/ Others / The True Way To Cultivate

The True Way To Cultivate Langue source

The True Way To Cultivate

Others 8 Chapitres 176.3K Affichage
Auteur: The_Grey_Deity

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Feng Wei has been reincarnated into the world of immortal cultivators with a sign-in system. “Unfilial disciple! You want to go and search for opportunities? I will give you opportunities!"

(I am very lazy so chapters may take a while, but recently I have updating relatively often)

General Audiences


  1. The_Grey_Deity
    The_Grey_Deity Contribué 48
  2. Ozonelayer
    Ozonelayer Contribué 15
  3. Kuuhaku_0801
    Kuuhaku_0801 Contribué 11

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Vous aimerez peut-être aussi


  • Qualité de la traduction
  • Stabilité des mises à jour
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte du monde

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This is truly an excellent work of art. The characters are wonderfully created, the world building is fantastic, and the author updates so often it's crazy. This is truly the best thing I have ever read. The character's ups and downs have made me cry and made me jump with joy. I cannot put into words how good this is, so you need to read it to find out.

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You gave a bad review just because an author wrote a harem book so I am doing the same right now............................................

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almost everything is good at the moment, just the part where he told me about the system made me a little afraid, but other than that ++++++++++++++++±+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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