/ Book&Literature / Samurai Showdown with Kakashi

Samurai Showdown with Kakashi Langue source

Samurai Showdown with Kakashi

Book&Literature 79 Chapitres 404.1K Affichage
Auteur: WriterSaint

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The parents of a samurai boy from a cursed clan were killed by an Uchiha. In an attempt to one day take revenge, he decides to be the strongest while starting as the lowest grade of samurai. He can't seem to improve, however after a fight with Kakashi and a friendship with a female shinobi, he realizes he was looking at things the wrong way and makes major steps in becoming stronger. With fights against a samurai master, old legends and the Uchiha themselves, follow Roderick's journey to get revenge for his family, as well as his goal to beat Kakashi

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État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Vous aimerez peut-être aussi


  • Qualité de la traduction
  • Stabilité des mises à jour
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte du monde

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Trying to read this but the mc is extremely pathetic and is so arrogant over what could be said to be high genin skill at the very best It's so damn annoying how naive and stupid he is, he thinks out loud even in combat and shouts his moves so loud every damn kage in the world could hear him It's just so retarded that I don't think I could keep reading this, if anybody who has read further can tell me some spoilers I'll probably come back to see if it's worth my time or not

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This novel are so good ...................... .................. ................. ............................... .................. ......

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Good story............................................................................................#&^#^#^#$$^'^'^/'^#^'^';:"&"::::""""":";;:::;;";";,;;";;"",","",",,,,",",;,""",",",",:,",",,",:,",,",":,",

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Great side story wrote by a naruto fan showing how could it be the life of a young samurai from the Land of Iron, struggling to be stronger in a world of ninjas

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Childish 1d predictable mc 🤷‍♂️.

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Dont read if you hate power of love and friendship bull**** ... i regret reading it.. since i hate love and friendship bull****................ .....

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Auteur WriterSaint