Contribué 4
  3. Niza34
    Niza34 Contribué 2

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Vous aimerez peut-être aussi


  • Qualité de la traduction
  • Stabilité des mises à jour
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte du monde

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I am the wandering 5 star giver and i see your story has potential and is good imo so i give it 5 stars have a good day or night wherever you live or what time it is

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let me give you a review because?! why not!.............................................................................................................................

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Auteur iika