/ Anime & Comics / Ordverse Adventure

Ordverse Adventure Langue source

Ordverse Adventure

Anime & Comics 98 Chapitres 539.4K Affichage
Auteur: imperial_demon

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English is my main language, I'm just horrible at writing, I probably have a couple of questions at the start of this to figure out the direction, the world arcs might be small since I'm not good at writing but my school counselor encouraged me to try it, anyway. Also a sidenote is that im writing this story by the seat of my pants, I have no plans jus whatever comes to mind gets written down and turned into a chapter, so don't expect too much
The story of 18-year-old James who gets reincarnated into the Ordverse(Omniverse) by the True God, starting with harry potter for now
Percy Jackson belongs to Rick Riordan, Harry Potter Belongs to JK Rowling, and all respective worlds belong to their respective authors, publishing firms, editors, and whoever else has ownership in them

General Audiences


  1. imperial_demon
    imperial_demon Contribué 192
  2. TheDevilOfTheRhine
    TheDevilOfTheRhine Contribué 93
  3. shypunk
    shypunk Contribué 83

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Vous aimerez peut-être aussi


  • Qualité de la traduction
  • Stabilité des mises à jour
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte du monde

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Shameless author, not giving a 5-star review since I know it won't be five stars until I improve my writing skills, or somehow become great with development and making the chapters longer and without making them not drawn out.

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The writing quality is pretty good. The chapters come out once a day or something like that. The character is described nicely. The world background needs some more exploring. For example show the world you want to build more in the story like the magic and the people. The pacing has been good so far. And I just have been enjoying the story in general.

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