/ Anime & Comics / Pub owned by the sin of sloth

Pub owned by the sin of sloth Langue source

Pub owned by the sin of sloth

Anime & Comics 50 Chapitres 469.3K Affichage
Auteur: septimus_son

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The sin of sloth has a pub that connects all realities etc.

Parents Strongly Cautioned


  1. septimus_son
    septimus_son Contribué 147
  2. YourFriend1yReader
    YourFriend1yReader Contribué 70
  3. Reader_Chicken
    Reader_Chicken Contribué 14

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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  • Qualité de la traduction
  • Stabilité des mises à jour
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte du monde

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I say great i give 4 star just cus i havent read many omniversal shope kinda stuff and it interesting tho chapd too short but no hate tho its amezing in my opinion tho i relle read anything that i find funny

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Its pretty early so there is not much to review but non the less. I really look forward to seeing this progress! It is your first novel so I cant wait to see where you take it.

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I’ve read the first 13 chapters but I didn’t really vibe with it. So little was going on that I was bored out of my mind and only continued to see if anything would change. Aside from the few memes here and there I didn’t really find anything compelling… Author, I hope you continue writing and improving your craft.

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I think it's a good novel. I just hope it dosent get abandoned like most fanfic's. .

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Im not surprised that it got dropped. All the author done is just say whatever he want no story in a story what a joke

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You couldn’t get anything right son of sloth is supposed to be lazy and you had him saving people and partisapating in a tournament terrible character design you havent updated in 5 months and he supposed to be Based around his pub but most of this is outside of it.

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Auteur septimus_son