/ Celebrities / Light 7 - BTS reverse harem soulmate au

Light 7 - BTS reverse harem soulmate au Langue source

Light 7 - BTS reverse harem soulmate au

Celebrities 37 Chapitres 73.6K Affichage
Auteur: Diddlfanaat

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What if you're about to meet your Idols.

And one turns out to be your soulmate.

Would you be willing to risk it all, to have it all?

Soulmates in this universe share a mark, You can get it with a first kiss, but only one of you. The other has no clue, unless you tell them.

Nadja is about to find out, come and follow her journey

The only thing I own is the storyline.

A BTS soulmate au fanfic

BTS x Reader(sort of, just image yourself if you want, it's what I do :)

There'll be a lot, and I mean a lot of mature content, like talking about sex, profanities(maybe), swearing, smut, violence

So read at your own risk.

Oh and I'm new to writing, so it's absolutely not perfect. If you don't like it, then don't read it.

Have a happy life

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. Lucinda_Hacker
    Lucinda_Hacker Contribué 10
  2. Diddlfanaat
    Diddlfanaat Contribué 5
  3. Daoist788297
    Daoist788297 Contribué 4

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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Auteur Diddlfanaat