/ Book&Literature / Ordeal of the Hopebringer: A Harry Potter Fanfiction

Ordeal of the Hopebringer: A Harry Potter Fanfiction Langue source

Ordeal of the Hopebringer: A Harry Potter Fanfiction

Book&Literature 111 Chapitres 1.7M Affichage
Auteur: mark_kiple

4.28 (41 audimat)

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“The Hopebringer they call him, his parents gave him to an orphanage, leaving him with only two letters, and a suitcase.”

-Richard Neil introducing Edgart Aldrich in the book “Ordeal of the Hopebringer”

-im not good at synopsis so i'm just gonna put that quote here-

Not a harem. Hermione x MC

Mc is op, sort of.

Eventual Crossover, not much though, maybe a couple of worlds.

i don't own harry potter

English isn't my first language, so I apologized if the grammar is a bit bad.

I don't know what to say here, I'm just doing this for fun.

also the owl art isn't mine, i forgot where i got it though

rated r18 for description of cruelty and probably sex scenes as well, who knows.

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. mark_kiple
    mark_kiple Contribué 114
  2. Qlippoth
    Qlippoth Contribué 81
  3. Yuukit
    Yuukit Contribué 14

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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  • Qualité de la traduction
  • Stabilité des mises à jour
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte du monde

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LV 14 Badge

The story so far is unique very different from the typical transmigrated or the OC fanfics i hope The author doesn’t make the MC a tag along or someone trying to fix all of Harry’s problems well until then im enjoyin it P.s. i so love that this isnt another addition to the gotta catch Them all collection i am so sick of harems its literally become something i simply refuse to read now

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background is interesting. but I really dislike the mc letting himself be manipulated by dumbledoor to help harry . its annoying seeing a should be alpha mc turn into a beta

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Story overall is not that bad but it just doesnt suit me so take what I say here with assumption that im a bit biased. Firstly the MC, his personality just ticks me off. He is constantly having mood swings, some parts act like gary stue mr perfect then swing to triggered raging salty child. A lot of what feels like forced drama and characters behaving wildly. Then the "romance" dear lord. this got as muvh drama as the soap operas middle aged housewife watches to waste their time, its simply annoying, distracting from the main attraction point of this fic which is world exploration, "special" magic and power tripping munchkinnery. instead we are shown annoying heroine triggering the mc and then making up and snogging. This gets repeated every few chapter whenever there is space for this bs. even during serious moments for action and adventure. its just repetitive, boring ans annoying. as i said, im probably biased. Just went through entire fic getting triggered by this heroine and her interaction with MC.

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kinda boring to me......reallly was waiting for a competent mc who is smart but bad it isn't.And too many ocs....I hate it.....and pairings are bad....I guess the author is hardcore emma Watson fan

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Book and plot is good but romance is real trash if you Bad at this dont add i make 3.4 if hermione part deleted directly 4.5 Daphne greengras is too mc is so good at Girls but bad at boys claddic chinese mc and he isnt clever all characters setted to ship mc and hermione All evils more idiot then mc He dont know wgat is low profile Say so big information to even dont know occulamcy characters And he is so unreadble he make desicions with his mood someone say him to mudblood but he dont say nothing and he is good for nothing but too egoist.... İts all 😄✨✨✨🌰

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i came here after read Marvel breazing through history. that book was amazing so I thought this one would be as well but I was disappointed. The MC says he doesn't want to interfere with trio but constantly keeps doing so. he says he has no feelings for 11 yrs harmoine but ends up simping and telling all the secrets like an idiot. Not what I expected from author who wrote the Marvel breazing through history.😔

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and well, we have a "mature" mc panicking and acting like a kid (he is, but it's been said since the first cap that he was mature and all that...besides the emotional control occlumency provides) it's alright. Of course the love interest as a Hermione. besides now being the golden quintet in place of the trio... spelling mistakes getting worse, these conversations sometimes don't even make sense (and it's getting worse with time, in the first chapter it was just a lack of comma. but now it's hard to read) 2,6⭐

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Very unique story. A novelty among all HP fanfictions. I highly recommend it for everyone who wants something new. Let's hope it doesn't get dropped. I sure am enjoying it. Keep it up author. [img=update][img=update][img=exp][img=exp]

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So far I'm enjoying this fanfic immensly.Fantastic story so far that is set to go to different worlds eventually, but drawn out enough to not feel rushed in HP world, which is probably my favorite fic world anyway.Hoping that the next worlds planned arent huge bumps in power so it becomes a nice progression.

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LV 14 Badge

I tried I really do but it's just not my cup of tea. Personally I believe that fanfic should not be retelling of the original plot just with extra person. He is doing whatever dumbles told him to do and babysit the plot No offense but it's not for me but great writing quality tho

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I read up to chapter 23, I don't know if it's personal preference, but mc didn't captivate me ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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This is one of the best, if not the very best Harry Potter fanfiction on webnovel. The updaterate is extreamly high and character development is very good. I had to just bing read it in one day, i absolutely recommend this book, Great work author, please don't drop it👍:)

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It was good until the witcher crossover part.... It's just I have never came across an author who could pull of multiverse kind of fanfic. Should have just stick to harry potter.

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i must say.... best hp fanfic... great mc and great heroine... realistic terms and the way the other worldly stuff was introduced is good...

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You know, I really tried reading it. Even though I already saw the signs from the first few chapters, even though I knew that from knowing the future to him being with hermione was a recipe for disaster but I still read it. And I can't take it anymore. It's not just the mc that is hypocritical, but also the story itself. It is so hypocritical that I don't even know what is the mc's role in the whole story.

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please upload new chapter s I LIKE STORY and character of mc is needed devlop beet

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I really enjoyed it. It was great and have unique intro among fanfic. It did not use any existing families as an heir or reborn with existing memory's of the past.

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did you make this or is this a translation? if it is is there a link?........................................................................

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Auteur mark_kiple