/ Anime & Comics / Neon Genesis Evangelion: Another Ending

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Another Ending Langue source

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Another Ending

Anime & Comics 15 Chapitres 50.5K Affichage
Auteur: jackieaoi

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Aubrey Koike is a first year highschooler, who previously lived in the countryside of a post-second impact Japan.

He left his home, as he received a letter in his mail.

It told him he was selected for a strange government program, where he would pilot something called an… “Eva”.

General Audiences


  1. jackieaoi
    jackieaoi Contribué 15
  2. Devils_and_angels
    Devils_and_angels Contribué 10
  3. Red_Bell
    Red_Bell Contribué 1

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Vous aimerez peut-être aussi


  • Qualité de la traduction
  • Stabilité des mises à jour
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte du monde

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Honest review, the story has yet passed chapter one and they are quite bland, because they barely have any interaction with each other. I'll wait until the characters are more developed. I don't know what this will develop into, I don't know what will happen and that excites me. Keep up the good work.

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Auteur jackieaoi