/ Book&Literature / Marrying The CEO- Jikook/Kookmin

Marrying The CEO- Jikook/Kookmin Langue source

Marrying The CEO- Jikook/Kookmin

Book&Literature 46 Chapitres 146.6K Affichage
Auteur: jikookmi_78

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where Jimin a student in a dance college and jungkook is the owner of that as well as so many places.

What happend between them that jimin had to marry jungkook?

General Audiences


  1. Ken_Nema
    Ken_Nema Contribué 2
  2. Janice_Miyake
    Janice_Miyake Contribué 1
  3. Adil_Butt
    Adil_Butt Contribué 1

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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Auteur jikookmi_78