/ Anime & Comics / Who made me the princess's playmate in lovely princess?

Who made me the princess's playmate in lovely princess? Langue source

Who made me the princess's playmate in lovely princess?

Anime & Comics 99 Chapitres 140.4K Affichage
Auteur: Kindapassingby

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Hey guys this is a new fan-fic on who made me a princess, where the main character travels into the world of lovely princess and becomes the Princess's playmate and Athanacius's adopted daughter, in order to stop the fate of the lovely princess novel from uncovering...

General Audiences


  1. Kindapassingby
    Kindapassingby Contribué 10
  2. H_Man
    H_Man Contribué 3
    LADYSWEET Contribué 1

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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