/ Celebrities / Teleportation Trouble

Teleportation Trouble Langue source

Teleportation Trouble

Celebrities 47 Chapitres 50.0K Affichage
Auteur: Lover3

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An Indian girl gets teleported to Korea and ends up getting tangled with BTS!

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  1. Lover3
    Lover3 Contribué 2
  2. AH137
    AH137 Contribué 1
  3. Avatar

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LV 4 Badge

Loving it! It has a sweet plot twist. As until now we have only known the characters traveling from one universe to another or going from the modern age to the olden and vice versa. This is a total game changer and has created a new genre. Waiting for the update ♡(> ਊ <)♡

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Auteur Lover3