/ Anime & Comics / We Are The Vikings

We Are The Vikings Langue source

We Are The Vikings

Anime & Comics 21 Chapitres 169.3K Affichage

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Hedninger... a large landmass located at the farthest east from Atlas was a land filled with danger. Its location and existence is unknown to the masses of Remanent, and it was for a good cause.

The Grimm were never really a problem there, because it the people that inhabited that land were the most dangerous creatures there.

Vikings... That's what they call themselves. Descendants
of the seven great warriors of old. Worshipers of pagan Gods and in simple terms the most barbaric humans in Remanent.

For thousands of years Ozpin had frequently tried make contact with the Vikings, asking for help against his war against Salem. But it was almost impossible to do so, because the vikings were divided into many clans, and not every clan were in good terms with each other.

Years later he received a message that all the Viking clans were united and are are willing to send four of their young Vikings from four different clans to study at his Academy.

How will these four young Vikings fare in a land completely unknown to them. And what kind of Adventure will they face...

Read my story to find out.

( The Vikings in my story are loosely based from the Vikings in '' For Honour'' and from my wild imagination.

And also the cover picture is not mine. I found it on Pinterest. )

General Audiences


    SPECTER_BRO Contribué 20
  2. Ragpicker
    Ragpicker Contribué 15
  3. james1950
    james1950 Contribué 8

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Vous aimerez peut-être aussi


  • Qualité de la traduction
  • Stabilité des mises à jour
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte du monde

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Hedninger means heathen, weird name for a landmass but ok. Besides that, the story is interesting, I love Vikings so that's a plus, there are some grammar mistakes but that's also ok. Pretty good.

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1000 de 10 es fantástico exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp

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pretty good story a little more rough but amazing hope to see more chaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . snsnns

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Heh I hope you improve but pretty good nonetheless ....,....................................................................................

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