/ Fantasy / King Prodigy Immortal

King Prodigy Immortal Langue source

King Prodigy Immortal

Fantasy 30 Chapitres 60.5K Affichage
Auteur: EverAAlvaradoF

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Alex King was a regular college student who struggled with money to pay tuition, because he had to work to pay for his mother's medical expenses.
In a twist of fate, he met Lucy Williams, the proud daughter of the Williams family. The Williams family was planning the marriage between her and the Robinson family heir, Edward Robinson.
Lucy in an attempt to put an end to her family's plans, hired Alex to be her fake husband, and thus no longer worry about the Robinson family. All of this will get you into a lot of trouble that will not be easy to get rid of.
With his mother in the hospital, and the Robinson and Williams family standing in the way, Alex will have a tough time for a while.
However, all that changed after he encountered a strange homeless man in the park and discovered that he had been granted the "power of insight." His life changed from this moment on. His mind and body changed dramatically.
Everything that he had lived in his 20s was now amalgamated in such a way that it increased its level in all areas of his life. Learning has never been easier and, as the saying goes, knowledge is power. In this case, he now had access to a ton of unbridled power.
What's it like to become a "prodigy" overnight? Follow Alex King on this journey to discover the limitless possibilities ...

General Audiences


  1. Felix_Sibi
    Felix_Sibi Contribué 3
  2. EverAAlvaradoF
    EverAAlvaradoF Contribué 2
  3. Keenan_Davis_3994
    Keenan_Davis_3994 Contribué 1

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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